Black sails

Chapter 275 CCLXXIV Blackmail

Chapter 275 CCLXXIV. Blackmail

"I did do this job, but I don't take it now. Well... a heroic adventurer, plus 8 toughness on saving throws, plus 7 reflexes, and plus 11 willpower. Strength 18, agility 15, constitution 14, intelligence and charm. Set it to 0, as the property will drop rags and human flesh."

Morrison spoke words with unclear meaning and became a doomsday survival maniac under the influence of board games.

"Don't add random characters to yourselves! You're just playing board games."

Micah couldn't understand at all why human flesh was dropped. Hey, what's the use? Morrison has been fooled by Lostra's card game and has lost his mind. He is crazy. You should not be a director. You don't want beautiful cars and beautiful women. You want to be a two-dimensional otaku, right?

"Okay! You look so powerful!" Ren was dumbfounded. His killing skills are close to Taoism, his heavy sword has no edge, and his skills are useless. You can't hit the combat power detector. Maybe Morrison really has that ability. " Is it high-tech like Frieza’s?”

"Frieza is okay."

Micah was greatly shocked. He suddenly realized that dragons were legendary creatures that ordinary people could never see in their lifetimes. How could they find them so easily? It turned out that Li Site had already collected the seven dragon balls and summoned Favna!

coming! He wants to make a wish that there will be thousands of hospitals and that all the prostitutes in the world will be happy!

"Help me see how much I am."

Ren was extremely curious.

"What do you want to see? Of course you want to see these two couples... no, these two beauties."

Micah's identity was now up. He coughed twice and filled the glass. He had put on a showman's outfit, wearing a pink suit from head to toe. Now he couldn't find any woman. He was an adventurer and he was directly keeping her.

The female archer was a little disgusted. This person's gaze was so naked that it made one's hair stand on end.

The other sorceress was very interested and wiped her upper lip with her tongue. She didn't refuse anyone who came, and the werewolf must have been quite big.

Fisher felt it was extremely weird and couldn't understand what they were saying, but he felt inexplicably scary.

"Do you still know me?"

The honorary-level adventurer greeted Morrison. Although he was trained by him, there are several big brothers here, so don't be afraid.

"I have never been impressed by minor characters. What do you want from me?"

Morrison was playing with throwing daggers. This group of people was coming fiercely. This might be a good opportunity to try out Maple Forest. Some of them seemed quite capable of fighting.

"It's like this. Although you have no impression, I have cooperated with this little brother before. We are adventurers going to the New World."

As Fisher spoke, he wiped off the blood on his leg without leaving a trace, without taking it seriously, "I heard a man named Qili on the island said that Li Site is the boss here now and I want to talk to him about cooperation. things on."

As pirates who have been in dangerous areas all year round, Morrison and others have very good intuition. Anything they come to discuss is possible, except cooperation.

"For cooperation, you can talk to anyone here. I'll tell you the conditions directly. You don't look like you have a boat, so the price must be lowered. You guys, Monthly Hardware Dragon, you I don’t care how you divide it among yourself, the goods you get from the New World must be sold to us, and we will pay for them."

Micah rarely got down to business.

"Is it so simple..." Fisher was a little helpless. It seemed that these people were trying to prevent him from meeting Li Site. It was useless to see the little ones. He had to meet the biggest one before he could play literary games. "I have A distant relative, on the third trial train, you see..."

After he said that.

Everyone in Heifan looked a bit solemnly.


Morrison said with a smile.

five minutes later.

The bedrooms upstairs in the hotel.

"Are you ready?"


Li Site had already warmed up the front through the clothes, and was now ready to separate the front and back, and draw the bow from both sides.

Mo Yutong put her hands on the table, her hair was messy, and wanted to look back, but she decided not to.

Just as Li Site was trying to untie her belt, an inappropriate knock on the door came. He didn't care what the knock was.

Mo Yutong shook her head at him, saying that the future is long.

Li Site was so angry that he vomited blood.

Two minutes later.

Li Site came to the second floor of the hotel. Fisher and his party were already sitting in their seats. They had learned their lesson before and were not too presumptuous. They still hoped for a peaceful solution. They just took the money and left. It was as simple as that.

The backbone of Black Sail went out a lot, but only a small part of them were there. The atmosphere was quite terrifying. The whole room smelled of gunpowder and was about to explode.

"You should be Li Site. You don't look like the one on the wanted poster. Gawain, you are really not a good friend. You asked us to come and leave in Yalan. Now that you are rich, you pass by your door and even have a bowl of porridge. It’s really boring if you don’t even give me a drink.”

Fisher sat upright, even Dollinger gave up three points, but he didn't know whether it was true or not.

"This is... an acquaintance of mine. As you know, when I was in Aram, I wrote a letter to other people, and they guessed that he was here to ask for money."

Gawain cut at the speed of light. He had already tried to persuade Fisher, but to no avail. Fisher seemed to have a back-up plan in Alan.

During her travels with Gawain, Lu had met this man several times and knew that he was not a good person.

"I don't understand. Tianguo Port is my land. Are you going to blackmail me on my territory?"

Li Site also found it a bit interesting.

"They are all open-minded people, so let me tell you straight away. There are special Yalan government personnel who have formed a pursuit team and are investigating this matter. Although it is claimed to be a malfunction, other newspapers have already spread the truth. Robbery, and I don’t know how far this pursuit team has gone, maybe they have no clue. If I can’t get out of this door, my friend in Yalan is not very strict and likes to inform. I’m sorry.”

Fisher's face was extremely ferocious, and he took a sip of wine. He was served the most rubbish blended wine, and he didn't care.


Xia Di didn't know what to say. Li Site should have made preparations for this. A person as smart as him would have expected this kind of situation.

Li Site pondered for a while. This guy brought so many people here. Many of them are heroic adventurers. They are not ordinary people. If they are outside, they should be cautious. But don’t you look at what I have here. people.

Although Delea accounts for the majority, maybe 90%, but she can be regarded as a person who only masters the Gemini Skull and Bones Society. Not to mention others, Brother Hai said that he is immortal for the time being.

What is the concept of immortality? Li Site couldn't imagine it.

Favna looked puzzled as she looked at the tattoo on Fisher's neck. The vicious snake even spread to her neck. How cool!

"I want one!"

Favna pointed at Fisher's neck.

"What are you trying to do? He's just playing with Genshin Impact."

Wollman scolded, Favna has eaten all the red crystals of Morrison and Mika in the past few days, and she can't stand such a torment. There are almost twenty pieces and four thousand gold dragons. Sister, you must take good care of them. If you spend too much money, you can't go astray. Only when you develop morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically well.

However, Li Site asked an unexpected question.

"How much do you want?"

He asked Fisher.

It's not that Li Site really wants to give it, he wants to see the appetite of this group of people. There is a shortage of people now, so it would be good to hire a few slave laborers to work for free.

In addition, he was not without worries. Those characters like Mr. Alan were not from the same dimension as the wild folk. He came with a few Marcus and Joshua and sent them directly.

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