Black sails

Chapter 255 CCLIV Manor Feast

Chapter 255 CCLIV. Manor Feast

The carriage that came to greet Brenda slowly stopped on the roadside. The horse shook its head and snorted.

Dollinger is very particular about people. Although the coachman may not be said to be handsome, the interview criteria must be that he has good facial features and a good image and temperament.

The coachman saw that there was a number six person following her, which was considered to be a large number of people. Usually there were three or four people accompanying her, which was hard not to make people suspicious.

"Madam...are these?"

He was a little confused.

"Oh, Reggae Defense attaches great importance to this interview. Except for the two bodyguards, the other four are managers of the company."

Brenda forced a smile. If something like this happened, as a major shareholder, even though she would not be deprived of her shares, she would still be removed from her position. She would only be given money and would not be able to participate in decision-making.

The driver didn't think much about it. Reggae Defense was indeed a big company and he asked a few people to get on the bus without being humble or arrogant.

The original capacity of the exquisite car was five people, and it could fit one woman and six men. However, Qili Wenkui was relatively large, so it was a bit cramped to sit there.

As the driver pulled the reins, the two horses left footprints in the snow.

In fact, this hotel is quite close to the entrance of the castle. It takes less than ten minutes to walk there. The main reason is the sense of ceremony. For distinguished guests, you have to be invited in.

It's only three or four minutes away.

The infrastructure roads in the inner city are smooth and there are no bumps along the way.

Seeing how high-end everyone was having fun, Wen Kui urgently asked the hotel manager on duty to take off his clothes and put them on himself to cover the holes in his shirt.

He has never worn this crap before and felt cramped. The Far East Islands is a wonderful place with many races. Wen Kui comes from a country called Gaotian Kingdom. The traditional clothes there are similar to martial arts uniforms, with wide sleeves and waist. The clothes are long and graceful.

Of course there are smart people on Wen Kui's ship, but there will be no blood tonight, it will mainly be a battle of wits, and he will only come here as a representative.

Li Site was worried that he would start a fight with Daolinger without even saying a word, so he repeatedly told him not to talk for a while, but to just show up and see how I manipulate Daolinger.

The little brat only needs to think about the bravery of an ordinary man and that's it, but the master wants to control the entire interest group. No matter what, he must be famous.

Although Tianguo Port is the first brother, as the distribution center of the East China Sea, it does not belong to him alone. People's hearts are very important.

Isn't that stupid to shame Dollinger when you go up and say that you are going to fight against you? It cuts off the financial path of other people's entire power and gives them a reason to kill you. The pirates on the island only think that they are stupid, you tiger If someone gets into a car and collides with Dollinger, isn't that asking for death?

If Dollinger wants to send someone to attack him, he has to consider the cost. Now that his face is not broken, he has room for maneuver. If he is just unhappy with himself, he will send his men to destroy Black Sail. Even if he dies, he will get nothing and the troops below will be destroyed. , and also got a bad reputation, isn’t that stupid? How can he convince the public?

All kinds of micro-management must be done to serve the jelly... to Dollinger so that he will not attack him immediately. He has indeed obtained a piece of meat in the New World, causing damage and weakening his influence. So tonight Even if you are a big success, even if you are overshadowed by him, it doesn't matter. You have to be able to afford it and play big games.

The privileged can only enjoy privileges equivalent to the level of service to the public.

This is the most essential sentence that Li Site summed up after spending so many years on the road.

Whether it is a micro force, such as a pirate group, or a macro society, such as Aram.

To put it bluntly, they are all systems of privilege, and any society is also a privileged society.

As long as there are clusters and strengths and weaknesses, there must be privileges.

Let reliable people do reliable things, and this person enjoys certain privileges. This is a hard rule for the actual operation of the world. It is higher than all laws or fucking philosophy. It is a sociological axiom.

If Dollinger wants to do something stupid and use his privileges in his power to do something stupid without breaking his own skin, then his degree of persuasion will be greatly reduced and his power will be weakened.

Li Site was sure that he did not dare to kill him.

This is... the emperor's technique.

It is necessary for him to become free and easy, and those who defend Dollinger benefit from or are trapped in the interest system headed by him.

If I can give his subordinates better prospects and better development, and bring him into a better system with himself as the leader.

In the tug of war, you will be invincible.

This time, Xiang Yu is not inviting Liu Bang to the Hongmen Banquet. This is taking the initiative to attend the meeting, beheading the next brother, and hanging it high on the rooftop of the sunny building. Now the black sail is at its strongest, unprecedented, and it is the perfect time. The flowers will bloom again. , no one is young anymore.

Fen originally had no bottom, but Favna's performance gave him a shot in the arm. Everything has two sides. Now that he has suffered the consequences of the dragon's robbery, now it is his turn to enjoy the benefits.

The reason why Li Site went to so much trouble to fool Gloria and Caruso again showed his brilliance today.

Heavenly Port is Favna's home, the only place she has stayed for a long time apart from prison and exile.

This "home" must be "protected" by herself.

Not long after, the carriage came to an uphill road, and the change of gravity could be noticed. Within half a minute, Dollinger's hometown, a large luxury manor covering an area of ​​about 60 hectares, had arrived.

Following the coachman's signal, we arrived at our destination.

