Black sails

Chapter 288 CCLXXXVII High-End Game

Chapter 288 CCLXXXVII. High-end game

the next day.

January 7th.

Li Site treats the symptoms, Delea treats the root cause, and the husband and wife team up to treat the symptoms.

He transforms into freedom, and she transforms into eternity, ascending to heaven, walking in song, covering the sky with a snap of her fingers.

Tai Ni had already said goodbye to Taylor last night. Heavenly Harbor is dangerous, which is what Taylor meant.

But Taylor was naturally worried about letting his only daughter leave with a mysterious woman, so he arranged for her to be accompanied by the most skilled guards in the manor.

If you want to travel to the sea, you can't just rely on a small boat.

With Taylor's own boat, it would also turn heads.

Just like Delea controlled the two burly men outside her castle, she also directly controlled the captain of a ship as the group's exclusive means of transportation.

They set off before dawn, Tianguo Port had already disappeared from sight, and the nearly 40-meter-long ship was heading towards the western continent.

"Miss, it's windy on the deck, so let's go in."

The accompanying guard advised.

Tiny shook her head.

Without saying goodbye to Liszt, Taini left with Delea. Delea said that Taini didn't understand Liszt, and with his character, she would not say goodbye to him.

Delea couldn't leave because of her special status. She would be hunted by various churches and demon hunters outside. That is to say, in the Port of Heaven, no one cares about identity and race. They only care about reality and money. If Leia arrived in an ordinary human town, she would be regarded as a villain.

And Li Site would never let such a thing go.

Especially Delaya's purpose this time is to collect the so-called King's Landing Sword for Li Site. He has his unfinished business, and it is her turn to save him.

Delea also came to the side railing of the ship holding a parasol, and blew in the wind with Teni.

After the accompanying guards saw this woman's methods, they couldn't help but be a little wary. After all, she is a witch who can directly control people's hearts, and the captain of this ship has become her puppet.

"Last night, in your castle, that..."

Taini discovered the little secret of the four girls. Delaya came out with her two beauties and heard the abnormal cries of the girls in the room. Does Li Site know the relationship between them?

Tai Ni understood that Li Site had a family, but so what? Although Delea is a very gentle person, I feel sorry for her, but sometimes she has to be a little selfish.

When she does this, she doesn't have a chance.

Tyni is a straight daughter, and Delea cannot change her mind in an instant, and she has a long way to go.

"It's what you think."

As a daywalker, Dreya is not without influence in the sun. If she is exposed to the sun, she will be greatly weakened, but it is okay to hold an umbrella.

She didn't want to deny that she would break the hearts of Xiaomei and Lily later. She also loved these little cuties equally.

"How is this possible... Li Site?"

Tai Ni was still thinking about leaving without saying goodbye. When she went to find him, she quickly gathered people to go to sea without any hesitation. Even if it was her own guess, she trusted herself immensely.

"I know what you are thinking, my love, and them, we are all a family."

Delea turned her head sideways and looked at Taini with interest.

She is now playing the role of a close eldest sister. She has T-morality and will not mess around while being of the same sex. Of course, unless she is cheating on her, such as when Meredith first came here, she dared to Those who are currently guilty of playing with their wives must be severely punished.

The accompanying guards were greatly shocked. Even if they lived in such an evil place as Tianguo Port, they had never heard of such outrageous things. Li Site might not have saved the world in his previous life.


Tai Ni was confused. The family... In other words, would Li Site join in their game?

"I know you love my husband very much, and I also like you very much. I don't want you to get hurt. It's really difficult to handle."

Delea adjusted Taini's collar and said angrily, "You really should go back to your room. Look at you, your nose is red from the cold."

She also scraped Tai Ni's nose lovingly, like a couple.

Tai Ni was brainstorming and had a lot of thoughts.

She made a decision that went against a straight woman, that is, to infiltrate the enemy and completely dominate the family. It doesn't matter between you. I just want Li Site. Before that, there must be harmony.

Sexy is not hot, Puxi is not a cat.

No pain No gain.

The cauldron sank a hundred and two boats, and the Qin Pass finally returned to Chu. I lay down and tasted P three thousand aluminum heat that could be swallowed (fog).

"What are you thinking about? Biting your lips is not a good habit."

Delea took off her coat and put it on Tiny. She had low fire resistance, but was quite cold-resistant.

Taini's mood was complicated. Delea was a very gentle person and an impeccable beauty. She was going through the weirdest period of her life.

Draya, you must also attack hard.

Every move she makes is choreographed.

"It seems... I'm a little dizzy..."

Tai Ni held her forehead and pretended to be unsteady.

Delea, who was dressing her, hugged her and said, "Your body is extremely weak. It's best to have a good rest before going ashore."

Gloria, who was watching silently from the side, was a little jealous. She was a serious neodymium copper, and "Leida" couldn't scan Taini at all. It was just a straight girl's trick. Did Delea fall into her trap?

Meredith felt sorry for her daughter-in-law, and put her hand on her shoulder, comforting her that as long as Delea attacked, everything would be fine.

However, the fact is that Taini has great ambitions. She not only wants to capture the three girls, but also makes them inseparable. Then they will play their game, and Li Site and she will play ours.

At this moment.

Inside the Black Sail Hotel.

Today, January 7th, is the day when most new people get married. Not only is Claude getting married on the island, there are also many others, but the situation of the others is a bit special.

Most of the time, a pirate who has made enough money falls in love with a street girl, spends money to redeem her, and cannot return to the mainland because of a criminal record, so they end up working together on the island to survive.

Of course there are serious ones, but the man is still a pirate, but the woman is an adventurer or someone with a serious business.

The atmosphere on the island today is not even worse than the Chinese New Year, with loud gongs and drums and the firing of artillery.

Taylor gave up the manor, and Claude was already waiting there.

"Fuck it."

Caruso couldn't help but complain, but as a clergyman, he also realized the gaffe and covered his mouth and coughed twice.

So the way of thinking of pirates is different from that of ordinary people. The person they selected at the meeting to give away the bride turned out to be Fen. This group of people went crazy.

Maybe it’s because I subconsciously feel that it’s more respectable for educated people to come.

This is not a matter of face. As a necromancer, you are not suitable to go to funerals, let alone happy events.

"Let's leave it to Lao Weitou."

Caruso suggested this, but he was actually a little depressed. The Heavenly Punisher could be allowed to witness the marriage, but not the big family, nor the civil servants and aristocrats. Only a family of military attachés and a military master of the Three Banners could invite him.

Li Site is responsible for the cost of bringing up Favna, and he is also willing to share the stone tablet with the Holy Spirit Church. It is unjustifiable to not help even with such a small favor.

"Is he really a genius?"

Wollman said to him, "After today, we have to leave tomorrow. We must enjoy the banquet before leaving."

Lao Weitou would naturally not refuse when he was in danger, and he was willing to participate in these things despite his age.

The proprietress of the coffee shop in the hotel was a little cautious, so the waitress and Iori guided him, and she also wore a formal dress and acted as the bridesmaid.

Micah desperately wanted to be the best man, but Claude felt it was unlucky, so he chose relatively serious people, Shadi, Swann, and a few old Aran elite soldiers he brought to the island.

The noodles are full.

In the poor land of Tianguo Port, eight white horses of the same color were gathered together to pull the cart.

The boss lady has several sets of wedding dresses, including wedding dresses for going out, wedding dresses for guests, and wedding dresses for ceremonies.

"After getting married, Claude will have to be towed..."

Morrison looked at the outrageously beautiful bride, but he hadn't finished speaking yet.

"You'd better rest."

Caruso interrupted quickly.

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