Black sails

Chapter 299 CCXCVIII Black Sail Media

Chapter 299 CCXCVIII. Black Sail Media

The dragon-hunting team continued as planned.

Serin took five intelligence officers to the New World to contact Li Site.

Kawache and the rest of the people stayed on the island, staring at the disturbances here.

The suspicious target, Dragon Girl, must be searched at all times.

Another person took a boat back to send a secret report.

Considering the remote geographical location of Heavenly Kingdom Port, Lostra has set up an intelligence transfer station on Kelsuna Island, so there will be no news from the last responder.

With mixed emotions, I finished the meal Heifan invited.

"Hello, are you satisfied with my service? If so, can you give me a good review?"

The waitress in the restaurant handed Serin a score sheet.

Everyone in Selin was dumbfounded.

Mo Yutong has brought a lot of fancy business management experience, including five-star reviews and a complaint system. If you are dissatisfied with Black Sail members, you can provide immediate feedback.

There are two reasons.

The first one is that Mo Yutong believes that the current Black Sail people are too mixed, including those who kill people and those who provide services, it is all a mess. There must be a reward and punishment mechanism, which can eliminate some "impure" parts. , and can also encourage employees to improve themselves.

The second is the implementation of the style of conduct. There are too many pirates, and there are some mentally ill people who will fucking kill people, and then do some things of rape and kidnapping, and then sign up, I am Li Site, can you How about it? Then even if you jump into the Yellow River, you won’t be able to wash yourself away. We must strengthen the moral construction of employees.

For example, Xiao Ming is a lawless pirate with a wrong brain. He kills everyone he sees and turns into a beast when he sees a woman.

One day, Xiao Ming chopped up two villagers on the fishing island and forced their daughter. The villagers could complain, and then people from the Black Sail Administration Department would come down and deal with Xiao Ming.

Of course, there are different sanctions, including salary deduction, suspension, expulsion, and execution. The reward and punishment mechanism takes into account sentencing.

The current black sail, which is too big at the end, must be made to echo from the beginning to the end to control the overall situation.

Once the mobile fortress is obtained, it will float on the East China Sea.

Also a...

You can find me without a trace in the vast sea, and I can't guard against the divine soldiers descending from the sky.

In the exquisite single room of the restaurant.

As a senior intelligence officer of Lostra and the leader of the special task force, Serin was so overwhelmed by the work that she was a little confused and gave a five-star rating on the rating scale.

This place is so fucking evil.


A pirate took Selin and five intelligence officers to the dock. During the gold rush, the tide of ships surged. As the second-ranked gold diggers, Selin and her group were guided by the pirates to board the Black Sail flag. pirate transport ship.

This boat, which is more than thirty meters long, waits until it is full before setting off.

There were many low-level gold diggers sleeping in Datong Shop, but the exchanges were lively. Some of the low-level guys were passing the Adventurers Guild Goddess Manual to each other, quite intent on enlightening them.

Don't hate the unrequited love. A pair of egrets guide me forward.

Leaving the card number means money, and it is fate to make more or less calls. Show scars, eat in jail, do all kinds of things including smoking, drinking, prostitution and gambling.

The ladies guide me, it's like entering the top of Kongtong Mountain!

But Serin and her party naturally didn't sleep in the Datong bunk.

A separate room was prepared for the second-ranked gold digger, and there was also a small kitchen for meals. As long as they performed well, they would have a chance to become a regular, at least that's what Fen said to them.

There were six people in the group, and the captain gave them two rooms, so they could just squeeze in.

Before leaving, the captain said something coquettishly to Serin, giving her a Macho Man Experience Ticket. If she needs it, she can call him in the navigation room at any time, and she is not allowed to chop him with a knife.

Serin just declined in embarrassment. The behavior of the people here was too outrageous.

Close the door and close the latch.

The environment on the ship was naturally not as good as a hotel, but it was nothing to the intelligence officers. After putting down their luggage, they sat on the floor.

"Someone has returned to report, what should we do next?"

An agent asked Serin for instructions.

