Black Ride

Vol 5 Chapter 798: Bottom card and bottom card

At the moment of the completion of the "Vulcan train", the linear speed broke the 350-kilometer mark at a moment, and the enemy caught by it could not hide where it was! Kazan, who is the body of the "Vulcan train", also has a large amount of reticular black material on the surface of the body, which greatly strengthens the hardness of his body surface.

The combination of "Ghost Deification" and the "Frenzy Plague" of 100% play, Kazan is also the first time to display.

Niegar is such an enemy worthy of his hidden cards!

Strong winds rushed, Kazan's strong offensive at this moment even made Nieer produce a illusion of deceiving her light that was put into her eyes.

If there is no collision, it will bring the crushing power of the opponent who should be the same level of the line. This is enough for her to fail to bear the consequences of being hit by the Vulcan train without any action.

When it was said that it was late, the amber eyelids that were reflected by the purple and black and white tri-colors changed at the moment when the flames were completely covered. The human round eyelids of Niegar suddenly elongated into a line, transforming. The cockroach for reptile creatures!

Heaven and earth scream! Because of the overwhelming impact, the high-altitude energy rapids column straight through the sky above the top of the Tianqi Mountain, sweeping the three-colored ghost fires in all directions like a flame frenzy flooding the edge of the mountaintop plain. The throne sits in the real world outside the enchantment, and also witnessed the energy beam of the rising sky, and was completely "flooded" by the flame frenzy caused by the blast of the Vulcan train.

The power of the throne is supreme in the apocalyptic abyss. For a fourth-order life like him, it is simple to explore a third-order peak life with a few pounds.

Every super life has reached the throne of the thirteenth throne. When the thrones have understood their caps of power, but after that the thrones have mastered what new power, the upper limit of the ability is up to the extent, in fact, more situations are only The throne knows for himself. Although the throne is the supreme, it is not the omnipotent god.

When a "Apocalypse Order" was launched, in fact, the Emperor could know the upper limit of the power of the two thrones at the same time, and predicted how far they were from the ultimate threshold of the fourth-order dream of countless lives.

The eyes of the Emperor were obscured by the three-colored fires that could not be burned by his full field of vision. He carefully ran through the three-colored wildfires of his body, and his inner evaluation of the plague throne Kazan was much higher.

The inner evaluation of the throne and the distance from Kazan to the ultimate threshold are completely incomplete. It is only the strength of Kazan and the seat of the thirteenth and the throne of the plague. He was slightly surprised.

At the foot of the mountain at Tianqi Mountain, the cursed throne and the fourth throne stand side by side in the yellow sand dance. The top of the mountain was hot, but for them, the time was actually less than a minute.

"Freig, I am going to wait for Kazan. What are you going to do?" The curse throne suddenly asked.

The fourth throne, Frege's response is like the starry sky he wore. It is mysterious and calm: "I am waiting for the command of the emperor. The 'Apocalypse Order' is over, and I will open the door of the void to win. Return, the loser exiles."

Cursed the throne and smiled: "Freig, the result you said is a bit strange."

"How strange?" Frege said sideways. His two sentences are exactly the same. One sentence is that the statement is a rhetorical question, but the tone is not the same as the copy. Continuous listening can not help but give people a sense of strangeness in talking with the stars.

The Curse of the Throne pointed out: "The slain is exiled." If Niegar fails, then you don't need to send her. Kazan will send her a ride for you."

Frege seems to laugh and laugh, and the tone is still unchanged. "No, the winner will only be Niegar."

The curse of the throne was unpleasant, and he simply turned around and two eyes cast on Frege, as if to see the clues of Frege and Nigel.

"It's weird to say this. You don't know Kazan. How can you be 100% sure of the winner of the 'Apocalypse Order' only by the seat of the king or your understanding of Nigel?"

Frege was not moved by the words of the curse of the throne. He does not argue with the cursed throne, nor does he refute. He is only looking back in the direction of the front, calmly speaking in the distant starry sky.

"One-on-one duel, Niegar has no rivals."

Cursed the throne with a narrow eye. He always believed that his judgment would come true, but at this moment Frege's words made his thoughts drift into the "enchantment" of the top of the Tianqi Mountain.

In fact, the robes that the curse of the throne is wearing now, "The Dark Devil Silver Bell, Dark Red Ghost Fire Bamboo Pattern" is the supreme suit he wore as the "four kings" in the old days of the Apocalypse Abyss. Since he admits to the throne in the new era, and acknowledges that the throne has been in the supremacy of the apocalyptic abyss, and voluntarily joined the throne of the throne, he put this supreme service with the glory of the past and put it in the box.

