Black Ride

Vol 5 Chapter 793: As scheduled

"In the next seven thrones, only Niegar did not send troops to attack the human base, which is the biggest reason why the throne does not shelter Niegar."

After Kazan finished this sentence, Wu Qi no expression, calmly said the words "I am not an adult".

Kazan’s gaze stayed extra on Wu Qi and Hiram, and then said: “Heilham, Wu Qi, then the real war. Especially Hiram, you must always sneak into the silver sand desert. Nigel's spy. Although this woman has caught my trap, it does not mean that she and her men are a fool who doesn't know how to fight back."

"Yes, adults."

"And Wu Qi. You can go back to the hunting team, but if Hiram has a mission to call you out, you need to obey Hearham's instructions unconditionally."

Wu Qi nodded: "Yes."

Kazan waved his hand: "You can retire."

After Hiram and Wu Qi retired, Kazan called the third to make the Ark Kerr and the fifth to make the bone shell, arranged a series of inspecting spies and strictly observing the territory. The two ambassadors started the operation directly after accepting the order. In the evening, the number of communication crows flying on the silver sand desert was twice as large, and countless soldiers wearing bone masks sneaked into the silver sand.


The time is slightly pushed forward on the other side, the sky of the island of Braun.

Over the top of the ancient tree Titan, a dark little dot flew from the distant sky. His figure continued to grow, and later it grew to a small figure.

The tenth throne, Nigel, fanned the dark and evil spines of the thorns, and lifted the Tianwei Gulong, who had just awakened from the coma but had not recovered his body. She flew directly to the sky above the silver crystal mountain with the Tianwei Gulong Trail, and went deep into the valley and then went to the white crystal throne of the lotus-like mountain wall.

Niegar looked down at the bottom, then continued to fly, and soon came to the "end" of the mountain of silver crystal. It was a "Tianzhu" that stretched from the bottom of the mountain of silver crystals and extended to the endless sky. The Tianzhu body is wrapped in the same silver crystal texture as the silver crystal mountain. In fact, it is an extension of the ancient tree Titan.

The higher airspace is no longer a place that ordinary flyers can reach. The air pressure and the extremely high concentration of energy light particles that are different from the ground are difficult to bear even for the dragons of the Gulong people. The strength of the field that can fly above the silver crystal pillar is only the ancestor of the ancient dragons.

The airspace above the silver crystal pillar is not only high-rise and close to the cloud, it is the practice and rest of the Tianwei Gulong.

The high-speed airflow continued to push down, rushing past the air of Nigel and Tianwei Gulong sideways. Niegar fanned the "small wings" that could not match the size of Tianwei Gulong's wings. It was easy to fly with the huge and heavy dragon of Tianwei Gulong.

At a certain moment, Niegar flew up to the top of the silver crystal pillar. The silver pillar that has been constantly expanding in the field of vision disappeared and was replaced by an open and bright silver dragon's nest.

Here is the silver dragon's nest which is also the top branch of the ancient tree Titan. Massive silver-lighted crystals cover the top branches of the ancient tree Titan, and the long and long crystal columns cross over and over, creating a habitat that is not particularly small.

Niegar flew to the center of the Silver Dragon Nest and gently placed Tianwei Gulong into the Dragon Nest. She also fell to the ground, folded back and folded the shape of the wild spine. As soon as the thorny magic wing was withdrawn, Niegar’s temperament suddenly changed back to the original gentle end. A white gauze dress and a white veil are combined with a blown-out wheat-colored skin and a beautiful face, which is as beautiful as a bride in a wedding dress.

Tianwei Gu Long opened his eyes, and his eyes revealed no more arrogance and majesty, but frustration, unwillingness, and deep self-blame.

Tianwei Gulong light Qilongkou, the voice is very lonely: "Niegar adults, Tianwei incompetent, to shame you."

Niegar did not blame Tianwei Gu Long for hating it, and his face did not show a little disappointment. She reached out to the nose of Tianwei Gulong and gently stroked it like a stroke to the injured child's head.

"Since things have happened, we can't rewrite the past, then meditate and hurt. You have been ruined a dragon, and it is best to rest quietly in the nest, before I allow you to fight, not Be realistic with any life."

Tianwei Gulongxue: "Negal, how can this be! The despicable Kazan sent a subordinate to invade our parables, and they did not shoot. It was deliberately forcing us to start with him first. Now it is you. When we need these subordinates to help you share your worries, at the crucial moment, my first place is to enable Tianwei to watch the fire across the bank."

Niegar smiled softly: "This is not a problem that does not need you. Since the thirteenth throne at the end of his ranking wants to fight against the forest of Braun and fight against me, I have no reason not to give him a meal. The bitterness of sorrow. To get him out of the apocalyptic abyss, eternal life can never enter here!"

