Black sails

Chapter 242 CCXLI Black Sail Trading Company

Chapter 242 CCXLI. Black Sail Trading Company

Micah and Xia Di were arrested, and Claude also came with his fiancée. They were about to become a newlywed, and they were inseparable.

On the second floor of the hotel, all the backbone members of Black Sail gathered.

Mo Yutong has officially become Black Sail's organizational structure consultant, and is explaining what a joint-stock system is to a group of people who have not graduated from prenatal education.

Here comes the part that Ren hates the most.

Even when it was a skeleton system, Renn didn't like any surplus or deficit in public funds procurement.

"Hum, just split the money and it's over. It's such a troublesome thing, so I just agreed to the decision. Okay, no matter what, I agree. It's over as soon as possible."

Ren expressed that he was not interested in hearing it anymore. Tomorrow the mistresses would go back to their respective houses for a New Year reunion. Today they made an appointment and the whole year-end party was over.

There were black lines on Mo Yutong's forehead. This werewolf was too abstract.

She suddenly realized that she had to throw out some concepts that they could understand, and it was also necessary for Li Site to take the lead.

"The shares are also divided into non-voting shares, and voting shares..."

She didn't finish.

Swann frowned. As the regional chief of staff of the Thieves Guild, he also worked for some companies, so he was familiar with this business.

Li Site interrupted her quickly. This was not something she wanted to say. Everyone present was risking their lives all the way. Who wants to be kicked out of the decision-making circle?

"Let's put it this way, the money in the cellar is still divided equally according to the backbone system. You can still take your share, which is about 4,000 to 5,000 gold dragons. But the previous rules are fixed and no one can escape. . You can determine the future rate of return based on how much capital an individual needs to pay and how many initial shares they own. Of course, you can also not pay a penny, but it is just an employment relationship, not a shareholder, and you do not enjoy any decision-making rights and returns."

Li Site tried to simplify the logic as much as possible.

Since the beginning of the Age of Navigation two hundred years ago, the concept of companies has existed in the Western Continent. Maritime trade has become popular, and maritime trade is a very risky business, with ships often being destroyed and people being killed. Merchants or nobles with a lot of wealth wanted to gain benefits while not taking risks on the sea, so commercial contracts came into being.

This kind of contract was established between merchant nobles and navigators, with the former providing money and the latter providing strength. When a profit is made, the profit earned is distributed according to the agreed proportion. In the event of a loss, the navigator would bear unlimited liability with his personal wealth and life, while the merchants and nobles would bear limited liability within the scope of their capital contribution.

This is the origin of the so-called limited company.

The relationship between merchant aristocrats and voyagers is also similar to the current gambling relationship between venture capitalists and entrepreneurs.

Today, major companies are still active.

The reason why Dollinger cares so much about major gold mining companies and trading companies is because he wants to be the "leader of the group" in this piece of meat in the New World.

Swann gave a popular explanation.

"It's just baccarat, but the gameplay is not about opening cards, but about cutting people. There is a sure-win strategy. As long as you cut more people, you can keep playing good cards and keep winning. Now it's time to place your bets."

Swan said.

"I understand now, I'm boring three thousand gold dragons."

Renn didn't think much about it and was bored.

"I understand, go all-in, we must deal with the zombie crisis in the doomsday wasteland."

Morrison had no idea what to do with so much money. To him, zero copper coins had already achieved financial freedom. Wouldn’t it be over if he had to eat at the hotel all the time? After spending four thousand or five thousand, he would be repeatedly run over by large trailers.

"God damn zombie crisis, don't add random characters to yourself!"

Li Site was dumbfounded.

"One question, can other people also invest in the shares? People other than Black Sail?"

Oaks asked.

"Buying shares now is an angel round, with the highest income and greater decision-making power. If you don't resell it, it will always be yours. Someone comes in later, and although the shares are diluted, they are still retail investors. Let's put it this way. Now Qili and Wen The little capital they brought in is also your two dogs."

Li Site replied.

Mo Yutong gave up. In the end, he still had to follow the rules of pirates. In this way, Black Sail Trading Company was no longer a serious company, but after thinking about it, it was originally an internal rule.

Li Site's ambition can also be seen in his tone.

Since there is no power restriction, this is a kind of privileged company. If Li Site really wishes, he will become the first brother of Tianguo Port.

Think of Port of Heaven as a small country.

So this is the one who has exclusive rights to trade, creates an army, colonial government agencies, can also issue currency, and sign treaties with other countries.

Political, economic and military complex.

Seeing that Li Site was so good at boasting, all the backbones expressed their intention to buy shares.

"Um... there's no rush for this. According to the previous vote, the system of unblocking the cellar at the end of January still needs to be discussed slowly by all of us. During this period, you can think about it slowly, just to popularize the concept first. Okay, now that everyone has Now, let’s make dumplings together and smash them together! Let’s celebrate the New Year first, then fuck it.”

Li Site actually hated these comparisons. He just wanted to be a hands-off shopkeeper and ask himself about major decisions.

Now, there is only one last step left to get a New Year’s Eve gift!

Unexpectedly, the first one I encountered was finally solved, and that was Gloria. I had to start experimenting hard to see if you were a real neodymium copper.

At this moment, an uninvited guest came outside the hotel.

He was Taylor's adopted son, and even though he came here with manpower, Old Weitou still stopped them. As a former member of the Guleg Royal Knights, he had never done a bad job and was reliable in his work.

Li Site realized that it would be impossible to talk about things tomorrow, the last day of the year. Taylor was determined to see him before the end of the year.

"Don't come down, I'll just go and take a look alone."

Li Site didn't take it to heart. Taylor must have known that he was extremely rich now and wanted to invite him to his manor.

He arrived outside the hotel alone.

As he expected, Taylor's adopted son came to invite Li Site, perhaps because of Taylor's instructions, or because he had a grudge against himself, or both.

There was even a hint of threat in the words.

"Captain, my adoptive father said that he is free today. He has been busy since the annual meeting. If we don't go now, I'm afraid we won't have the chance in the future."

Taylor's adopted son said that he also knew that the Skull and Bones Society and the Gemini Group were destroyed by Li Site, and that they had also formed an alliance with Qili Wenkui. I am afraid that he is really not afraid of Taylor anymore.

But many things are not as simple as whether you and I cooperate or not. In this world, the winner takes all. No matter how much meat you have, you will lose your life, so it is better to pick the one with less meat.

"Yeah, but I'm also busy here." Li Site currently wants to be at least on an equal footing with Taylor, mutually beneficial and win-win, and can't be your thug. He is also determined to go after the new year, but considering that Taylor is giving If you give yourself an ultimatum, you have to give it to yourself, "I don't have time, but I would like you to convey some things to me. Just say three words, great success."

Li Site drew the pie for Taylor first. As for the specific number, of course he couldn't tell.


Taylor's adopted son doesn't talk nonsense and doesn't give Li Site much face.

"Wait a minute, please tell Taini that you can come to my place to celebrate the New Year. We are all part of the same family. There are no taboos."

Li Site kills people and kills people.

Taylor's adopted son finally couldn't hold it any longer and looked back hard, but had no choice but to give up.

Watching him completely go away.

Li Site's company now has a blueprint, and they have to lure Taylor in. If he doesn't pay, he can provide...a fleet.

Black Sail Trading Company is so pleasant to the ears. As soon as you hear it, you will have the momentum to aspire to conquer the Central Plains, right?

He looked towards the huge white castle at the highest point of Tianguo Port.

Dollinger, it's time to move on.

Thanks to the leader of "Zack0".

I'm guilty, 7K.

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