Black Ride

Chapter 809: Skull ringing

"Master Bone Shell, according to information, the three-headed ancient dragon and dragon bird corps led by Tianwei Gulong are still 5 kilometers away from here. The fire music and the black elf ambassador did not separate to find the deformed ambassador against Wu Qi, and are leading the army together The large troops came in the same direction, about 30 kilometers away. "

A crow whispered standing on the shoulder of the bone shell. The intelligence that emerged from its mouth was all the messenger crows arranged along the silver sand desert from south to north, taking the danger of life and death and rushing to "tiger mouth" to seize it.

The bone shell made a rough "um" sound. That voice was by no means a normal human voice, but rather the deep roar of a wild wild beast or the yelling of wind from the entrance of a run-down cave.

The bone shell is waiting. He waits for the Gulong Corps mentioned in the information to come here, and then meets.

Looking at Kazan's six envoys. The first made Cerian Dawson mysterious and underpowered, the second made Lois Lynch the strongest guard in the pale palace, and the third made Kerr master the silver sand desert. All intelligence networks, the fourth one enables Harvey to see through all the invading ghosts and evils, and the sixth one makes Highham the ultimate assassin.

And his fifth skeletal turn, he represents the strongest positive military force in the Silver Sand Desert!

A series of tiny black spots began to appear in the northern sky. Soon the rows of small black dots quickly zoomed in, one by one showing the mighty and overbearing true body!

The forefront of the black dragons are the Tianwei ancient dragons wearing gorgeous silver scales and wearing the crown horns of Tianwei. The three flying ancient dragons following them are also giants of more than 40 meters in height and nearly 100 meters in length.

The ancient dragon on the left has a skeleton very similar to that of Tianwei ancient dragon. Its entire body is an integral steel armor, even its wide wings are covered with heavy steel shells. In order to support the heavy and extremely hard steel armor, the muscles of its back and even its wings are as strong as the trunk of an ancient tree. Tens of thousands of muscle fibers are tightly packed.

Its tail is like sitting on a long ridge in Falling Saws Hell. On the head are countless evil steel thorns, which look like wearing a crown made of steel thorns.

Its famous steel cologne!

The middle ancient dragon is a two-winged dragon with two forelimbs degraded, replaced by two powerful and fierce dragon claws that perfectly simulate the shape of raptor claws. Its hard-shell skin is a touch of cinnabar, with natural purple lines "painted" on bat-like wings. When it opened its wings and flapped its wings vigorously, the two purple lines on the wings seemed to be alive, as the demon attached to the ancient dragon laughed nakedly.

Its name is Zhu Huolong!

The ancient dragon family on the right has another major change in the shape of the Tianwei ancient dragon skeleton. Its head is like a hawk-headed hawk with a pointed arc-shaped kiss; its wings are almost the size of the wings of a hawk. The biggest difference between it and the Tianwei ancient dragon and the other two ancient dragons is that it has bird feathers all over its body. The feathers with a shade of gray and blue in the white net are arranged into a thick ocean, and the beautiful wings rise to the sky, just like a dragon-shaped angel comes to earth. In addition, it has a slender tail and strong limbs.

Its name Tian Yulong!

The three ancient dragons flying behind Tianwei Gulong are all high-ranked strong players behind the Gulong tribe. They each have different master abilities. Even if they are a little far from Tianwei Gulong, they are higher than the life of the third-order overlord. In addition to the three giants: Gangu Dragon, Zhu Huolong, and Tian Yulong, the Lan Long Bird, Zhu Long Bird, and Feather Dragon that follow them are also a flying legion that cannot be underestimated.

Coupled with a sky knight who got close to the dragon birds and got a chance to ride them, this is the full power of the Gulong Corps!

"This lineup is indeed spectacular. Four ancient dragons can match three ambassadors. In addition to the Dragon Bird Corps and Sky Knight, only one Ancient Dragon Corps in the Lark Corps is enough to compete with half of the high-end combat power of the Throne."

It wasn't the bone shell that spoke, but the third messenger who spoke through the body of the messenger on the shoulder of the bone shell.

Bone Shell heard who was behind the subpoena who was controlling the speech. His voice was without emotion, as rough and weird as the cloudy wind blowing from the cave.

"Crow, are you afraid?"

"No, I'm just worried that you can block it. At the moment, it's only me who supports you in the quicksand snares. If a large unit of the Lark group arrives, it's two to three."

Kerr, who took over the talking of the Raven, continued: "There is another piece of information that Harvey is trapped within the 'Frost Country' that is cast by the Ice Curse. The low temperature environment in that area is not the survival of the Raven. I ca n’t get the exact information at the moment. But Hyrum is gone. If you delay time until Harvey and Heilham join forces to kill the Ice Curse, we will rendezvous, and the geography of the quicksand snare is perfectly fine. Compete against the entire Lark Legion! "

After listening to the bone shell quietly, he said, "Well, that's enough."

