Black sails

Chapter 244 CCXLIII New Year’s Eve

Chapter 244 CCXLIII. New Year’s Eve

The New Year's Eve countdown has entered.

It is now eight o'clock in the evening, and the noise outside is getting louder and louder. Fireworks are going off non-stop. The night is somewhat light-polluted, and the physical smell of gunpowder is very strong.

Everything has two sides. There is a bad side and a worse side in Paradise Harbor.

The bright side is not the attributes of pirates, but the deep-seated influence of religion that comes to light.

The Church of the Holy Spirit takes charity as its basic doctrine. Except for the current Kingdom of Zeon, there is no such bad work as indulgences. For people here, belief in God and prayer are daily life. The general public may not have that deep understanding of the doctrine, but they are always in line with universal values. They must do more good deeds, go to the Temple of the Holy Spirit, drink fairy wine for eternity, and do You will suffer bad things and be thrown into the abyss.

Of course, pirates also believe in the Holy Spirit of Waves and Storms, which are widely praised in the East China Sea. They have no choice but to do bad things. Who doesn't want to be a good person? But you have to be rich to be a good person. If you don’t have money and you have to force yourself to do good deeds, you have to be pointed at a gun.

Some Holy Spirit Church believers will raise some money at this time to hold a New Year's Eve celebration. The venue is the central square in the inner city, and there will be singing and dancing performances and various small shows. It is quite lively. Some islands cannot survive and live in abandoned buildings. , homeless people in tents in the forest, and old prostitutes will also come to eat.

Caruso was deeply moved, having never thought of such a thing in this lawless zone, and went out to host the celebration.

Li Site also put two candles on the statue of Emperor Guan on the second floor of the hotel. Thanks to the blessing of the second master, he was able to survive today.

He never believed in God for ten years.

But now it has shaken.


He unexpectedly came back from the dead, due to the great power of unknown origin, and the so-called Ancient Dragon King exists. Then Heywood may not be bragging, Agares Dagon is indeed a person.

If you say these things really exist, then why don’t those few Bi people end it themselves? It's really unbelievable. Is it because the world was completely clear 1,800 years ago, or is it because I'm too old to carry the knife?

Kitchen on the first floor.

"There will definitely be many pretty women at the dinner party on the 2nd. Some companies like to send female representatives. Daolin is very popular, and some noble heirs may also attend the banquet. It's a big occasion."

Micah sighed, when will he be able to go to the Yinyoushi Qili?

"It's said to be a dinner party, but it's actually a party. The thirst value is increased by 10 points, the SAN value is restored by 90 points, and the ticket requires ten pieces of black bread."

Morrison looked at the boiling bone broth in the boiler, bubbling violently, and was in a trance while making explosive remarks.

"How do you calculate ten pieces of brown bread?"

Weber also helps in the kitchen.

The New Year's Eve dinner, under Archer's diligent preparation, is finally almost complete. There are more than twenty dishes. Because there are so many people, the number of people in the hotel, the backbone of the ship, the adventurers abducted from Yalan, and their respective concubines, at least thirty Come here, you have to sit at two tables, and there are portions for each dish.

Braised beef shank in fresh cream sauce, chicken braised in red wine sauce, Qibao duck mille-feuille, coral flower abalone...

"Damn it, Tyson doesn't even dare to have dinner on New Year's Eve, but you, Archer, dare to have dinner on New Year's Eve. You are even better than Tyson."

Renn patted his head and dribbled the ball with one hand, his voice following suit. There were so many dishes that he had to help carry them.

The scattered tables on the second floor were all put away, and two large long tables were placed.

What made Li Site speechless was that Delea called all her harem back. She didn't like the excitement very much. She didn't come to the reunion and spent her time alone in the castle with her three concubines. She just told Li Site to finish his work. Hurry home. Before 11 o'clock, she carefully prepared New Year's gifts.

You must eat and drink enough to have enough strength to face the catastrophe!

Platters of hot dishes were served, and the second floor was in full swing. Xia Di also showed off his unique skill, playing a hand-held string instrument to entertain, but his level was quite average.

The old man did not dare to compliment him and said that he wanted to perform a song that was widely circulated in Gureg.

"The Knights of No Return"

It is a national-level piece of music that is preserved in the Gureg National Library. It was composed by a composer nine hundred years ago from Gureg to resist the ravages of foreign races at the intersection of the heaven and earth and the knights who entered the alien gate.

It's just that it's so far away that it has become a legend and cannot be verified, at least that's how it is written in the background story of the song.

His skills immediately astonished everyone, and those who had made it through the palace were different from Xia Di, a grass-roots team.

Li Site was speechless. This little song is quite sad. If you can't bring out the passion, you won't feel it if you don't listen to "Gong Xi Fa Cai". I wish all the children in the world to be smarter than scholars, and their IQ will be full of your brains.

As plates of hot dishes were served, the rest of the people sat down, chatting and laughing.

Iori, cried.

"What the hell are you doing on a plane?"

Li Site was speechless. What are you pretending to do? The burning energy in Shuixie Qiuyue is now quite innocent.

"No crying!"

Morrison didn't want to be embarrassed while eating.


Iori sniffed and replied with a choked sob.

There is nothing else to pay attention to, just show off, you should drink, you should eat, a large table of delicious, delicious and delicious dishes can only be eaten by the King of Zeon. Although the dishes are also available in various restaurants, the chef is not That level.

"The taste of this rich seafood is incredible. Paired with the chewy sea abalone, you can't help but want to take one bite after another, as if you are in the golden waters of the inland sea."

"The aroma of the charred broth is really good. If this is the case, there is no need to dip it in sauce. After the broth penetrates into the skin, the moderate browning really makes the taste more fragrant. It is like walking on the pasture in the east of Pedan!"

"Every time I eat one, there is a new texture. The filling is so soft that it seems like it is about to melt away. Every time I take a bite, my mouth is filled with fresh juice!"

"Why have you all become food critics, assholes!"

Weber only felt that the meaning was unclear, as if it was so delicious that he was about to burst out of clothes.

It is definitely taboo to talk about things at this time, and you can only talk about interesting things.

"Black Sail...when was it established?"

"Seven years ago, at that time, due to some reasons, I lost my official title, fled to a small country on the edge of the Narrow Sea, and opened a black clinic. At that time, Li Site came to see me for medical treatment. It was hard to believe that he could survive such an injury. Come down, it must be because of this that you escaped."

Micah answered, but also hid a little. The situation at that time was extremely terrifying.

That night it was dark and windy, with evil winds blowing everywhere. It was pretty damn scary.

Someone knocked on the door in the middle of the night, and he was on guard. There was a pair of scissors behind his back. When he opened the door, he found that the guy was holding a gun.

He's really a fucking superman. He can still walk after being shot in the head. Although he walks like a ghoul with blood flowing from the middle of his face. As a forensic doctor, Micah was hit by an ax in terms of traces. At least he fell in. three centimeters.

Like a fucking ghost, he couldn't speak in that condition. He just pointed the gun at himself and kept holding on until he disinfected him with iodine and stitched up stitches. Then he passed out and dropped the gun on the ground. .

I felt that this person's life was pretty tough, so I didn't kill him.

"Now I am Death, the destroyer of worlds."

Micah's tone was serious, because he didn't expect Li Site to be like this. The butterfly effect was not just a hurricane, but the wind was about to blow.

"God the fucking destroyer."

Li Site could only eat until he was 80% full, and eating too much would affect his exercise.

"Then what?"

Weber insisted on hearing the family history.

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