Black Ride

Vol 5 Chapter 730: Under the hunting team

Wu Qi followed the team of the hunting team. The hunting team went all the way north, and walked about 2 kilometers, stopping in an empty desert.

"Line up!"

Harvey stood shoulder-to-hand and stood in the distance. The person responsible for giving orders is the Werewolf Lykaon.

Leicaon is not only the only hunter in the hunting team who speaks fluent human language except Harvey, but also the second-in-command of the hunting team.

Wu Qi Gu Pan, the hunting team's hunters moved into two sides to move to the northwest. After a long while, the station will form a queue of one-to-one separated by 200 meters; the hunters in the same column will be 40 meters apart.

Wu Qi can also understand what the training of the hunting team is. It only follows the hunter who moves to the east and stands in the east.

"The first group is paired, 200 meters."

Lekaon gave orders and quickly moved to the position 200 meters opposite Wu Qi. The hunting team's hunter plus Wu Qi is just 76 people, and now consists of 38 groups, no more than one.

Harvey stood on the top of the head and gambled "beginning." Immediately, the hunters of the West column raised the longbow and took a wooden arrow from the quiver and placed it on the bow.

Pull the string, aim, and shoot!

When it was said that it was too late, the direction of the west shot 38 lightning-fast shadows! The black pressed arrow shadows the sky, and the air reaches the east column only for a moment.

Wu Qizhen saw the spectacular scene next to him, and immediately pointed his eyes to the werewolf Lycaon, 200 meters away.

Lekaon's bow has not yet shot, he deliberately slowed down and gave Wu Qi time to see the training content. When Wu Qi's gaze shifted over, he gave Wu Qi a look, and then his fingers slammed into a string, and the slender wooden arrow slammed into the wind!

Wu Qi knows the training content of the hunting team. The way they practice bowing is not in accordance with common sense. They do not hit the target and do not prey, and directly use the living person as the training target. Even if the arrow uses wooden arrows, whether it is the craft of creating arrows or the quality of the materials, this wooden arrow is enough to cause human life damage.

Here, the arrows that each hunter shoots toward the companion of the pair are carrying the light and the momentum of the opponent’s heart.

This life-and-death training can be dead if the strength falls!

Wu Qi’s eyes wide open, and in a very short period of 0.1 seconds, he concentrated the concentration of 120,000 points to lock the arrow that Lekaon shot. The grandiose scales that turned out of the skin swayed like a shallow wave to Wu Qi. Most of the body.

His dynamic vision has captured the arrow of Lecan, and the hunter feels the same moment!

The opponent's aiming position is...

Wu Qi’s footsteps are moving, and he is trying to dodge the arrow that is on his way. His entire torso erupted with the same intensity of current, as if the arrow could hit his entire torso like a cannonball.

Wu Qi’s pupil suddenly shrank, because at the moment when his hunter felt a reaction, the arrow that had been captured by his dynamic vision disappeared out of thin air!

At this critical moment of the millennium, I actually lost the arrow. Wu Qi was shocked to add, but the arrow was flying very fast, and there was no time for him to capture the shadow of the arrow for the second time.

Wu Qi stepped on the electric foot to avoid the flash, the next second chest was hit by a shell! The impact of terror penetrated Wu Qi’s entire body, and the kinetic energy released almost broke Wu Qi’s waist forward.

Wu Qi’s brain is blank. Half an second after he was shot by the arrow through the left chest, he suddenly woke up, and immediately forced the posture in the air, let the body fall to the ground in advance, and plowed a sand mark on the desert surface.

The thick dust was scattered, and Wu Qi coughed and climbed from the end of the sand mark. When he stood up again and looked up, he was shocked to find that he was led by this arrow and flew out more than 30 meters.

The pain of being late was filled with Wu Qi’s chest. Wu Qi bit his teeth, and the right hand grasped the wooden arrow shaft running through his chest and heart. The five fingers clenched and then folded it into two halves.

There were several hunters in the hunting team who looked over Wu Qi. They didn't look at it for a long time, and soon turned their heads to continue training. Each of their hunters' movements is like a model carved out in a mold, drawing arrows and bowing, aiming at Xi Lie's opponents.

Wu Qi subconsciously glanced at the hunter near the east side of his side. None of the other 37 hunters fell or even injured. Their movements are aiming at the bow in a uniform manner, and the next second is a powerful arrow for Xi Li’s opponents.

Wu Qi’s palms and arms twitched. He is telling him in his heart that he must not drop the training progress at the beginning. He took his legs and quickly ran back to the standard station at Dongli, and he locked the opposite Lekaon.

Lycaon waved Wu Qiqi far away and his mouth was talking about something. Wu Qi can understand the lip language of the wolf mouth, but Lekaon means he can not guess.

