Black sails

Chapter 199 CXCVIII Evil is to be killed

Chapter 199 CXCVIII. Evil is to be killed

Morrison said casually.

Li Site's hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly, and he thought carefully about the weight behind those words. The cigarette slipped from his fingers, and his throat rolled.

Damn, this is the fucking final boss.

He glanced sideways at Morrison, who was eating the seasonal fruit platter in the car as if nothing had happened.

After getting rid of that kind of person's personal guard, can this guy participate in the battle again?

But these are minor issues.

Why did you come to take a sightseeing bus for nothing? Are you going to run into a horse bandit?

Li Site took a deep breath and tried to pick up the cigarette from the ground, but it was soaked in blood and couldn't smoke anymore.

What a fuck.

Two minutes later.

At this time, the locomotive had long disappeared, and all the demons had been cleaned up.

Li Site's expression was as gloomy as water. He hadn't figured out how to deal with the big shot in the rear carriage, so he put it aside for now.

He gave his pirates five minutes to cut the entire train clean.

If you stay too long and people at the next stop find that the bus has not arrived, they will rush to support you.

The cruel cheers and savage howls couldn't stop for a moment, so Li Site naturally had other things to do.

According to what Fen said, when he was fighting with Joshua at the front of the train, he also discovered two men.

If Li Site guessed correctly, it was William and Mu Ran.

All the carriages were watched by the pirates, and not a single fly could be let out. In the three carriages, Mu Ran and William saw that Joshua was defeated and all the armed forces were disintegrated, so they did not dare to act rashly. There was nothing comparable. Life is more important. These gang of horse bandits looking for money will definitely not harm their lives.

They are all waiting honestly.

William's thigh was injured, and the muscles were severed by Joshua's knife. He could no longer walk. His oily hair was disheveled. He sat slumped in the corner, waiting for the horse bandits to come and collect the money.

Mu Ran leaned against the wall with his arms folded, feeling far calmer than he imagined. The demon puppets he prepared were useless, and the security guards and noble guards in the car were all useless.

In the end, it was the mysterious man assigned by Wang Ting to take care of the matter, but unfortunately he couldn't handle it either.

The people in the car saw how capable these horse bandits were, let alone resisted.

There is no doubt that in the Wang Ting, where he was fighting every step of the way, his political career encountered a big defeat. He wiped his hair with his hands, and his contribution to the Wang Ting was immeasurable.

If other people would sit on the bench for the rest of their lives, the one-eyed soldier, the head of the Alan National Bank, would not give up on him directly, and would be able to make meritorious deeds.

at this time.

Li Site, Fen, and a few pirates came to Car 3. No matter how small the mosquitoes are, they are still meat, and the crew members’ money cannot be spared.

Even through the medium of two cult saints, Fen was still affected to some extent. He pinched his eyebrows and felt pain in his head, but he could still hold on.

Fen was about to tell Li Site the identities of Mu Ran and William.

But there was no need for him to tell him that Li Site knew these two people.

The war is over.

When he was in Linden City, Li Site made a decision. He must first chop William five times to fill up the blood rage, and then receive the guillotine. He didn't expect it to be fulfilled so quickly.

"Long time no see, Mu Ran, should I call you the court astrologer?"

Li Site's right arm was shaking with a blood-red shadow, playing with the two-hundred-pound anvil. At this time, he was speaking in Chinese.

Mu Ran immediately became excited and looked over with cold eyes.

William did not understand Chinese, but Mu Ran had already felt the threat of imminent death. He glanced around to find the nearest window, preparing to escape immediately.

Li Site clicked his tongue. He felt scared now. Is there any use?

"Terrorizing my woman, right?"

Li Site spoke in English.

William looked sideways.

The flail had already hit his head, but before he could react, his consciousness was buzzing and trance-like, and four more blows with blunt objects followed.

William let out a shrill scream, and most of the flesh on his face was taken away by the flail spikes, and the blood rage was already full.


In an instant, William was successful.

Yan Zhifan passed the exam.

Only stumps and broth were left on the ground.

Fen pressed his temples to relax for a while. This was not Li Site's style. There were no psychopaths on board who liked to kill indiscriminately, so these two people were somewhat valuable.

Mu Ran no longer looked as calm and elegant as before, and he immediately did not dare to leave from the car window. Through Li Site's eyebrows and the wanted order some time ago, he had already recognized him.

"It's you?"

Mu Ran couldn't believe it, but he immediately figured it out. He had asked William to kill Sharon, that bitch, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. Now that the incident has been exposed, he is really a loser.

Sharon definitely got the information about people like her from nowhere. The Eternal Sect is very powerful and has invested a lot of money in the rail infrastructure in Alanya.

Sharon later leaked the information to Li Site. Was this to seek revenge?

"You're supposed to be Qin Hui, right? Dogs are rare."

Li Site didn't take Mu Ran seriously. How did he succeed in this comparison?

The William broth on the ground has disappeared towards Mu Ran's boots.

He immediately took a few steps back.

There are thousands of thoughts in my mind, refining the most critical words to save my life.

But even with Mu Ran's wisdom, he was temporarily down. Facing such desperadoes, he seemed to have nothing to promise at all.

Especially in such a situation.

I had no choice but to play the emotional card and say something a little harsh.

"Ten years ago, we killed the warlock's apprentice together in the Northern Prison. Have you forgotten? This was all out of necessity. Several of us were caught by him again. We were just following orders, and William was the one taking the lead. . Li Site! I have never killed any Han people, so it’s not uncommon!”

Mu Ran almost roared angrily. Under the influence of culture, the word "rare" surpassed all insults.

Disdain flashed in Li Site's eyes. That was not what he heard from Sharon. He had indeed never killed anyone, not with his own hands. With seven or eight of his fellow villagers, he probably would not have thought that he would die at the hands of his own people.

Seeing that Li Site was a little angry, Mu Ran couldn't die so simply, just when he was thinking about his method.

When Mu Ran learned that there was nothing he could do to change Li Site's mind, he rolled up the car window and was about to escape.

Li Site's pirate moves were very bright, and he immediately slashed Mu Ran's leg with a scimitar.

However, Mu Ran seemed to have practiced, and his physical fitness was not bad, and he was able to dodge the blow nimbly.

But the other knife is not so easy to dodge.

One of Mu Ran's legs was removed directly, and blood flowed like a river. He fell to the ground, hitting the ground hard, and his head was broken and bleeding.

Li Site strode over, took back the blood shadow, and the big anvil crashed to the ground. This person was the only one who could not be killed quickly.

He took the scimitar from another pirate's hand and chopped it like he was slaughtering an animal. For more than ten seconds, his clothes were torn open and his flesh and blood were ravaged, but he was still alive.

Li Site stabbed his neck with a knife, picked him up under his own strength, and then threw him to the ground.

It was too dead to be dead anymore, just a corpse riddled with holes.

Li Site withdrew his scimitar.

One thing remains unresolved.

Li Site avoided this matter, but time was running out, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

The big shot in the last section of the special compartment must be dealt with properly. He cannot just leave without caring about him. He will definitely be in trouble in the long run.

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