Black sails

Chapter 269 CCLXVIII First Shareholders Meeting

Chapter 269 CCLXVIII. First Shareholders Meeting

Oakes was also promoted to captain of the Narcissus.

Although it is far away from the Sea of ​​Mirrors, Dead Man's Bay is close. Oaks also plans to set off on January 8th, first gathering people who can drive the ship. When he arrives at Dead Man's Bay, with his reputation, he can also recruit a group of people. Gawain and Webb will serve as security The consultant followed.

Morrison was nothing more than a living person who liked novelty. He had never been to the habitat of the sharks. The only sharks he had seen in his life were some merchants along the coast. He was not interested, so he expressed his willingness to follow and see the sharks. How does a person live? He runs a Cthulhu group, but he has to bring Archer with him.

Morrison is the major shareholder, and the dividends are calculated directly. He doesn't care about the little bit given by Oaks. He has already spent all his money.

The expected return time is the end of January, which is faster than Wollman.

But Oakes said he would be stationed there for a while, and Morrison was responsible for acceptance.

There are thousands of golden dragons still in custody in the company, and Oaks will not do anything stupid. Even if he dominates Dead Man's Cove, he will still have to rely on the power of Black Sail.

"I want to say one thing..."

Mo Yutong felt that there were some things that needed to be explained to avoid causing trouble in the future.

"You speak."

Oakes is quite satisfied with the status quo.

"If you borrow company resources, Dead Man's Bay will also become the company's property."

Mo Yutong said this.

Li Site quickly stopped. This is not something to say. Rules are dead and people are alive. The rules are still the same, but they have to be put in another way. Brothers must also settle accounts clearly.

"It's like this. When Wollman went to the Great Wetland, he saw less blood. He mainly brought his brothers back to work together for a great cause. But you saw more blood. You are the person in charge of this project. After winning it, you will be the top management of this place. You must be stupid. Dead Man's Bay is just an isolated island and has no value. It needs the operation of the company. Now I have half of the Heavenly Kingdom Port. With your reputation and the name of Black Sail, this can be done."

Li Site spoke calmly and added: "As a shareholder, of course you will not only benefit from your project, you can benefit from everyone's projects."

Oaks thought about it for a while, and it was indeed true. There was only Dead Man's Bay, and that was useless. He had to expand rapidly. Black Sails was also blooming in other areas. As its influence became greater, his power would also expand. At that time, it would be critical. This is the third stage of the strategy of returning to the Mirror Sea.

"I'm OK."

Oaks replied calmly.

The meeting is still going on.

The organizational structure must be clarified, and the backbone has a new identity.

Wollman and Oakes were working on projects and were regional leaders respectively.

The technical director, Swann, learned from the foreigners and learned skills to defeat the foreigners. Diaz also has something worth learning. He also holds training courses and provides one-stop teaching and one-stop service.

The security director, Claude, and the old Alain's way of leading troops must be carried forward.

Arms management, Xia Di, all weapons procurement matters must still be left to experienced people.

For medical logistics, Micah, the entire company's hospital is the same as the military hospital. Employees have medical insurance, so they are not stragglers.

Heywood, Wren, Archer, Morrison, interim trade representatives.

Chief Accountant, Mo Yutong.

Chief engineer and general manager, Fen, I don’t know what kind of general manager, but he is a general manager anyway.

Li Site, Heidu will be strong, after all, the main business is killing people.

"Do you understand? Forty-eight thousand golden dragons? Damn it. Everyone here is a person with status. From now on, we will all have one brother, one brother per person. We must have our own ideas, ideas, and possibilities. Just send money directly, I can’t make so many decisions by myself.”

Li Site lit a cigarette and smoked it.

Why is the Emperor still seeking political power when he can even kill a dragon with a wingspan of ten miles?

The power that can be dispersed is the power that is truly on the card table.

Otherwise, he's just a little jerk.

"I see. I need a medical logistics base. I need to recruit a hundred nurses, preferably from all races."

Micah came up with his own project.

"God damn nurse, here to protect the quality of your sex life, right bastard?"

Renne directly rejected it.

"No, Micah is right. Isn't there a hotel under the Gemini Group? I think we should set up a Black Sail Hospital. If someone is chopped or has any disease, they can enjoy free medical treatment, but it must be Full-time employees."

Fen thought this was a must, and said to Mo Yutong: "The plate is so big, you can't manage it alone. I'll go with you in the past few days to look for people on the island who have brains, have read books, and are competent in human affairs." We need to recruit a large number of people for administrative and accounting work. Gao Wen, your brother has also gone to college, so he will be a human resource. I will give him some advice on other things when I have time."

Gawain of course readily agreed.

Strictly speaking, Black Sail currently has no formal employees.

After that, the crew of the Furmacqing's Revenge was mentioned about robbing the train to share the dividends. Now it can be implemented. These people have two choices. One is to take the dividends and leave. The budget is three thousand gold dragons. Five people who go to rob the car together The ten pirates could not be treated badly. The ship guard had to send out ten golden dragons no matter what. Even though they were not hunted down, it was still a dangerous job.

The second is to become a formal employee and be included in the system, enjoying free medical care, fixed salary, and various benefits. The first batch of employees will naturally be members of the management team. There will also be promotion opportunities in the future, and they may be the people who move the wind and rain on the island.

Anyone with a discerning eye will choose the latter.

The people from Qili and Wenkui are now outsourced, and Taylor and another big boss, Li Site, are going to be brought in as shareholders.

Proceed to this stage.

The first shareholders' meeting also came to an end.

Micah's hospital project was also approved, and two hundred gold dragons were allocated to establish the hospital, purchase some medical equipment, stockpile medicines, and recruit personnel.

Medicines are the most expensive, and the medicines from New Pharmacy can only be used by rich people. In this era, free medical care is no longer available. I don’t know if Hei Fan is Hei Du.

"That's almost it. Let's start recruiting people like crazy tomorrow. Once the skeleton is set up, we'll start...every day!"

Li Site thought that there was nothing more to add. It was impossible to sort out everything at once and he had to take his time.

"I want a job too! I want it..."

Favna shook Li Site's arm.

"You're not sleeping so late, hiding and eavesdropping?"

Wollman was speechless, and Fafna kept hiding in a corner.

"Aren't you asleep too?"

Favna entered the rebellious stage, rolling her lower eyelids with her fingers, sticking out her tongue and making faces.

"The Lord Furmac's Revenge is idle now. You will be the acting captain while I am away. However, there is a prerequisite. You must study navigation knowledge and act independently. Only after you pass the exam can you become the captain."

Li Site started to UFO Favna, not only as a combat unit, but also to study and become a general. One day he just sat still and the Western Continent was defeated directly.

Favna's eyes were filled with little stars, and she nodded. Now there are two boats, the small boat is for fun, and the big boat is for... big adventures!

"Okay, the first shareholders' meeting has adjourned."

Li Site also needs to do a good job in intelligence work to see what news there is about Daolinger in the past few days.

Just then, Ben came back.

"Your waist was pinched in the cold night in the north,

I killed people like hemp in the bright southern sun.

The rain kept falling, and the atmosphere was not harmonious. Under the same roof, Dollinger was NTRed by me. "

Ben was humming a weird little tune in a low voice, and his voice could only be heard by himself. He seemed to be in a good mood.

"How's it going? Have you found any clues about Dollinger?"

Fen Ru asked.

Ben shook his head and said he found nothing, wait... Li Site and the others came back alive? Tianguo he a younger brother?

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