Black Ride

Chapter 806: Under the sneaky

The snow scorpion, which began to turn the sands of hundreds of meters into the ice sheet, suddenly opened. For the first time, she spoke in front of Harvey.

"Harvey, you have arranged this seat in the strategic location of the Silver Sand Desert. Thank you very much!"

Harvey’s expression is as serious as a graphite-colored cliff, and the sound is as cold as the frost covered with sand.

"You are really a spy..."

Xue Yu walked gracefully forward: "Hah, you have doubted this seat. It is a pity that you did not decide to get rid of this seat before the war started."

The snowy shovel's deep cold wind and snow will accelerate by 10% every time. The sled went a total of 10 steps, and the windstorm on the body of the Harvey giant has grown to twice the original!

"Harvey, don't be too sad or sorrowful. This part of your seat will help you to understand the power of the victory of the Mori Legion." The snowy voice has not just fallen, the snow drifting around She began to wrap around her on the high speed; a lot of ice and snow wrapped her body and eventually condensed into a tall, slender woman.

The spiritual ice and snow volley sculpt a thin, flap-shaped ice silk openwork coat and then draped over the shoulders of the snow-capped woman. The snowy eyelashes of the snowy woman swayed slightly, then opened the big eyes of ice blue.

The ice-blue eyes contain the beauty of the world, the ethereal spirit of the world, and the majesty of the world. Harvey knows at a glance that Xue Yu can never be an ordinary detective.

Can have such a look, but also sitting on such a huge "frost white country", there is only one Sen.

"The true identity of this seat is the fifth ambassador of the Tenth King, the ice curse!"

The life that can be put on the seat has the energy level beyond the third-order hegemon. The strong is most sensitive to the strong breath, unless it is an individual with a hidden misleading sensory effect like Hiram and the Transforming Block. Others are easy to expose the breath, and it is difficult to bury it in the enemy seat. The spy around.

The Ice Curse made this task mandated because she mastered the third-order spiritual abilities "mental occlusion" that could not be mastered even with the deformation seat. Through "mental interruption" she can hide her true energy level, leaving only the tip of the iceberg for exploration by all walks of people.

With the premise of hiding strength, the Ice Curse also confuses a Fire Cat's cat to bury her sneak plan. It took her a lot of hard work and a bit of luck to succeed in lurking in the fourth seat of Kazan to Harvey's side, until today.

Today, the Mori Legion will invade and level the Silver Sands Desert Corps, and fully believe that the snowy Harvey also took the most dangerous she to the strategic location of the Silver Sand Desert, as if everything was in the dark. The factors are all fueled by the victory of Braun.

The mission of the Ice Curse is to slap Harvey on the occasion of the invasion of the Silver Sands Desert by the Braun of the Braun. Harvey’s death-hunting team lost its core strength, and the burial team of the bone shell would be difficult to support. At that time, the deformation seat will make the destruction of the enemy intelligence network very easy. The Yinsha Desert Army will soon lose all the territories in the north. They can't spend much effort to attack the pale palace.

To know that the status of the pale palace can be equivalent to the silver crystal mountain at the top of the ancient tree Titan!

Harvey's fists with giant bows and arrows were extremely dead, and the blue-legged bulge of the dragon on his back. He slammed his bow and made an arrow to the ice curse to make a blast. The arrow penetrated the cold air and penetrated the ice curse to make a place to wait for the second.

The ice curse made him stare at Harvey's first arrow. She moved to the right side of the 10 meters and escaped the arrow's flight path. She immediately raised her hand to control the snow.

In the air, hundreds of ice swords were condensed, and the sharply reflective hundreds of swords were aligned with Harvey.

The ice curse makes a sword pointed, and hundreds of ice swords are shot at Harvey. Harvey’s flash disappeared in the same place, and hundreds of cold ice swords were all **** on the towering snow dunes. In a flash, a bare and white snow hill was pulled out from a low to high ice sword. road.

Harvey did not dodge, and his teleport disappeared and went straight to the ice curse to attack!

When it was said that it was late, the ice curse made it shine, and a huge dark gray fist broke into her eyes, occupying a sharp enlargement in the center of the field of vision.

The boxing wind that comes from the front carries a speed of 300 kilometers per hour, which is even more fierce than a violent storm!

The ice curse makes it lurking on the side of Harvey, but it is not white observation. She did not hesitate to give up the speed of moving with Harvey, and directly manipulated the snow to cast five ice walls with a thickness of 20 cm in front of 2 meters. .

Harvey’s giant fists fell. Just listening to the loud bang, the thick ice wall of five sides was almost broken at the same time; a lot of broken ice blasted in all directions to bloom, and his giant fist trajected unchanged. The heart of the ice curse!

