Black sails

Chapter 236 CCXXXV Scheming

Chapter 236 CCXXXV. Scheming

It was about three hundred years ago that Agares Dagon launched his expedition.

And the place where the devil stays is not the so-called devil world.

There are many names, such as the Chaos Interface, the Realm of Annihilation, the Outer Void, etc. It is the collective name for all areas outside the world/mortal plane, and there is no unified term.

As a soldier, Heywood didn't know where his destination was. He just heard that he was going to slay a dragon, so he followed the noncommissioned officer on the march for more than two hundred years. He got separated from the legion halfway, and Dian Bei also broke into the alien door. , lived alone on an isolated island for more than ten years.

The so-called advancement is just Heywood's way of saying it.

His previous position was that of a sentinel, and he was a patroller outside the main force of the legion, so he got separated.

The reason why Heywood needs the material containing the annihilation element is not to upgrade at all. As a sentinel, he knows how to send out coordinates.

The so-called annihilation element is the source of power for beings like Heywood.

There is nothing in this world that can supplement his strength. In order to contact the Legion on the isolated island, he has overdrawn all the annihilation elements, so he is so weak now.

As a being that can be taken on expeditions by Dagon, although he is a low-level demon, he is almost immortal. If he is chopped into meat, he can be resurrected quickly as long as the source of his power is not exhausted.

Although this small piece of annihilation material can replenish the annihilation elements, the concentration is too low, and it can only continue to survive. Heywood does not want to continue wandering around in this ghost place. He doesn't know if the expedition is over. It is not good to become a deserter. He still has Looking forward to returning home.

Deep in the dense forest of Tianguo Port.

Heywood is not afraid of heat or cold. Unless the weather is extremely bad, he only wears a thin coat and a helmet to cover his face in winter.

The arm that was broken in the secret port had long since resurrected, and a bloody mouth full of spikes had opened in his chest and abdomen, swallowing the annihilation matter.

Then he forcibly cut off one of his fingers. The broken finger turned into blood-red sand. On the open snow in the deserted forest, he used the red sand to outline a circle with a diameter of three meters, and immediately drew it. There are text symbols that do not belong to this world, dense and obscure.

Finally, Heywood completed the summoning circle used to contact the legion, which could transfer the will of his immediate boss to make a brief contact and also send the coordinates.

Heywood walked to the center of the summoning formation and chopped off his head with a dagger. All his body from the neck down turned into red sand and scattered in the formation. Only his helmeted head lay on its side in the center.

He spread his consciousness, hoping to be found this time. He couldn't contact the legion, so he could only make a move and wait for the legion to find him.

Two minutes later.

There was no movement in the snow, and this strange summoning array was slowly becoming dim, as if it was about to lose its effectiveness.

Did it fail again?

Heywood was mentally prepared. After all, he had tried too many times on the isolated island, but there was no news.

But right now.

The summoning array suddenly glowed with blood, even more dazzling than at the beginning.

"It's done..."

Heywood was in disbelief.

The blood of the summoning array was even brighter, and the sand boiled like scalding hot and steamed out thick smoke, slowly condensing into a bright red shadow above Heywood's head.

There were also three pairs of eyes, and their aura was so terrifying that all the hibernating snakes and insects around them turned into blood and mud in an instant.

"Master Chief!"

The devil doesn't cry, and the face under the helmet is just grinning, extremely excited.

The shadow was rolling and whispering with unknown meaning.

Heywood then received new instructions.

It was from the expedition's supreme commander, Agares Dagon...

"Devil's Order".

At this moment.

The kitchen on the first floor of Black Sail Hotel.

Favna sneezed, what happened? It feels chilly.

"Huh? You have a cold?"

Wollman was greatly shocked. This was the first time he saw Favna in such a condition. This girl's body was not only a defense body, it could also be said to be a Star Wars monster.

Favna pinched her nose and blew her nose like the pirates in Paradise Port.

"Ah, no."

Favna held her chin in thought.

"Maybe someone missed her."