As a member of the entourage, Xia Di got out of the car first and stretched out a hand for Brenda to hold on to make her get down more steadily.

The rest of the people got off the car one after another.

During these years in Tianguo Port, Li Site rarely came to the castle. This place was not allowed for idlers.

The lacquered white city wall is thirty meters high and is fortified. It was built by the emperor and was naturally magnificent.

In the snowy scene at night, this luxurious paradise is brightly lit, so the CBD outside, where Daoling Feiziye is engaged in gambling and prostitution, can be worthy of the title of the city that never sleeps in the East China Sea.

Dollinger was very particular. In order to protect the distinguished guests from the wind and snow, a wooden pavilion was erected at the entrance and during the subsequent walk, which can lead directly to the banquet site. It was also covered with Warcraft fur blankets. You know, They knew it was a meeting of pirates, but those who didn't know thought it was Minister Aram's birthday.

At this time, many celebrities had gathered at the entrance, and representatives of the gold mining trading company also got off the carriage. They were all dressed in ceremonial dresses and costumes, looking glamorous.

Any woman can make Micah rock hard.

Men can make Archer unhappy and feel that they are pretending to force the cook to get rid of his cow.

Wen Kui lamented that he had just had a makeover, otherwise it would be too eye-catching. He actually didn’t care very much. He thought these pretentious people were stupid. They looked awesome and their annual income might not be as high as the taxes he paid. .

As a business competition group, Wenkui is definitely one of the most financially powerful pirate groups on the island. However, they have given too much water to the top three. Over the years, they have turned into anti-Dollinger demons, and they also relied on their old rivals. The Iron Soul Pirates were lucky enough to find trouble in the New World, and the conflict completely broke out.

Iron Soul Pirate Group: Oh, isn’t this Wenkui? I haven’t seen this much in a few years.

Wenkui: Straw Hat lip-reading.

Morrison frowned, it was too classy, ​​even if it was a New Year or a holiday, this dinner would go to hell.

As an arms tycoon, Brenda was of course familiar with some of the people present, and some people came over to say hello to her.

She couldn't continue to act like a sima, so she gained professionalism and started to talk in an official tone.

Xia Di glanced at the battles around him. Damn it, after a trip to Yalan and back, the weather in the East China Sea was different again. Things in the New World were not regional, but a bit global.

Many of the representatives present, Xia Di, looked familiar. They were all important decision-makers in major companies.

Li Site sneered, since he had changed his appearance, he could talk nonsense.

"Oh, those pirate groups on the island probably didn't come, they're here with Black Sail. I see those pirates on the wanted poster, they're so fucking scary."

Li Site acted frightened and saw Brenda talking happily with several people, so he tried to explore their voices.

"What pirates? Those people are just Dollinger's tools and cannot serve on the table."

A rather showy middle-aged man in a red suit expressed this.

Wen Kui exploded on the spot and wanted to send him to meet the Holy Spirit and spend the rest of his life with the immortal old man.

Kili stopped him, but he couldn't do this.

"Hey, I don't think so. I have acquaintances in the Aram court. The newspaper made a fuss like the news of the century. The train that stopped running that day was robbed, and it was pirates from the East China Sea who did it."

A woman in a light blue dress said, she seemed a little cold, and quickly asked the handsome man she kept to put a fur coat on her.

Yalan's newspapers naturally refuted the rumors in one go. But the newspapers in other countries are not like that. If you have a problem, there are rumors of death, ruthless bandits, nobles being killed, wives and daughters being massacred, tragedies and human beings losing their conscience, there are endless stories. It is better to have your own country, what kind of world? Aram, the strongest country, is a robber country. The nobles have money but they have no life to spend. The golden nest and silver nest are not as good as their own doghouses.

If Qili thought about it, he first glanced at Wenkui. This comparison was impossible. It was impossible for the Twins and the Skull and Bones to be the deadliest. Iron Soul went to study the New World.

The only powerful person on the island is... Li Site, who left the Three Months Sea.

Qili looked at Li Site and studied his expression.

Li Site's psychological quality is unfazed when the mountain collapses before him. Sooner or later, paper will not be able to contain the fire. He is afraid of chicken feathers. Even if it is completely exposed and the news spreads, he will become a great sage and sage, and officially become the leader of the world's underworld. Old Pao'er among old Pao'er, isn't this a hundred times worse than Hunjiang Longdu? With a call of arms, people from all directions come to the court, but that is a thing for later, that is something to consider when conquering the world.

An urgent need can be solved.

"Holy shit, brother, he's awesome. He has created a precedent in the criminal world. If they force themselves to attend the banquet, it will be difficult. Dollinger is naturally a civilized person, but those guys are lawless desperadoes. I heard that the guy named Black Sail, they killed the whole family in Lanwan Port, it’s so fucking miserable. What if they sneak in and kill the brothers?”

Li Site said worriedly.

The celebrities who come here are not just from arms companies, they are also engaged in business, mining companies, lumber companies, etc. They take risks to come to Tianguo Port for the meat of the New World.

Hearing Li Site's words, many people suddenly turned pale. This is no joke.

Fen coughed twice, "Can you stop using the fucking curse words? Your whole tuxedo is completely ruined."

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