Wu Qi estimated that Lycaon was asking him if he could continue with the arrow. He snorted and proved his choice with action.

Wu Qi raised his bow and took the arrow, and used the power of the returning ancestor to pull a stable bow. The physique of the corpse is just that. Even if the chest is shot together with the heart, the person can still move freely and the strength of the limbs is not even weakened.

Breathing in the air, Wu Qi recalled in a short time that Lekaon had just a ghost. He didn't know what tricks were hidden in the arrow that could confuse his hunter's sense of instinct and straight flight, but he could sink his heart to the extreme and aim at Leicaon's heart.

call out. Wu Qijin shot an arrow and flew away. His eyes stared at the shadow of the arrow he shot. Finally, he watched the arrow be perfectly avoided by Lekaon on the side of the heart of Leicaon.

Lekaon had no wounds on his body. This is enough to show that Lycaon perfectly judges his arrow trajectory. If the hunter's direct sense is offset, the lycian 80% senses the position of the arrow at a safe distance.

Wu Qi brows his wrinkles, he can't believe that the hunter of the Werewolf Lycaon feels far beyond himself.

It’s not that Wu Qi is proud. He is not the opponent of Kazan. He is completely crushed by Harvey. Now the "opponent" has been downgraded to the second team of the hunting team, and he has fallen to a werewolf who he can fully solve and can easily solve; Wu Qi does not believe that the other side can gain a condescending advantage in the field of hunter's direct sense.

Seeing that Leicaon is ready to shoot the second arrow, Wu Qi’s mind flashes: “It’s not a problem with the arrow, it’s not a hunter’s sense of sight, it’s the technique of archery!” Lekaon said, 'The rules of Harvey’s hunting team are All hunters must use bows and arrows in hunting. I'm afraid more than this guy, the hunting and hunting of the entire hunting team has problems!"

Wu Qi became more and more sure of his own conjecture. But he didn't have time to continue thinking about it, because Leicaon's fingers were already loose.

Wu Qi did not see the arrow from Lekaon from the beginning. He didn't panic. He poured the whole body spirit and spread the sensory net toward the front. He was no longer limited to looking for arrows with his eyes. The air flow changed and the wind The sound was included in the factors that locked the arrow trajectory.

The strong sense of current that the hunter instincts picked up on the surface of the body was ignored by Wu Qi. He raised the sensitivity of the perception network to the extreme, and at a certain moment, he sensed the arrow that broke into the "net."

At the foot of Wu Qi, there seemed to be a thunder burst. He jumped to the limit and flashed his head. At the same time, the arrow of his body broke into the range of his body.

There seems to be a force in the silence that suddenly strengthens Wu Qi's sensory sensitivity. Wu Qi feels that the flow of time around the body seems to be 10 times slower. He can clearly see the arrow traversing his right chest - the speed of the arrow is also 10 times slower.

Wu Qi’s own body movement is equally slow. This is not the slowing of the flow of time, but the super-perceived state that people have a probability when they are extremely dangerous. He now happens to be mistakenly hit into this wonderful state.

How long does the super-perceive state last? Wu Qi has no bottom. He simply seized the time and tried to observe the mystery of the strange arrows on the arrows flying at close range.

"what is this?"

Wu Qi’s eyes are slightly wide, and his obsidian eyes reveal an unbelievable feeling. I don’t know if my eyes are seeing real things or illusions.

Immediately after the end of the super-perceived state, the arrowhead of the presence shot Wu Qi’s right chest. Although Wu Qi tried her best to perceive it, she did her best to make an evasive action, but she still could not completely open the arrow.

The majestic powers rushed into Wu Qi’s body like a sea. Wu Qi sensed that the body that was almost to fall apart knew that Lekaon had no water in the second arrow because he had the first arrow.

A bang. Wu Qi’s wounded body fell heavily on the desert land, and he saw the sky of the night.

After a pause, Wu Qi spit out the blood in his mouth, and his hands supported the body to climb again. This time, he was too lazy to pull the arrow piercing his chest, and went straight back to the standard archery The other hunters of the training group have already reached the 4th round, which is already Start the 5th round. Wu Qi is only halfway through the second round.

Wu Qi certainly knows how much time his two arrows have slowed down, and the skilled hunter has no injuries to the training team. The time gap is thus opened.

Be sure to avoid it next time!

Wu Qi with his determination to fill his chest, his eyes open and shoot. He raised his bow and arrow, precipitated his mind, dispatched his power, and shot his second arrow to Leica.

A quiver has a total of 20 wooden arrows, and the arrow in the quiver is used up to recover the arrow. After the recovery training, the second group - the distance of 300 meters.

The first group of 200 meters to practice, the number of arrows in Wu Qi's body is 20 complete.

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