Black sails

Chapter 290 CCLXXXIX Visitors to the Castle

Chapter 290 CCLXXXIX. Visitors to the Castle

"Your identity means that you have naturally heard about what I did. I have a reason to do that. Do you still remember what I taught you? People will only believe what they want to believe. The truth is like the top of a mountain. The air above is too much for the weak, and what people need more urgently than the truth is lies. They would rather think that I am a shameful person who blasphemed heroes, than believe that the Pedan royal family is someone who deceives the world and steals their reputation."

Fen taught Alani as a substitute, and she had arcane knowledge. However, because of her special status, too many people had high hopes for her. The courses were fully booked, and she needed to be both civil and military, as well as know some business and social knowledge. Also clear up the confusion.

"The Emperor... no, his status may not have the time to care about this matter. Just you, you have to pretend that nothing happened. The people who know that you have been in the car are no longer in the world. You just need to tell It’s better that your family is not on this train, you can’t mention it at all.”

Fen was quite afraid. Alani could not die. The Astalia family was stamping their feet and the Western Continent was shaken. It didn't matter how the nobles in the car died. If this kind of thing that even endangered the family's face was spread, Black Sail could Living for half a month is already the limit.


Alani hesitated.

"Are you going to kill your teacher with your own hands?"

Fen's tone is extremely serious, and even though it is mixed with a performance quality, his performance is extremely realistic.

"Of course not...I want to help you."

Alani gave an answer that Li Site had not expected. Although it was just a fantasy object in her youthful days, and she no longer has that kind of thoughts, she really did not believe that Fen would do that kind of thing. Even if she did, Yes, there are also great injustices involved.

Only a few people know this, and the reason why the Pedan royal family hates Fen so much.

One night, Fen colluded with his gang members to enter the Tomb of King Pedan and killed all the night watchmen.

After all, it is a cemetery. Even if there is a guard force, it is not the best in Pedan. No one expected that a fanatic would do such a thing.

On the next day, when the Pedan royal family reacted, the remains of the previous king had disappeared. The skeleton was controlled by Fen and knelt in front of Fen's father's tomb.

This matter was too explosive and was sealed airtight.

Later, Fen went completely crazy, and he had a share of the military coup. Although he was later suppressed, he committed too many crimes during the period, and in the end he had no choice but to go into exile overseas.

Since then, Fen has completely become a devil-like figure in Pedan. He can stop children from crying at night. He is the ultimate bad guy and a necromancer with no conscience.

Li Site was completely shocked. What a round warrior, General Fen turned into a fucking succubus, you bastard!

Seeing Alani say this, Fen's heart dropped.

"There's nothing you need help with. Just keep silent. I believe in you. You will always be my student."

Fen rarely played the emotional card and put his hands on Alani's shoulders.

Li Site called him an expert.

At this point, it has become an art.


Claude's wedding reception.

Fen rubbed the extremely delicate black crystal card in his palm. On the card, a sacred tree was outlined with extremely exquisite craftsmanship. This was the emblem of their family.

This card has great origins. Once given out, it means that the Astalia family owes the owner a favor. Even if they don't go to them, this card has a strong intimidating effect.

Arguably a million pounds.

"Everyone is here."

Li Site and Mo Yutong also came to the scene.

To Fen's surprise, the crazy woman didn't follow.

"No, Fisher and his animal friends haven't arrived yet."

Wollman smoked a cigar.

"God damn animal friends, one day he will go to the Cross League to give a speech, right?"

Li Site was no longer able to complain. Can animal friends be carried on his body? You bastard?

Micah is sexually harassing as always, and is flattering in every possible way to Viola, a female archer who has just come to work at Black Sail.

Nishi and Viola were also bridesmaids, wearing corseted dresses that were extremely attractive.

But Viola still looked at him like a bug.

Li Site was speechless. A person who has two directors is not very reliable.

"I have already discussed the matter. Tomorrow Qili and Wenkui will set off, along with some of the pirate groups we collected before, to harass the four fishing islands. The two of them will also send some people out to go to the Great Wetland with Wollman. It’s the first joint operation.”

Fen Ru said to Li Site.

Li Site was so moved that he almost cried. As expected of a general manager, he could easily do what the CEO could not do.

"Who is the current boss of Dead Man's Bay?"

Morrison thought it was better to inquire. He would set off tomorrow and start working directly on the island. It would be too foolish to wait a long way to get there.

"They are just deserters. This is a massacre."

Oakes was not interested in the wedding at all, but he was just dragged here. The manpower has been recruited, and there is no suspense when he returns to the island and uses his prestige to support it.

The boss of Dead Man's Bay has a very small belly. He used various excuses to persuade Oaks to leave, but now it is probably not the case. The brothers who came from the Sea of ​​​​Mirrors may either go to other places, or they will be placed on the edge of power by him.

Gawain and Webb also listened attentively. It would be great if that were the case.

The group of people stayed at the wedding banquet for an hour. It was already half past eleven, and the atmosphere was getting more and more lively.

But at this time.

The one-eyed dragon hurriedly ran to Li Site and explained the situation.

"One of Dollinger's men is here to deliver a gift. He has been stopped outside the manor. He wants to see you by name."

Cyclops is now also a manager of the company. He can earn stable income by staying on the island without having to fight and kill, and there is a huge room for promotion. Everything is developing as he hoped.

Fin hissed deeply, Damn, Ren was such a crow, he really got it right.

"How many people came?"

Li Site was also a little panicked. After all, it was Claude's wedding. If the venue was ruined today, it would force an all-out war now.

"There are only three people. One of them has stitch marks all over his face. He seems to be a warlock named Merle."

The one-eyed dragon replied.

Li Site thought for a while, and that was fine. This was not about martial arts, but about literature. He wanted to see what tricks Daolinger was playing.

"You can go too."

Li Site invited Mo Yutong to let her see the world and practice her courage. After all, she would come into contact with more people like this in the future.


Mo Yutong happily agreed.

"I'll follow you."

Fin said calmly.

ten minutes later.

Outside the main entrance of the manor, I saw one of Dollinger's confidants. His face was extremely weird, as if he had been spliced ​​together, and his temperament was extremely gloomy.

He also had two people accompanying him, but they seemed to be just coachmen.

"What are you here for?"

Li Site lit a cigarette and asked straight to the point.

"Of course I'm here to offer my blessings. Don't we have a cooperative relationship with Mr. Dao now? The New World is also divided into 50 and 50. For business partners, there are still some people who should be in person and guests."

Merle sneered.

Now, he was going to scare Li Site out of his wits.

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