Black Ride

Vol 5 Chapter 728: Under the armpit

The face expression under the Kazan mask changed slightly, and finally the corners of his mouth were calm.

"Dawson, you avoid it."

Dawson made a slight glimpse of Kazan and said, "Yes."

The door of the hall opens and closes. In the hall, only Kazan and Lois were left.

Hearing the sound of the closed door, Lois's indifferent expression melted a little, her lips rose slightly, and there were more emotions in the violet eyes.

Loy did not shy away from the throne ladder, except for Kazan, where Dawson’s deacon was able to set foot. She was only 155 cm tall and stood in front of Kazan, a little shorter than his sitting height.

Kazan stretched out a hand, and Lois put his little white hand up, and the other hand licked the skirt of the shed, and sat next to Kazan.

She and the card agreed to sit on a throne that symbolized power and power, and leaned her head against Kazan's chest.

"We have a hard time, Kazan." Lois whispered. Her white, gauzy face showed two extremely pale blushes, and a small right hand was placed in the wide palm of Kazan, and the thumb gently rubbed the palm of Kazan over and over again.

"Lois, this is a hard time." Kazan gently said. He is now talking about the softest voice, the face that has never been revealed in front of people other than Lois. His voice is no longer cold, even if it is hoarse.

"For you, not hard." Lois shrank back into the throne, and bent his legs to the throne.

Kazan breathed a sigh of relief: "The result..."

"What did Lois do, when did you get it?" Lois confidently filled her body, and her movements softened. The petite body completely leaned into Kazan’s arms. "The report was slightly delayed. Ok, are we going to the palace?"

Kazan liked the kitten and touched Lois’s head: "Okay."

The next second, Kazan holding Lois instantly disappeared over the throne. The entire main hall was empty and the light from the crystals was extinguished.


The door of the pale palace. Wu Qi followed the fourth to make Harvey out of the pale palace. Wu Qi remembered the route from the inside to the outside, and repeatedly deepened his impression in the brain until he carved a road map inside the building.

This road map only completed the initial one. For a long time, Wu Qi had the opportunity to expand the map until he knew the map of the pale palace.

He also remembered the place where the skeletal mask guards guarded along the road. There are not only those big men in the pale palace, but also many guards and servants. This also confirms his original conjecture. The pale palace is so huge that he certainly has lived a lot of people.

The crowds made goodbye to each other, or the flying or scorpion disappeared in place. Wu Qi asked: "Havi, adult, where are we going?"

Harvey spoke openly, his voice was particularly low: "Follow me."

Wu Qi nodded. It is expected that the next moment Harvey will helplessly run out and rush out. In a blink of an eye, there is only one back of the palm, and there are not many desert dusts along the way.

Wu Qi was shocked. Harvey's speed, he only has to display 100% of the ancestral power to catch up. He decisively summoned all the scales and shot them out before the cover of the scales covering the body.

Wu Qi chased Harvey along the path that Harvey ran. His legs swayed swiftly, and a barrier broke through the wind, fiercely accelerating to 270 kilometers per hour.

Harvey’s back began to magnify in front of Wu Qi’s eyes, and Wu Qi’s heart was relieved. He quickly caught up with Harvey, but he was only 10 in the position of Harvey.

At this time, Wu Qi suddenly found that Harvey's running posture was a bit strange. Harvey himself is a giant with a slight back, running and saying that the back will be straight, but Harvey does not.

His running posture looks like walking.

"Following very fast." Harvey said with a dull feeling.

Wu Qi spoke for the first time in full-speed running: "Havi, maybe it's short-sighted, you won't walk?"


Harvey’s faint words were like a thunder in Wu Qi’s ear. His next sentence was: “Then I will take a few steps.”

Wu Qi still did not react, Harvey accelerated in an instant, as if flying away. Wu Qi’s heart subconsciously smashed the word “wait”. He was shocked and unbelievable, unable to continue to swing his legs over speed, and try his best to accelerate.

After a while, Wu Qi broke a little speed limit and ran to 275 kilometers per hour. The speed of 275 kilometers per hour is twice as fast as 270 kilometers per hour. He is forced to run above the limit, at the cost of not being able to run for a long time.

It is dangerous to consume physical energy below a certain limit, and it is also true for the physical characteristics of the corpse. Wu Qi had to lower some speed and ran along the traces left by Harvey.

After a quarter of an hour, Wu Qi’s vision finally reappeared Harvey’s figure. He used the exposed body to consume the exposed wolverine, converge deep breathing and ran close to Harvey, who had already waited in the place.

Harvey said: "Your speed is about 270 kilometers per hour, but there is no shadow of the third-order speed ability on the body, relying on the power brought by these scales."

Wu Qi couldn't say no, he had to admit: "Yes."

Before catching up with Harvey, Wu Qi thought that his strength had evolved to a new level. First see the fourth-order plant plague species king of the ancient tree and kill it, volley shot down the empty whale, hard to force the limbs. Which of these three achievements is not terrible, and these achievements combined with the experience of cutting down the throne of life on the battlefield, let Wu Qi feel that his comprehensive combat power is only under the thirteenth throne.

Kazan is the throne of thirteenth If it is not Kazan who can directly control the life of the corpse, even if he can't win, there is always room for a battle. The six seats under Kazan’s seat are one or two lower than him, and they should be comparable to themselves.

All of Wu Qi’s ex ante analysis is worthless in the “test” of Harvey’s speed. This test can not even be called a test, because Harvey did not seriously "walking state", almost the same as his full speed sprint.

In a "body speed" of a basic physical ability, the other side is unilaterally crushed, and the speed limit of the other side is far from being seen. With this prophet intelligence, there is no need to try the melee matchup. The result is that 90% is lost.

When Wu Qi thought quietly, Harvey turned and turned his back to Wu Qi.

"Remember this result." Harvey’s voice was low, and listening to Wu Qi’er’s side seemed to have a deep meaning, as if he had seen it early.

Wu Qi's obsidian eyes flashed, slightly squatting, nodding his head.

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