Black sails

Chapter 233 CCXXXII are all back

Chapter 233 CCXXXII. They are all back

Micah also returned from the Boundary Sea to suppress the dark turmoil.

Come to reckon with cause and effect.

Skull and Bones?

If you kill Li Site, it's not a big deal. If you go further, it will turn the world upside down.

However, the large army rushed to the abandoned church in the west of the city.

The one-eyed dragon, the tattooed man, and a few good players also arrived.


"What happened! What happened!"

Ren screamed strangely like the character in Kamen Rider HEISHIN, calling Ming Dazawa meaningfully.

Jeremy's headless body fell in the snow in the square. It had already been frozen in this cold weather, and the ground was still littered with corpses.

"Isn't this Jeremy? We haven't seen him for a few months, so it's so long."

Morrison stepped on Jeremy's body, and of course he recognized it. He was the only one in Tianguo Port who liked to wear fancy clothes and had dreadlocks. The pieces of meat on the ground had those kind of dreadlocks. When he opened the door, he thought he was very handsome. , actually very stupid.

Morrison was disappointed. Maple Forest had not seen any blood and it was already over.

The pirates under his command were cleaning up the battlefield. They couldn't get a lot of money from these people, but they still had a few hundred silver coins. Jeremy did have money on him, and he found more than twenty gold dragons.

"Hmm...there are very scary spell traces, they belong to the Vampire Clan."

Fen opened his palms, and the lighting arcana lit up the entire church. It was strange. He smelled the scent of perfume. The top notes were strong, and the middle and tail notes had excellent shrinkage. It was a relatively high-end perfume, too Weird.

"I'm afraid the captain and the crazy woman have all been chopped up."

Xia Di guessed.

"Hey, it's okay. It's okay. I might have gone back to the hotel."

Wollman thought there was no need to worry, it must be that way, and the rest of the crew searched around but found no one.

Oaks brought Favna over. He was originally going to let her experience it, but he felt a little regretful.

So Wollman took Favna and planned to use firecrackers to blow up corpses. If we didn’t play with some firecrackers and make some noise, how could we call it Chinese New Year?

"Yeah! Uncle Wollman is the best!"

With a childlike smile, Favna took over the firecracker from Wollman.

Wren and Swann resist the cold.

Wollman was not good at it. He was wrapped in thick clothes and took out the matches from his pocket.

"You are not allowed to approach Favna in the future!"

Gloria was really shocked and grabbed the match from his hand. It was so terrifying. She lived in the castle every day and brought Valrhona to him for so long. No wonder the rebellious period came so quickly.


Favna sighed.

"Firecrackers won't work, but this will do."


Morrison fired his double-barreled shotgun at Jeremy's body, loaded the bullets, and let Favna practice her skills.


Favna took the shotgun.

Everyone in Gloria was stunned, and it was too late to stop them now.


Jeremy was turned over by the blast.

"Desecrate the dead, even for someone like him, a little blasphemy is enough."

Caruso also followed over to see the development. There should be no problem.

"gone back."

Fen came out of the church and didn't find anything. He went back to the hotel to have a look. If he couldn't find anything, he went to Crazy Tiger and Fish Salesman.

I really impressed Li Site.

Now there is a lot of money in the cellar, and the original backbone has its own thoughts, and there is also Morrison, an unstable factor. God knows what is going on in his head.

At that time, the joint-stock system will also be decided by Li Site. If he dies, then it will return to the backbone system. A new round of elections will not be reliable, and the company will have to use money to break up.

at the same time.

The second floor of the Black Sail Hotel.

Although it is midnight, people here have chaotic schedules. They usually go to bed at three or four in the morning and wake up around ten in the morning.

The dark elf poster girl was eating a midnight snack.

Then he saw Li Site and Delaya walking up covered in blood.

Gosh! The Black Sail Captain's wife is cheating on her! Although he was covered in blood, he was much more handsome than the black sailing ship.

"Who is this?"

The waiter asked weakly to Delea, who had been sitting here for a while and was naturally very familiar with it.

"I'm really fucked, you still can't tell who's the boss, can you?"

Li Site was speechless.

Delaya held an umbrella to protect her from the snow, and Li Site came back slowly. All his injuries were recovered from the ablation of the King's Landing Sword, but he was still a little weak.

Sitting on the booth sofa, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The familiar scumbag's voice, and the familiar ax marks on the scumbag's face.

The waitress couldn't believe it. This was how she hooked up with that girl Tai Ni?

"Where's Micah?"

Delaya knew from the fluctuations in his vitality that Li Site was fine, but it was best to call the doctor over. The new medical techniques that had emerged in the past twenty or thirty years were still reliable.

"He came back and went out with Fen and the others. He said he was looking for the captain."

The waitress paused with her hands on her face and looked at Li Site in amazement.


Li Site noticed from the movement outside the window that Fen and the others were back. Damn it, it's over! The Skull and Bones and the Twins are all dead.

According to Delaya, she killed her twin brother, along with some of the core personnel of the two forces.

Li Site couldn't help but sigh, this cheap wife is really perverted, she seems to be fine.

Ren was the first to go up to the second floor.

"Back! Everyone is back!"

Renn exclaimed as he looked at Li Site's appearance.

As an old crew member, Xia Di is also a young man.

"Li Site, a different type, has been added to the card pool!"

Xia Di began to speak words of unknown meaning.

"Is this it? 128 youth skins are on sale for a limited time."

Micah said.

Li Site almost vomited blood again. To be honest, these things are quite annoying after a long time.

The others also found it novel, as if they were a new captain.

Li Site, if he guessed correctly, Wen Kui will be here soon. Qili, who is more scheming, may have to come later. Whoever he wins will be the one to help.

However, Li Site believes that this is also an opportunity.

"Nowadays, there are forces with thousands of people. It's time to pay attention to your image. Buy clothes that look brighter, so that you can do business better."

Li Site said seriously.

Although Fen stayed on the boat for a long time, he only cared about business, and it was fine as long as Li Site was fine.

"Jeremy is dead, Skull and Bones and the Twins?"

Fendu couldn't believe it. These two people were a bit domineering.

"Everyone is wiped out. The core members are almost dead. From tomorrow on, we will take over all their territory and real estate on the island. No one dares to say anything."

Li Site asked the waitress to get a glass of wine quickly to calm down, it was really painful.

Delea put her hands on the table and rested her head on her head, looking at him and regaining her feeling.

The group of pirates who came back with them were not only shocked, but also thought it was a fantasy. This was too damn... fierce, wasn't it?

"The gods have returned! Xia have the same hair style as before. You also wear earrings and go shirtless all day long. You look like a spirited young man. You need to straighten up!"

Ren only felt like he was on fire when he recalled the years of love! Destroy the Western Continent with one punch! When I was a kid, I watched this episode and gave the emperor a big mouth.

Xia Di also has young skin and slicked back hair, like Zack.

Xia Di looked embarrassed, please don’t mention the dark history again.

At this time, there was movement downstairs.

After all, Tianguo Port is an island, not much bigger, and news spreads quickly.

Li Site told his guess that Wenkui would arrive first, and then Qili would arrive within twenty minutes.

It turned out not to be what he said.

The Zhenlang pirate group collected two hundred golden dragons from Li Site during the day, and Wen Kui came over in a hurry. As soon as he arrived, he asked questions, and after that he just felt like listening to a story.

After Qili confirmed that the Skull and Bones Society and the Twins' lair were in chaos, he also brought some backbones over.

It’s really a good year for Ruixue.


It was impossible for Dollinger not to know about these movements.

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