Three to three, in a sense is four to four in different spaces. The enemy is an alien ambassador who brought the entire Lark group, and the legion led by the enemy originates from the rich, resourceful, and highly talented Lark Forest. Behind each ambassador are the elites of the top ten clans of Lark and a large number of mixed arms. Whether it is purely higher than the individual strength or the overall strength, the Silver Sand Corps is not worthy of comparison with the Lark Legion. . A head-on confrontation is to strike a stone with a egg.

But in Kerr's perception that intelligence analysis ability is excellent, they are not without a chance to win. On the contrary, the information that proves on paper that they are a vulnerable party will actually become their umbrella when they are on the battlefield.

The battlefield is a very magical thing, because the key time to decide the victory is only once! Wonderful tricks, intelligence, and time and place are all magic weapons that can turn things around.

The Lark Corps has one huge disadvantage. It is that the ambassadors, such as Tianwei and Huo Le, have no idea about the ability of Kazan's ambassadors. Kerr and Bone Shell have already learned what the enemy's ambassadors are capable of!

"Come on. Lord Kazan is with us."

After talking about Kerr's last sentence, he fluttered his wings and flew to the rear. The bone shell stood alone in the vast silver desert, looking up at the Gulong Corps that had flew a hundred meters in front of him in the sky.

Tianwei Gulong looked down at the small bone shell below, solemnly and solemnly: "Is that you? The whole desert of silver sand dared to stand out first and stand with us."

"Yes," the bone shell said lightly.

Looking down from the sky, there is only one person with a bone shell for a few kilometers. It's true that one person can stand in a corps without wavering, but Tianwei Gulong always thinks that the fighters who can maintain such momentum after the war with it can prove its true strength.

Thousands of bone soldiers are likely to lurk under the sand sea, but those bone soldiers are just a fire that can destroy a large number of ants.

There is no need for nonsense to fight the two armies.

Tianwei Gulong contained a high-intensity plasma ball, and the next moment, it opened its mouth and sprayed on the sand where the bone shell stood! The thunder pillars that penetrated the sky made the surrounding dark sky extremely white, and immediately drowned the bone shell.

There was a loud bang, and the fierce energy torrent and plasma tide lined in all directions from the falling point. The 100-meter-long sandy ground is flooded with plasma. If thousands of bone soldiers are buried beneath the sandy ground, then this tide of plasma will be enough to destroy a considerable number of bone soldiers.

Tianwei Gulong's calm silver-white dragon pupil reflected the surging thunder light below. At this moment, a vertebral spine column suddenly emerged from the thunderwater tide! The rise of the bone pillar has an astonishing momentum that soars up to several hundred meters. And the more the bone pillar rises, the lower the thunderwater tide flooding on the sand, as if all the energy is absorbed by the bone pillar, turning it into nutrients that grow too much!

"Why ..."

Tianwei Gulong's gaze locked on the spine column that grew wildly. He watched the bone column with a diameter of 20 meters keep growing, and jumped to a height of 100 meters.

Tianwei Gulong felt unprecedented provocation. It opened a dragon claw and grabbed a large sturdy chain of lightning. Condensed into a giant 50-meter-long lightning spear with a lightning chain.

It could not be said that he raised the lightning spear and threw it down ~ ~ The lightning spear hit and penetrated the bone column of a hundred meters in an instant; the ring-shaped lightning ball chain surrounded the entire bone column instantly, the potential It is necessary to completely destroy this weird thing with high-intensity electrical energy energy torrent.

However, Tianwei Gulong did not expect its attack to stimulate the evolution of the bone pillar! The bone pillar was bathed in a powerful and overpowering circular lightning ball chain. Not only did the surface not show any signs of damage, the diameter continued to thicken to 30 meters in diameter, and the height swept up to a height of 200 meters. When the distance from the bone column was still 100 meters, it took less than 2 seconds.

Tianwei Gulong determined that this weird spine must have some ability to absorb energy to evolve.

Then use brute force to destroy it.

Instead, he controlled the lightning to create a layer of lightning armor on his body, ready to shoot his wings and dive down. At this time, the steel ancient dragon flapped his wings forward, and surrounded by a black howling wind, which is the second-order "black wind" superior ability-"Buran".

The same as the third-order wind power, "Burran" specializes in destructive power and precision, and its power is several times higher than that of "Sky Lord"!

\ "Master Tianwei, there is nothing more powerful than the Gulong's physical destruction here. Let me come."

Tianwei Gulong agreed silently. He lifted the armor of the thunderbolt and put the steel ancient dragon on top.

The steel cologne directly accelerates the black wind around the body to form a dark matte black wind hood. At this moment, the wind speed on the surface of the black windshield has reached 5 times the speed of a typhoon of level 13. Although it is wind, when it encounters a solid defense barrier such as a city wall, it will be ground into numerous gravels as it encounters a high intensity energy torrent !! The weaker third-order life approaching will also take away that poor body temperature, instantaneously freeze and then be torn by the howling wind.

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