Black sails

Chapter 258 CCLVII Arrives

Chapter 258 CCLVII. Arrival

The Maritime Administration of the Principality of Pema, the Western Far Eastern Islands Chamber of Commerce Alliance, and the Cross Alliance are in the data statistics of the three jointly integrated data files.

In the past ten years.

The number of merchant ships missing in the East China Sea has reached 7% of the total number of merchant ships.

The number of missing passenger ships has reached 5% of the total number of passenger ships.

A pirate ship will not raise the skull and crossbones flag during normal travel. It will only raise the skull flag when it is approaching the target. It serves as a warning. As long as you give up resistance, nothing will happen except for property losses. If you can avoid losing troops and generals in battle, you can get money. Of course it's the best.

The flag of bloody terror will only be raised at this time. The brothers on the ship are murderous without blinking an eye, so think twice before you act.

Lowering the flag of the merchant ship shows submission, and everything will develop in the right direction.

This law was mentioned in the "Pirate Act" promulgated 110 years ago. As a golden rule, it is the code of conduct for all pirates and a long-term policy for sustainable development. After all, pirates are also fleshy.

Pirates who violate this rule will be regarded as traitors if they lower the flag of the other party and still kill them, causing more unnecessary resistance, endangering the interests of their colleagues, and will be punished by even worse villains.

The number of people who get lost and run aground on rocks or encounter climatic disasters on the way is negligible.

Including the missing ships that were paid to eliminate disasters and those that were robbed by eastern pirates, merchant ships accounted for 19% of the total number of their own types, and passenger ships accounted for 11% of the total number of their own types.

Taking into account the factors of victory in naval battles and defeat of pirates, the probability of encountering pirates can be said to be very high, just like gambling.

The East China Sea has become a huge chopping block that is completely controlled by desperadoes. Even so, the merchant ships cannot stop. They are all for profit, and they are all for profit.

The killings, the treasures, and the spreading panic cannot be contained.

The influence of the royal court of the Duke of Pema was weakened, the lords were divided, and the navy was incompetent and could only control the coastal waters. Even so, too many sailors were disabled or died, their wives became widows, and many of them became prostitutes.

Countless resentful souls under the scimitar.

There are also merchants, guards, ordinary people, and even pirates who kill each other.

A large number of shipwrecked crew members also became pirates, and desperate people from all over the world also came here. The fermented cold blood and gloomy mania continued to spread, gradually becoming a frightening corner of the world.

More than ten years of blood, tears, and death, the initiator of the terrifying killing array on the sea, the deep darkness and terror, the king of the East China Sea.

He walked slowly, step by step, and the noisy banquet gradually became quiet.

Everyone wanted to see Dollinger's true face, and that's what they wanted.

Li Site looked solemn.

Even though he had been in the Heidu Society for so many years, this was the first time he felt like this. This person was so domineering.

Dollinger came down the Y-shaped stairs. He was tall, with long gray-white hair hanging down to half his waist. He was wearing a black fur cloak that almost touched the floor. His suit was also white, including his boots, except for the rose-shaped silk folds on his chest. The towel is bright red.

However, it was different from what he imagined. Although there were some wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, he was still in his prime and quite heroic. He smiled at all the guests at the venue, and his face was not sinister. He felt quite warm and seemed to be a loyal elder.

But people with strong intuition can feel that it is not the kind of hair that stands on end when facing a vicious beast, but a distant... shudder.

He doesn't need a cane.

A beautiful young woman in a bright red dress supported him, although he did not need support.

There was silence in the venue. Before Dollinger stepped down the last step of the stairs, a 2.5-meter-tall knight wearing heavy black armor and an airtight knight, and a sinister-looking warlock with stitch marks all over his face, were already standing respectfully below to greet him. he.

Several of the pirate captains he had annexed to the top championships were also waiting there.

The other waiters and maids also saluted.

It seemed that the atmosphere was driving it. Some representatives of small companies took off their hats to show respect, and those standing nearby also said hello.

Daolinger nodded calmly.

"The person who came here is not a good person."

Li Site didn't know if there was anything going on tonight.

