Black Ride

Chapter 812: Under the North-South Campaign

The arc of sky that stretches across the dark sky casts a blazing white light that symbolizes noon, and the white silvery reflection reflects the light, shining brightly to the eyes.

Two lightning-fast figures competed on the silver desert, and they sometimes staggered and sometimes fought close to each other. Wherever they went, two black tornadoes set off a large amount of sand and dust, as if jumping a simple The swift moves are played to the extreme double dance.

The two were so fast that there was a residual film and the residual image was separated from each other at a certain moment, decelerating and showing their true body in the retreat.

Wu Qi held the handle of the long knife tightly with his five fingers in his right hand, and pinched a knife with an energy-made long knife just broken in his left hand. He gasped heavily, and the scars on his body seemed to release an aerosol with a strong body temperature with each breath, with the dark sky as the background, which was conspicuous.

Wu Qi's hunter uniform has long been shattered by countless fierce chops, leaving only a tie around the fixed longbow of the torso, a small part of the cloth nearby, and only half of his pants and boots left on his lower body. His naked and exposed skin was completely filled with scale armor covered with dark and beautiful ancestral scales, but the scale armor was also covered with horizontal and vertical **** knife marks; those marks were all over Wu Qi's hands, shoulders, and chest The abdomen, the deep cut cut off the hard scales and separated the flesh and blood, and saw the white bones through the gap.

If it is a normal body, Wu Qi can control the regenerative ability of the ancestor to speed up the recovery of the critical wound, and drag it on. But now the body of this corpse can only accumulate wounds and cannot be regenerated. Although his mobility is not affected by ordinary injuries, if there are many ordinary injuries that have accumulated to serious injuries, or even injuries with a degree of disability, his melee combat power will inevitably decline.

As a result of the decline in melee combat power, the gap between the enemy and the enemy suddenly widened, and was destroyed by the enemy who could have pulled a wrench wrist.

In the middle of the spiked, domineering scale helmet, Wu Qi's obsidian-like eyes have raised dynamic vision to the extreme, and filled with spiritual energy. He stared straight away 100 meters away and turned the deformation seat so that every corner of his body could be clearly seen.

The deformed seat makes the wound on his body less than half, and it goes without saying that the wounds on the chest and abdomen are all slowly recovering from the wounds near the tendons and ribs.

Her black feather suit can be repaired with energy, and the deformation seat in a blink of an eye makes the clothes perfect again. She covered the wound in this way, and Wu Qi had to remember where the previous wound was, and at the same time couldn't determine the degree of regeneration of the previous wound.

The power of re-ancestralization allows the deformed seat to obtain the precision of power and speed that can match Wu Qi, and the cell's regeneration ability is also greatly enhanced, but that is not just the re-generational regeneration power.

A battle deformed by the Transformer Block can be transformed many times. Sometimes it is not guaranteed that the power will not be used excessively, and it will not become a more fragile creature, which will cause some internal and external injuries. Ability "High Speed ​​Regeneration". At this moment, the "high-speed regeneration" is catalyzed by the power of the reincarnation enhancement power effect. The recovery power is lower than the third order and far exceeds the second order. This makes the deformed seat easy to achieve restless breathing, in high-intensity battles. Keep the cells regenerating at a constant rate.

And Wu Qi's resilience is stagnant. After all, he is not an opponent of the Transformers in the battle of attrition!

Wu Qi and the metamorphosis seat made the sandy area on which the pedal was not the same as the sandy area where Wu Qi fired the signal arrow. The two places were separated by at least 10 kilometers. Because the deformation seat has become a party with a slight predominance of physical abilities, she wants to escape Wu Qi and it is difficult to trap her in place. She can only stop her while restricting her movement, while moving with her.

In this way, the battlefield deviated from the starting point. It was almost impossible for Wu Qi to get the support of the hunting team as soon as possible.

Now to win this battle Wu Qi has to rely on himself. The only thing he was happy about was that he had no intention of relying on the help of hunters in the hunting team.

Wu Qi squeezed with his left hand and squeezed the remaining half of the energy creation knife into a mass of silver-blinking energy fragments, and scattered it into the air on the left.

For Wu Qi, focusing on the long sword is his strongest state when his mind is highly concentrated. The reason why he built a long sword with energy was to stop the enemy's attacks that he could not do. Of course, the result is that the energy knife is cut by the deformation knife without any obstacle.

Deformation seats make people strong and knives strong. Melee experience is not a short board at all. Wu Qi has deeply understood that if he continues to use the same kind of chips to hit the enemy's chips, the probability of winning is only one percent.

Desperate, only a bold change of play can find first-line wins.

Wu Qi opened his eyes suddenly, the surging silver energy emerged from every inch of his body at the same time. The flowing energy seems to be pulled vertically upwards, like water droplets floating into the air, but it will not actually "stick" to the energy flow layer on Wu Qi's body surface.