"Just sneak in secretly, don't alert the enemy, and stick to your target. Black Sail has grown to an unimaginable scale. You can't rush, you have to plan for it slowly."

Celine made a judgment.

Soon, before four o'clock in the afternoon, the pirate ship had already set off, crowded with people, heading towards the New World.

Five days later.

East China Sea.

The new route developed by the Iron Soul Pirate Group has been shared with everyone.

The calm new route has a lower vertical coordinate than Tianguo Port, and the climate is more subtropical monsoon.

The Furmac King's Revenge is also on this route.

There are also fifteen ships leased by Taylor to Lister nearby, which are the highest configuration that can compete head-on with the navy.

At this time, tears were flowing inexplicably. He drove back all the enemies and killed all the navy.

Li Site is a little thoughtful.

Heywood has now become Brother Hai, and if he is still treated as a tool, it will ruin the brotherhood.

Although Heywood said that he was not suitable for that job, Li Site insisted on giving him a false position to let him feel comfortable first.

Heywood was promoted from shipwright and toolman to... captain of fifteen ships, and now he is on a sailing battleship.

The ship was more than eighty meters long and had nearly two hundred cannons. It was fucking scary to look at. This behemoth was Taylor's foundation, and there was such a fleet on the dock.

To see how big of an appetite Heywood has, he is also a visitor from outside the world. Although he has not expressed much in the past few years, he may be pretending to be a ruthless person. It is hard to say that people's hearts are far apart.

But Li Site and others were used to being in Fumaxing, and it was uncomfortable to take other boats.

"Second Master, please protect me. I feel something is wrong these days."

In the captain's cabin, Li Site offered smoke instead of incense to the statue of Emperor Guan, bowed respectfully and placed it in the incense burner, and also lit two candles.

Master Guan's Qinglong Yanyue Sword instantly killed the Dragon Lord. It's great to come down to earth and cover yourself, I can't stand it anymore.

Li Site spoke very wildly, but he was still a little weak in his heart. He gave the order to wash the East China Sea with blood, but it was hard to stop it.

Now I don't know the virtues of pirates, I come here to vote and cheat, I am the first brother of Tianguo Port.

Moreover, Li Site's sleep quality has become even worse these days, as if he is plagued by bad luck and has countless people cursing him behind his back.

Return to the Navigation Room.

Xia Di, Micah and the others have nothing to do.

Now that there are more people, the golden dragon is scattered, and there are many people applying for the job of sailmaster, ropemaster and helmsman. The three of them are also playing cards, chatting and blowing water in the navigation room, as if they have become directors.

"What's the date today?"

Ren had a cigarette in his mouth. He only paid attention to one thing when playing cards and never looked at the cards.

"It's the 13th. According to the route map of the Iron Soul Pirates, we will arrive in the New World the day after tomorrow. Damn, those birdmen have some luck. Their names have been recorded in history. They are a group of dirty pirates. They are so majestic. "

Xia Di replied.

"Hey, do you think there are any indigenous people in the New World? The kind that don't wear clothes, and I wipe them, and a few leaves will come out. Isn't there many? In the golden age, those navigators landed on many islands, and there were indigenous people. , strange."

Ren hoped to see the primitive people. The fishing islands of Dollinger used to be home to indigenous people at first, but later, they were wiped out by the hawks and dogs under the Eastern Expedition Emperor. Those people were really born.

"Didn't you say that we brought back handicrafts? The indigenous civilizations are quite high. It's probably because they haven't been discovered yet, so we have to continue exploring. New creatures, new plants, and special products will make a lot of money."

Xia Di believes that with his economic level, it is time to form an army of handsome elves.

"If we arrive the day after tomorrow, it will be the 15th. The New Year is over. Counting the time, the people from Lostra should be here by now."

Ren said auspicious words.

"Harm, so what if we come. Our current strength is just the Investigator Script, isn't it? Directly to Black Sail Media."

Micah puffed away at his cigarette.

"Master Mai is so tall and hard!"

Renxiadi exclaimed at the same time.

"God damn Black Sail Media!"

Li Site believes that it is necessary to strengthen the quality improvement of employees.

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