This supreme suit is not only exquisite in appearance, but the material weaving it is all the rare materials produced in the abyss of the old times, which can accommodate and even retain strong energy traces. In terms of meaning, it bears the thickness of history. In terms of function: If an enemy dares to touch this supreme suit, it will be planted in the moment of the curse of the supreme service.

The Curse of the Throne has not encountered a major event that allowed him to take out the Supreme Service for a long time, but Kazan’s apocalypse was. With reference to the experience of previous apocalyptic orders, regardless of the outcome of the Apocalypse, whoever wins, the Legion under the throne will not give up.

If Kazan is defeated, then he will **** him safely away from the apocalypse of the apocalypse without chasing him. If Kazan wins, he needs to take a shot to suppress the Legn's army. He can also do it.

"Kazan, this road of gambling is your own choice, you must win." Cursed the throne.

At the same time, the energy spur column that rushed into the sky in the enchantment was split into two. A huge dark brown claw tears the rapidly flowing flame, and the wind is pressed by the tip of the claw, and the flames are gone!

In the next second, a 70-meter-long fire wall suddenly broke out a demon dragon head with two large horns. The amber erect dragon eye looked down the world like a king. It opened the mouth of the teeth and the mouth of the **** mouth, and screamed forward!

If the sound waves of this sound dragon spurt have a substantial vibration wave, the light in the air is faintly distorted.

call! The demon dragon suddenly opened its super-great spiny wing with its dark upper half and dark spikes on the wing. The three-color WISP was just burning, the next moment. The wind pressure was shot directly on the ground. Kazan, who was entangled in the fire of ghosts and gods, also flew out of the fire ring lit by the wildfire and retreated to a relatively safe distance.

The image of Kazan is like a super-large ancient dragon with a height of 70 meters. The top of the faucet has a pair of cylindrical big horns. The dragon kiss is very short, which is closer to one of the dragons and pure Tianwei Gulong. The demon of the ancient dragon body! Its upper body and back are black, the abdomen and incomparably strong are red-brown and dark yellow gradient; a long tail like a whip is swaying in the air, and the surface is also short and dense.

The tenth throne Niegar also has a heavy identity, that is, the former patriarch of the first dragon of the Bailing!

Like Kazan's purple black and white tri-color "ghost deification", the third-order ability "gui Long" is also the trick of Niegar's bottom. This ability did not exist in the past history, because only the powerful and powerful Gulong people evolved the "human form" attitude before they could create the ability to emancipate the body.

Niegar is not only the strongest cologne in the history of the ancient dragons, but also the only ancient dragon that can have a human form. Although the human form is good, she is like a charity, but it is like the "extra thorn" and the "fierce thorn". The two extremes are the same as the abilities. The Nikal form of Niegar is the superficial evil. If life loses its power to release the power of the ancient dragons, even the vast and prosperous forest of the spirits will be ruined by her ruined creatures overnight.

When Kazan looked up and quickly looked at the ancient dragon Nigel of the liberation of the body, Gu Long Niegar suddenly opened the thorny wings of the sky and stood upright! She lifted her right palm like a meteorite falling to the ground where Kazan stood. It was obvious that the body had been magnified thousands of times, and the speed of the arm had a lot of improvement.

Kazan’s footsteps didn’t want to avoid it. When he was on the ground, he was on the top of the mountain, and he slammed a claw mark in the place where Kazan was standing one second before Kazan. The crack of the rice is deep!

Kazan slammed across the low side of the side, and the twin wings of the WISPs whipped up strong winds to drive the body for higher speed movements. However, the pause of the Gurunnier Galen attack is small and horrible. Her strong hind legs and huge wings are one. The body of the dragon over 100 meters is directly displaced by 30 meters and rotated by 270 degrees. The tail sweeps to the low altitude. Kazan in the middle.

Kazan's face changed Fortunately, he was alert, grabbed the time of the millennium and spewed down the speed of the fire, and wiped the distance of half a meter to escape the big Gulang Negal. Sweep the tail.

Although Kazan has avoided Gurunnier's two consecutive moves, he knows that if he has been avoiding, he will eventually be hit by the fast-exaggerated Gulongegal. It will be troublesome by then.

For the time being, it is still a long distance.

Kazan chose to pull a long distance, and Gurunniergar relied on a strong fan of the thorny magic wing to slam the extreme distance, and suddenly pulled the distance that Kazan had just pulled away. The scary dragon claws began to slam into the ground like a meteorite. Kazan’s extreme dodge, the eyes under the mask locked the head of Gurunnier and the tail of the distance.

The surface of the skin of Gulongegal is rapidly producing a long, thick white thorn, and the long white thorns on the wings have been spread out, and the spiny wings are covered with a layer of pure white ornate spikes.


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