The three-foot-long knife also revealed the bright silver energy film. Wu Qi controlled the long knife to separate all the hundreds of blades. Hundreds of silver glittering cross stars flew in the air at high speed, and the speed of rotation flight became faster!

Wu Qi divided the flying hundreds of blades into four groups, each of which has a quarter of the blades to rotate around the center of the rotating blades to carry out ultra-high-speed turnover movements. The solid flywheel blade saw, but this flywheel blade saw has dozens of silver glittering points reflecting the white light all the time.

It has been a long time since the Long Blade awakened the "gravity" ability. Wu Qi has used various "gravity" in the battle. The tricks are various and strange. Most of them are anxiety and wisdom. A flash of light came to mind. And as he became more proficient at manipulating the "gravity" ability, his imagination also gradually improved.

This trick is Wu Qi's considerable achievements in energy creation skills, and then turned back to implementing the "gravity" manipulation of the long knife body blades created by the tactics. The move looks gorgeous and unparalleled, with the practical effect of dazzling the enemy's dynamic vision. The most powerful is the unpredictable terror power that implements "speed" and "rotation" to the extreme.


There was a thunderous thunderous sound in Wu Qi's mind! Wu Qi used the broken sword as a commanding arrow, fiercely made a finger towards the deformer, the next moment, the four "astrolabe" burst out at an amazing speed, killing the deformer in four directions from the bottom left, top left, top right, bottom right.

As the four astrolabe struck, a large amount of sand gushed under the sand they passed. The sand did not rise and fell back to the ground, but flew along with the astrolabe. A short period of time accumulated and followed the movement. Small sandstorm.

Deformed seats make eyes narrow. She just said, "It's true that boldly changing the way of playing after getting into a desperate situation can really win the first line of life, but the goddess of luck often doesn't stand on the side who doesn't remember to change the way of play until the last moment."

But the next moment Wu Qi's performance was beyond her expectation. He gave up tempering to the extreme melee play, and made the long-distance control play to be assisted by such terrible energy!

You have to be careful.

The deformed seat swung the sleeve with force, and dozens of black feathers flew out of the sleeve immediately. All of these feathers are as hard as bullets. The projectiles shot by the gun are generally very hard and have strong kinetic energy. Upon launch, they broke into the four "astrolabs" controlled by Wu Qi.

This is also the use of "transformation". Turning five nails into "bullet-like feathers" is launched by energy, and the lost nails can be regrown by "high-speed regeneration". Coupled with the magical use method, the enemy could not see the clues of these bullet feathers.

Wu Qi ’s “astrolabe” collided with the bullet plume caused by the metamorphosis block. The plume plummeted into the dust disc and then disappeared without a trace. With the dynamic vision of ordinary third-order life, even a few scattered bullets No trace of the disappearance of the feathers was clear.

But the deformation seat enables induction. Dozens of bullet feathers are cut like paper when they encounter more sharp blades with ultra-high-speed turnover. Continuous turning blades are continuously cut, and one bullet feather is cut into pieces in an instant.

The sharp deformation seat of the blade covered with energy torrent is known, but it can cut dozens of bullet feathers to the end in an instant. How terrible the speed is, the deformation seat makes it impossible to calculate and does not want its own body. Was encountered.

Wu Qi knows that each of these four astrolabes rotates at 4,000 rpm!

The four horoscopes immediately killed the Transformer in front of ~~ ~ The horoscope swept through the Transformer and made the whole body before killing the sand storm. She retreated decisively and quickly, pulling to the area outside the sandstorm, and slid Wu Qi straight around a curved line.

Wu Qi moved his hands together, and the energy he poured into the sand suddenly launched a field. The deformed seat makes a hard and sharp sand needle every 0.1 seconds after breaking into the place 80 meters away from Wu Qi. The deformed seat makes a major attack on her body. Deformation "to reduce the size to avoid the group attack of sand needles.

Two or three breathing time-deformed seats made him approach Wu Qi at the cost of more than ten narrow wounds, and Wu Qi's previously controlled flying astrolabe turned around to chase the back of the deformed seat, and took the blockade. All the escape routes behind her.

Than the moment of speed is the long knife first made by the deformation seat! The dark long knife slashed with extreme speed and fell to Wu Qi's neck with great precision.

Wu Qi's standing before did not mean that he would stand in place when the blade of the deformed seat arrived. He stepped away in a short, instant step, and the metamorphosis seat made the same rapid change of moves. If the blade was black, white, and nothing, the soul-chasing chain was normal, and Wu Qi's neck would never be missed.

Wu Qi only took three steps back, because the delay of these three steps was enough for the four astrolabes to catch up with the back of the deformer. He stopped with his feet at a certain moment. The dark and deep eyes reflected the face of the deformed seat, the long sword stabbed by the deformed seat, and the four astrolabes in the rear that did not slow down.


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