"Adult, you don't really want to use the 'Apocalypse Order'..." Tianwei Gulong was terrified.

It is not without believing that Niegar and Kazan will lose, and its primary consideration is the risk that Niegar will bear when using the "Apocalypse Order." That is to let yourself be at the corner of the edge of the abyss cliff, and then kick the enemy from the cliff corner to the gambling battle of the abyss.

If you are not afraid of 10,000, you will be afraid of it. If Niegar and Kazan fight for ten times and win nine times, the only one that loses becomes a reality, and the result will be unimaginable.

Niegar gently and firmly "hmm", she said: "The reason for using the 'Apocalypse Order' is very good, the Emperor will definitely agree. And I can not lose to him."

There is no more convenient solution to Kazan than using the "Apocalypse Order". Kazan is a locust growing in a gutter. Every time he gives him a little time and opportunity, he will stick to the sacral bones with strong reproductive ability, causing incalculable trauma to the forest of Braun.

She can indeed play a chess matchup with Kazan, with the silver sand desert and the Bailingsen as the chessboard, infiltrating each other, launching a large number of small-scale fights, and finally developing into a war to decide the outcome. In the previous stage, she did not think that she had never done it before, but at that time, Kazan sent people to penetrate the spirit of Bailing, and the degree of tearing of the face was not so bright. As for the stage of war, she never wanted to look at the scene. Become a reality.

Moreover, it is too cheap to take the rich forest and the war in the desert of Kazan. She is the king with a higher seat, how can she be afraid of a terminal throne. It is a cowardly king who is not personally shot by the enemy's king, or a hero who defends the territory, the security of his genius and the dignity of the hero. This problem has already appeared in the same moment in her mind. The answer is.

What Tianwei Gulong wanted to say, moved his claws subconsciously. Niegar immediately pressed and held it: "Don't listen to me? I ask you to rest and rest, this is the order."

"Niegar adults, Tianwei knows that you have made a decision in your heart, and you are unwavering. But I still ask Rong Tianwei to say a few words. Kazan’s war on the forest of Bailing is not enough to get any benefit, the only thing What makes him profitable is the 'Apocalypse Order'! As the next throne, he can not only enjoy the rule of protection from death, but once he wins, he can win the ownership of your 'tenth seat' and the territory of Braun. There is a way to make Kazan defeated. Tianwei and the crowds led the army to give Kazan’s powers a head-on attack. Our army of the spirits of the Bailings is infinitely strong and will surely fight the power of Kazan."

The Tianwei Gulong sentence comes from the lungs. It hates Kazan very much, hates him for adding trouble to Niegar, and honestly hopes that he will die, and exile is too light. Moreover, there is iron in the apocalyptic abyss, "there is no smuggling between the thrones," and there is no law that "the life of the throne cannot kill the throne."

The incompetence of the subordinates should not be borne by the owner.

Niegar was silent for a moment and immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Tianwei Gulong did not know if it was a sigh.

"There is a very simple logic, no one will not know. But 'Tianwei', there is a very important factor in your coping method. Without it, even if anyone can always stay in the high position, it will gradually become unworthy. ”

In the eyes of Niegar's amber eyes, there was fearless courage and fighting spirit. She took her hand from the nose of Tianwei Gulong and grasped it as a pair of dragon claws, as if holding an invisible treasure in her hand. .

"'Courage'! Courage is the soul of life. This sentence applies to all life under the sun. Tianwei, if you lose it on a certain day, I will not let the courage of more strength and courage Replace your location, remember!"

Tianwei Gulong stared deeply at the person he admired. It hanged down the dragon head and slammed it back to the ground.

"Tianwei is obeying the adults."

Niegar turned and left. She stretched out the spiny wing again and flew away from the silver dragon's nest.

In the early morning of the next day, the palace of the pale palace.

The center of the big palace is a huge luxurious rose two sides of the king bed hang down the pink curtains, blocking the light from the only glowing crystal in the room.

Kazan’s exterior was completely covered, and half of the quilt was placed against the soft pillow on the bed.

His face and body are hidden in the shadows, only a hint of outline.

Lois, who just got up, was finishing the haircut before the vanity mirror. The two people in the room were very quiet. At this time, the window suddenly flew in and the arrow-shaped energy body penetrated the window and took the Kazan on the bed!

Lois in the dressing glanced, rushed to the middle of the unknown energy body and Kazan, and quickly released an energy shield to intercept the unknown energy body.

Lois is preparing to punish the unidentified energy body, and Kazan smashed her hand over Lois's waist and hugged her.

"Don't be nervous, the things I wait for are finally here."

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