Iori was extremely resentful. She originally wanted to go to Yalan to seek refuge with Mo Yutong, who was in a high position, and asked her good sisters to protect her. But now, her good sisters were also abducted.

Although with Fen's intervention, Iori's mental health has been taken care of, and she is basically a free person. No one is taking advantage of her. If she suffers from stress disorder and cannot use the Stone Tablet ultimate move, are you responsible?

But the mouth is not as easy to control as the limbs, and it is still a crazy mouth.

"Hey, fuck you."

As a mud man from the Thieves Guild, Ben has an extremely twisted and dark psychology. He was arranged by the old boss to make "dumplings". There was a million unwillingness in his heart. When he saw this exquisite figure and impeccable appearance, he just wanted to Fuck him hard.

"You're so ugly, Gray Pidgeot, you're still Scarface, and you're a thief and clown. You've stacked your talismans all over the place. Because you're not destined to be a woman, your psychology is twisted. You breathe the same air as you, and I suddenly feel a little sick. , Miss, you will easily get sick if you find too many of them, go and get a doctor, bed bugs."

Iori disliked the face.

"Okay! You did a good job!"

Favna waved her fist to encourage Iori.

Wollman didn't expect that this woman actually had a poisonous tongue. Looking at Ben beside him, his defenses were completely broken, his pupils were shaking, as if he was about to transform into a Gotham nightmare and have a run-in with an orphan.

"In order to act well in the movie, Phoenix observed Uncle Ben's life for two months to improve his acting skills!"

Favna added that she didn't know what a movie was, but she knew what a clown was.

"You are really a genius."

Wollman felt that Black Sail had a successor. To be a pirate was to make a fool of yourself. How could you manage Heavenly Port well with a group of cold-blooded, ruthless and strict people? To bring Xiao Rong to the opponent.

Even though Wollman was in the kitchen, he still felt that the person who gave the gift had crossed the threshold. The couple was too fierce, but he was also a little worried. As the saying goes, things must turn in reverse.

Now that Li Site has collected all the money from the outside territories, that's not what he meant.

Li Site lowers prices to expand territory, which is greed, but if you have taken all the places, it is rebellion.

Of course, Dollinger looked down upon the money and used it to feed the little devils below, but feeding the little devils was not the same as feeding the little ones.

Wollman thinks it will be soon. Dollinger has been busy with business recently, so he probably won't handle it personally, but he has his own hawks and dogs to do it.

There are three options.

As a last resort, ask someone to tell Li Site to be more honest and just make an exception and change the rules. He, Daolinger, will collect the money, which is considered a tax.

As a strategy, he could choose to completely cancel the protection fee, and he would protect Li Site for free. This would deal a big blow to Li Site.

The best idea was to naturally invite Li Site into the castle, open a VIP channel, and let him sit in the fifth position in Tianguo Port.

Of course, if Dollinger was a fool, he would have other options.

That is to directly send people to destroy the Black Sails Alliance, but that would be counterproductive. The top performers would all be killed. Everyone on the island would be in danger. The New World is here again, and you, Dollinger, are so unscrupulous. , kill all the chickens that lay golden eggs, and if we don’t raise the flag of righteousness, piracy in the East China Sea will become a sunset industry.

In this way, as long as the alliance is not destroyed, the New Heavenly Kingdom Port will also have a project, and it will join forces with Taylor and other interested people.

He took the position of the first brother and lived in the castle, wine pool and meat forest.

"Favna, you have to work hard..."

Wollman also hopes to return to the Great Wetland and overthrow Morpheus's military regime.

Archer came back from buying the ingredients at this time. Several hotel waiters went with him, and they couldn't carry it alone.

He used to be the palace chef of the Kingdom of Zeon, and he was also the head chef, and he was well-established. At this time, he also put on the armband that he had been reluctant to throw away and put it on. It was the emblem of the first-class chef of the Kingdom of Zeon. It was gilded. Gold, extremely cup-worthy.

"Here he is! The little master of heaven!"

"Where's my legendary kitchen utensil?"

"I can't come!"

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