Black Ride

Vol 5 Chapter 786: Kill the heart

When a person's heartbreaking happens to be the least sensitive to the enemy's killing, this time there will be a flaw.

When the energy information exposed by the Thunder's gun cage changed a little, Wu Qi started the "super-sensing" state at the fastest speed, and calculated the most suitable time to escape the Thunder cage and get it right in Tianwei. The route of the blind spot of Gulong. His speed sprint speed escaped Zhuo Zhuo more than enough, and then immediately exited the range of the "sensing network" of Tianwei Gulong, and the acceleration of vertical subduction to the sky was so fast that Tianwei Gulong could not sense it. Its wings. Escape, hide, and raid, Wu Qi's series of actions to deal with Tianwei Gulong will kill the move. Any one of his links would be a word of death, and Wu Qi did not show a trace of it.

This requires not only superb ability, but also a rocky mind that does not move.

Just as Wu Qi is in the state of returning to the ancestors, the most important thing is to be calm.

Wu Qi is sitting in the eyes of Tianwei Gulong, and then launches an assault on Tianwei Gulongmen. He scared Tianwei Gulong out of shock, and the reflexive action was to use a giant Thunder gun to block Wu Qi’s rushing route.

These defensive actions are simply flawed in Wu Qi's perceptual calculations. Tianwei Gulong can only rely on the left wing after losing half of the right wing. In this laborious situation, the movement of the whole body muscle is doubled. Wu Qi can even predict the action of Tianwei Gulong two seconds later.

Wu Qi's figure flicked through the gun body of a giant Thundergun. The attacking head is only attacking, and his next goal is still the wings.

Another crescent knife running through the sky flashed, and the left wing of Tianwei Gulong was cut into two halves by a knife.

Tianwei Gulong screamed in the sky, and his two claws raised Wu Qi, a spur of the giant Thunder. However, after the gun was stabbed, it would no longer be able to stab Wu Qi.

Wu Qi flew to the far side without saying anything. Tianwei Gulong's wings have been broken, no matter how hard to fan the wings, the power of the residual wing is not enough to continue to support it to fly in the air.

Wu Qi watched Tianwei Gulong fall to the ground and listened to the empty scorched earth and sighed heavily. Then the smoke and dust began to rise, and Tianwei Gulong squatted on both feet before returning to balance.

The giant Thunder's gun produced a clear separation after the landing of Tianwei Gulong. The arc of the Thunder's gun surface continually jumped away from the gun body. Even if it disappeared into the air, it was "unwilling" to maintain high density. Compressed state.

This is proof that Tianwei Gulong’s power to control lightning has dropped dramatically.

Suspended Wu Qi looked down at Tianwei Gulong with his cold and indifferent eyes. Tianwei Gulong couldn't stop the collapse of the giant Thunder's gun, but he also had to bear Wu Qi's acupuncture-like gaze.

The strong psychological contrast has become a nutrient that was previously planted to fear the rapid growth of seeds. Tianwei Gulong slightly lowered his head and secretly gnashed his teeth.

Throughout the situation, Wu Qi has gained a huge advantage, but he knows that this battle will not be as simple as slipping to the end. The energy of the Tianwei Gulong body reveals that it still has the information of desperate spare power.

Wu Qi’s left palm condensed a group of blood taken from the wings of Tianwei Gulong. He took the blood down and immediately showed the revelation of the wilderness.

The discovery of the revelation of the wilderness **** gives back to Wu Qi's answer. As he expected, the wings of Tianwei Gulong have two mesh-shaped mutated organs that are closely attached to the musculoskeletal, and there are a large number of them. Additional neural network with ultra-density compression current and enhanced power handling precision.

Today's "electricity increase" variants are cut in half by each of them, and are scrapped before the wings are regenerated. In addition, he also obtained other life information of Tianwei Gulong, which contained the physiological characteristics common to the Gulong people.

After the adulthood, the ancient dragons will naturally reach the level of the third-order life. The head will naturally generate a piece of "storage energy crystal", which is known as "Longzhen jade". The function of "Long Zhen Yu" is similar to that of the third-order mutated organ type "storage crystallization". One of the disadvantages is that the destruction will lead to the ecological disorder of the ecstasy virus in the Gulong people, which is equivalent to temporarily destroying this. The activity ability of the Gulong people.

The extraordinarily strong individual of the Gulong people is the individual with a "Long Zhen Yu" in the joint of the hip joint. The more than one piece of the "Long Zhenyu" Gulong people will double their energy limit, and the cost is one more than the Achilles heel.

The most direct way for Wu Qi to win is to destroy Long Zhenyu of Tianwei Gulong.

Wu Qifei wraps around Tianwei Gulong in the air at a constant speed. Tianwei Gulong looks up and sees Wu Qizheng moving to the back of it, facing the border of Bailing.

Tianwei Gulong’s spirit is tense, and his eyes are locked in the next move of Wu Qi.

At some point, Wu Qi changed his posture and lifted his legs in the air. The gaseous energy injected in the vertical direction of the sole suddenly changed to the direction of horizontal injection.

The powerful driving force will spray Wu Qi out dozens of meters away! Tianwei Gulong had already expected the possibility that Wu Qi would suddenly escape, but when the possibility became a reality, it could not hold back.

Tianwei Gulong raised the Thunder's gun and went all out to the front. The throwing empty Thunder's gun instantly surpassed Wu Qi's position and disintegrated in front of Wu Qi, igniting the silver light and the illuminating full vision. A great range of high intensity energy torrents!

The thunder of the thunder in the sky swallowed Wu Qi’s figure in the blink of an eye. On the ground, Tianwei Gulong, who threw the Thunder's gun, directly hit the ground with two claws. Its limbs are slender and strong like a mountain. Even if you don't rely on the wings to move on the surface, the speed is exaggerated. It is like a silvery hill rumbling and shaking.

Tianwei Gulong's ground running speed is of course less than Wu Qi's flight speed It is the shot of the Thunderbolt that is detonated to block Wu Qiyi.

At this time, Tianwei Gulong’s “electrical network” responded. Wu Qi emerged from the bottom of the Thunder Wheel and fell straight to the forest on the ground. There was a lot of electric arc around him, and it seemed to have been attacked by the energy torrent that was detonated by the Thunder's gun.

After Tian Wei Gu Long saw Wu Qizhong’s move, the frontal movements of the limbs could not help but be more rapid. Wu Qi immediately re-adjusted the posture during the fall, and the jet of gaseous energy behind it slanted into the lush forest area ahead.

This is normal. If this series of moves that had been preceded by Thunder's gun cages could be underestimated, the corpse was suddenly planted under the explosive power of the Thunder's gun, but it could not believe it.

"No matter how good you have done before, you can't do it now!" Tianwei Gulong self-respect once again climbed back to the high point. Because time proves that it is the one that is overpowering, and the enemy who wants to "slaughter the dragon" is a big jumper!

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