"You are the one here."

Xia Di glanced at Li Site. What a damn coincidence. He even wore matching clothes. They were all white. It would be exciting to sing the opposite scene later. He was also a little nervous. Li Site would not do it later. It was to embarrass Dollinger and tear him down.

"Have you shown those novel objects to your distinguished guests?"

Dollinger spoke hoarsely and asked the Iron Soul mate, but the captain was dead and he was now the leader.

"We've already introduced it, but we still have to wait for the professionals to come."

The current captain of Tiehun looked at the person whose face was covered with stitches and stitches with respect. He was an expert.

Fen whispered in Li Site's ear. The tall and thin man who looked like a stitched corpse was Merle. He was not a wild sorcerer. He was once a visiting professor at the Guleg Royal Academy.

Li Site's expression became more solemn, and now he saw that Dollinger had quite a lot of dogs.

"Is that so... I am deeply honored that my friends have come all the way from afar to see the shabby and humble house full of glory. It is not respectful to be a little polite."

People who fail fail in all kinds of strange ways.

Successful people are unified.

Dollinger also mainly uses one to attack you dozens of times, let’s see the strength.

Li Site felt as if he had eaten a lemon. Uncle, I hate this kind of comparison.

According to the people on the guest list, exquisite gift bags were prepared. Of course, Brenda, the representative of Reggae Defense, also received one and opened it to take a look.

Qili took a breath, Dollinger's money was brought by the strong wind, and the souvenir was a famous product of the East China Sea, a kind of three-color coral, which has a very high collection value, at least twenty or thirty gold dragons.

There were a lot of visitors, so it was a big deal to disperse them.

The representatives sent by major companies were naturally handsome men and beautiful women. They were all amazed by the gifts. At least the travel expenses were recouped, but the time spent on them was not necessarily the case. It depends on what Dollinger said.

Seeing that the banquet has reached the second stage, the orchestra's performance becomes lighter and does not interrupt the conversation.

"The Iron Soul Group..." Dollinger did not say the word pirate, "discovered the New World. This man was once a professor at the Guleg Royal Academy. He is very knowledgeable about history and can be said to be the most authoritative person. , it’s not a wasteland, there are traces of civilization.”

Dollinger patted Merle on the shoulder and asked him to give a PPT presentation to all the distinguished guests to induce them to invest.

Merle coughed twice but did not speak.

Li Site has already begun to take action.

"Why do I remember that the captain of the Iron Soul Pirates is another person? Has he been replaced?"

Li Site has a very loud voice, which can be described as deafening in an upper-class banquet.

The guests around him all looked at him and raised eyebrows. This guy was very nervous at the entrance of the castle. Did the people in Reggae Defense drink fake wine?

Dollinger remained silent until someone else answered.

"Oh, because he wanted to monopolize the discovery, he was voted out of his position by the crew. He has returned home in fine clothes and washed his hands in a golden basin."

The current captain of Tie Hun responded calmly. He always felt that this voice sounded familiar. He was the same as the person who took the lead in the movement not to sell stolen goods.

"So that's it." Li Site scratched the back of his head, and then said something shocking, "Reggae Defense is looking forward to cooperating with Master Dao, but many pirates on the island are also rushing to get it, and they don't know whether to sell it or not. Give it to them. If we transform into a New World outpost, those pirates will probably lose their jobs without your nod. We need to identify specific customers and cannot sell from both ends, which breaks the rules of our industry. Of course you are a big customer and I want to know who you are. What is your attitude towards those people outside? If you can simply suppress them, then we will definitely inject capital."

Arms companies also compete fiercely with each other. When they become large, they are all about reputation. It's not Li Site's company anyway, so he can brag about it as he pleases.

All the smart people present were looking forward to it. Even though this loud voice spoke straightforwardly, he also got to the point. This was the core contradiction. Dollinger had to give a clear explanation of whether a complete transformation was necessary. Only then could he and his like dare to inject capital with confidence.

Taylor's eyes also flashed. How could he not recognize Taini's actions just now and the voice of Killing a Thousand Swordsman? It was Li Site, and he was also eager to know the answer.

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