Black sails

Chapter 282 CCLXXXI Monster

Chapter 282 CCLXXXI. Monster

The bright red sand is like a wave, coming from the guardrail on the side of the ship. The blood-red quicksand is like a flood, extremely fast.

Covering the dozen crew members on the deck, Frodo's men.

The warlock used wind elemental magic to blow the strong wind, but he could only save the skeleton around him.

But the skin of those who have been submerged in the sand is slowly drying up, as if they have lost all moisture.

And Heywood's invisible annihilation element fluctuates, changing the structure of life.

The sight was too appalling.

These withered bodies let out shrill howls, and then were torn apart from the chest and abdomen, turning into a bloody mouth. Then their limbs were twisted backwards, and they were crawling on the ground, like twisted hell dogs. Climbing towards Captain Tianfeng and others.

The speed is extremely fast, like a spider, the head is hanging limply, the expression is extremely frightened, but it is still alive, some of it is even crying, but it can't make a sound, there is only one thought in the mind, that is, it should not be a pirate in the first place. Du Hui.

The chest and abdomen are full of sharp teeth and serrated teeth, squirming like the mouth of a death worm, with tusks longer than a human forearm surging, running wildly towards Captain Tianfeng and the rest of the team.

Some crew members along the way were bitten to pieces by these human spiders, bursting into blood mist, and continued to crawl towards the group of people.

Even Captain Tianfeng was a little shocked, as if he were a creature from hell.

But his mind was horrified and he came back to his senses in a moment.

Extremely vicious.

He didn't dare to stab with a sword, because it was a review ceremony, and there were even weapon racks on the deck. The weapons were blown to the ground and scattered everywhere. He picked up a long-handled ax with one hand, weighing dozens of kilograms.

The sword swept across like a broken bamboo. Under the huge force, a human spider was penetrated by the ax blade, and even the enamel bones were directly shattered. It immediately exploded into two halves, and the flesh and blood were blurred.

There was another violent spin, and he rushed into the strange creatures, sweeping away three human spiders in a circle, and the red liquid splashed. Another guillotine descended from the sky, smashing a human spider to pieces and turning it into a puddle of broth.

"The good times have gone too long, have you turned into cowards?"

Looking at the group of backbones who were still unable to recover, Captain Tianfeng scolded him. He thought it was a matter of convenience, but looking at the Furmac King's Revenge getting closer and closer, he realized that things were getting difficult to handle.

The group of backbones stabilized their minds. This monster looked scary and had fighting power, but it was no match. They began to face the enemy head-on.

Captain Tianfeng believed that Frodo was not very mentally capable. Although he helped Taylor command the fleet, how many battles had Taylor actually fought in so many years with his status? He is just a young man who grew up in an ivory tower.

"First mate, you go down and take over Frodo's work. There are people below the deck. Li Site approaches and fires to greet them."

Captain Tianfeng has a very high psychological quality and can remain rational in such weird situations.

Haywood, who had been killing everyone before, suddenly reversed his form. He was alone against the Pirates who had been at the top of the season.

The human spiders were being slaughtered quickly. All of these backbones were experts, and they cooperated extremely well with each other, using magic, sword skills, hand cannons, hooks, sickles, and maces.

All the monsters on the deck were slaughtered in less than ten seconds.

These pirate backbones have strange smiles. It is true that they have lived a good life for too long. They occasionally experience life and death, which is not bad.

Heywood turned into wind and sand and swept towards Captain Tianfeng again.

Captain Tianfeng learned from the past and took off his coat, trying to catch the strange quicksand.

"Ordinary means don't work!"

Because he is a pirate, the warlock is proficient in water element magic. He is not a wild man, but he also studied at a famous school. Three spiral water columns rushed out from the sea and quickly gathered in his hands, and then headed towards Heywood for irrigation.

As expected, the trajectory of these sands stopped.

After all, Heywood is a low-level demon. As a sentinel, he is not as good as the non-commissioned officers and generals in the expeditionary force, let alone the commander of the demon army.

But he has always been endowed with almost immortal power, enough to allow him to squander it for thousands of years in this world.

He regrouped his true self and wanted to gain a little more strength.

I saw that his whole body was like fried beans, his bones crackled and crackled, and the bone spurs at the joints protruded from the skin, bursting into bright red quicksand. His skeleton was rapidly expanding, constantly exploding, becoming taller and more burly, three meters tall. , four meters.

In the end, it grew into a five-meter monster. Like those creatures, it had huge bloody mouths on its chest and abdomen. Not only that, but enamel bone spurs sprouted from its arms and legs.