Harvey is not only powerful in archery, but also the natural agility of the Black Elf and the rare giant body, which has made him a third-order top melee strength. Even Wu Qi, who has continuously evolved from the power of ancestorization, is not the opponent of Harvey.

The boxing is broken! The heart of the ice curse was hit by Harvey in a circle and flew straight out dozens of meters away. Her body of ice and snow was smashed by powerful kinetic energy, and the snow and frost in the other environment quickly replenished her vacant body of ice and snow during the process of turning the ice.

Harvey’s fist on the skin of the fist made by the ice spell was covered with a layer of cyan frost. The extremely cold freezing gas below minus 200 degrees has invaded the blood vessels in his hand in a very short time, and the blood circulation to the local blood circulation is almost stagnant.

Harvey believes that if his fist stays for a second on the body of the Frost made by the Curse, then the fist may break in the next second.

"The body is a snow owl." Harvey said with a heart. He looked up at the direction of the ice curse and made it fly backwards, but there was no shadow in the direction and nearby.

Harvey raised the giant bow again and mobilized the mental energy to cover the five senses.

His sensitivity to the world has risen to a higher level, but apart from the snowstorm, it is still a dense storm, and there is still no breath of life.

Obviously the ice curse is hidden. She is also a must for her own life, on behalf of her hiding is absolutely a plan to fight what is a life-and-death trick.

Now, Harvey finally gave up the hidden cards. He decisively activated the abilities of his eyes, and the dark right eye suddenly lit up with a dark gray brilliance, and the world where the eyes were extremely exposed was covered with a layer of gauze.

There are a lot of "phosphorescence" traces in the air, and the phosphorescent traces divide the world in abundance, everywhere, everywhere.

Harvey’s right-eye abilities “spiritual vision” can see through the traces of spiritual energy and energy. “朦胧 纱 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” The enemy of the opponent's mental energy detection, self-righteously, will instead lift the stone and lick his own feet!

The traces of phosphorescence left in the air that Harvey saw were the traces left by the Curse of the Curse!

Although the traces of phosphorescence are very messy, there are underground to the sky, but a closer look reveals that there are several traces of phosphorescence that are very long, very thick and straight through the sky.

Harvey suddenly looked up, not the figure made by the ice curse, but a huge iceberg that covered the sky!

The high-intensity blizzard had already disappeared from the shadows at the beginning of the battle, making the 300-meter-diameter airborne icebergs condensed in the sky and Harvey was almost undetectable.

When it was said that it was too late, Harvey found the moment of the iceberg in the air, and the iceberg was lifted and crashed! The powerful winds are drained by the falling icebergs. When the icebergs are not yet on the ground, they push the ground to a strong air pressure and a chilly wind!

Harvey’s forefoot was just ready to explode and escape at full speed to escape the 300-meter-diameter airborne iceberg cover. As a result, the next second, except for the blizzard, the empty air, the cold ice and the ice sword~www Harvey took the thunder and rushed out. He raised two huge iron fists and used energy to create two shields on the front and side. At this time, the massive ice thorn ice Lingjian was guided to the direction of Harvey, Harvey did not fear to keep on guarding, and the tide of two sides of the energy shield hard ice!

50 meters, 100 meters. Harvey’s eyes were getting closer and closer to the edge of the iceberg, and the airborne icebergs fell to the ultra-low altitude that was about to hit the ground.

The role of the ice creation that was placed in Harvey’s 360-degree body has been fully exerted. Harvey had been able to rush to a safe area in less than half of the time, but now he is stuck in a dangerous area and needs to escape. Both time and distance are very dangerous. And the creation of ice has not stopped appearing at this moment, close to the edge of the icebergs in the air. The creation of ice from the air is more of an ice wall icicle ice needle, in order to hinder Harvey's subsonic movement.

145 meters!

The foot of the Harvey Giants stepped on the snowy ice sheet and splashed a large piece of flying snow. His arms were high and pointed to the sky, and the energy shields on both sides were in front of his hand.

Time and distance are not enough. Harvey prejudged the timing of the icebergs on the top of his head, lifting the shield on the top half.

The bang of the bang was deafening. The 300-meter-diameter airborne iceberg is extremely heavy on the snowfield. The big part of it has kissed the ground and caused the shaking of the ground, but the other half was caught by a "small" figure and the last point of the ground.

Harvey’s giant body was now plunged into the snow for a full meter. He broke out of the iceberg in full swing, but he underestimated the gravitational potential of the iceberg in the air.

At the moment of touching, he was almost broken.


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