The back of the huge devil's claw is connected to the forearm. It has strange gills that are opening and closing to breathe, but they are not gills, gathering the annihilation elements here.

They all erupted from above, and the three gills were swollen by the high-pressure surge of annihilation elements. The bright red quicksand abrasive formed three bright red guillotines.


Just for a moment.

It was simply beyond human power. The three Tianfeng backbones were immediately cut into four sections. The cuts were extremely smooth and turned into parts scattered on the ground. They died suddenly on the spot.

At this moment, everyone on the deck was completely frightened. Some of Frodo's men who had managed to survive were so frightened that they completely lost their minds and even jumped directly into the sea.

"What kind of monster are you!"

A man with explosive muscle lines in the backbone holds a hand cannon in his palm, or it cannot be described as a hand cannon. His strength can carry a twelve-pounder cannon, and he is specially built.

There was a violent explosion, and the twelve-pounder hit Heywood's chest.


The devastating shells, the deafening explosions, and the rising smoke.

The effect was indeed astonishing. Heywood was knocked back a few steps, a large hole opened in his left chest, and blood-red quicksand sprayed everywhere on the deck.


Nothing happened.

Haywood was still able to move, took a few steps forward and grabbed the slugger, and boom! It was like a balloon filled with red ink that exploded in his hand, like crushing a baby bird, turning this two-meter-tall man into mud.

Captain Tian Feng never imagined that he would encounter such an evil situation in his life, but the tragic deaths of his former partners one after another made him really angry.

Powerful pirate groups often do not appear spontaneously among the people, but are elites who break away from mainstream organizations for various reasons.

It's a pity that it was a naval battle, and Captain Tianfeng didn't wear his armor made of magic patterns, but even so, the runes of life alchemy can also work.

"Pirates will always have this kind of day...but I can go down and accompany them."

It was hard to tell whether he had courage, or whether he lost his mind under such a gap. Blood-red runes flowed all over his body, and he charged towards Heywood with a long-handled axe.

The remaining backbone, warlocks and flying scythes are also supporting him.

The enamel spurs that penetrated Heywood exploded one by one, and the warlock restricted Heywood's movement with water magic.

The giant ax was as light as a foam board in Captain Tianfeng's hand. He stepped on Heywood's arm and swirled the ax blade wildly all over his body, bursting out bunches of quicksand like a waterfall.

boom! boom!

Continuous rumbling noises were heard.

The Furmac King's Revenge began to exchange fire with this brand-new escort ship.

The upgraded Fumacqing has completely turned into a battleship with hundreds of cannons. This escort ship cannot withstand it at all.

But Li Site didn't dare to open fire. Taylor was still on the boat. If he was killed directly, it would be troublesome. He was here to save people, not to kill.

On the deck of Fuma Keqing.

Li Site used a telescope to look at the scene on the ship. What the hell... is it Brother Hai? Really fucked.

He was shocked beyond measure. Even after ten years of living here with strange powers, he had never seen anything like this. It was so scary.

Heywood is fucking... killing everyone! Wait...are those from the Tianfeng Pirate Group?

Damn it, what kind of monster can withstand that kind of thing even though it's at a disadvantage?

Li Site no longer recognized the dull and taciturn shipwright.

Li Site made a judgment and must keep a safe distance. Fumacqing could not open fire, and the people on the boat could not let them attack stupidly. He and his men drove a small boat to support them.

Judging from Brother Hai's condition, it seems... he doesn't really need support, right?

Just hope Tyler is still alive.

A lookout reported that a ship was coming from behind, belonging to a motley pirate group.

Fuma Keqing and others were wary at first, but after seeing the people on the boat with their binoculars, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Fen and Xia Di came by boat. The light boat was much faster than the big boat.

Following the rope net on the wall of Formacqing's ship, they climbed up, along with Favna and Fisher.

"how's it going?"

Fen asked Li Site.

"Brother Hai is crazy."

Li Site didn’t know what kind of medicine Heywood was given, and how he got upgraded? I'm afraid it won't be full level directly.

"Okay, let's go over and take a look."

Fen believed that Taylor must be rescued as soon as possible, and he also understood the current situation. He could not approach the boarding battle, and he did not dare to fire on his side, otherwise Taylor would be accidentally injured, but he could not drive over and get beaten.

"Favna said she had a way to get through."

Xia Di looked at Favna with a confused look on her face. She was about to kill someone. Could you please be more cold-blooded and stop being so stupid?


Fafnna was also in the rebellious stage, holding her arms and saying, "Let Captain Fafnna lead you forward."

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