Black Tech Internet Cafe System

Chapter 796 Square Jungler and Triangle Mid Laner

"System Upgrade!?"

You can't upgrade sooner! ? My boss was promoted after being hanged and beaten! ?

Boss Fang looked around, then opened the messenger and looked in the group.

Then some guilty conscience wiped away the sweat.

Fortunately, I was not seen when I was ashamed, otherwise all these gangsters would have forced my boss to quit the group.

"Hey, say something!"

System: "System upgrade..."

"I wipe!"

"System upgrade..."

"..." Boss Fang looked depressed.


When Boss Fang's store opened, many people were researching some things in the store that they didn't have, and learning from each other's strengths to make up for their weaknesses.

Even if it is a new store, there are a group of dwarves and magicians who are studying the crafts of forging and enchanting in "World of Warcraft".

Not to mention, Wuwei Daomeng was the first to walk on this road.

As Boss Fang's shareholding, he has the most complete research facilities in the game world, including technology, magic, refining, etc., and has a very clear division of labor.

Some focus on studying fairy swords and weapon refining techniques in Shu Mountain; The runes in God of Destruction; what's more, they have begun to get in touch with some high-tech fields.

This place may have always been the research frontier of the world.

As far as research is concerned, not everything can make money, so... In fact, Boss Fang has gradually transformed from an ordinary shareholder to a big investment boss behind it.

After all, relying on the assets of the Wuwei Daoist League alone can no longer support the growing monk research group.

In some respects, it has already surpassed the East and West New Worlds.

Now it can be seen that in... Wuwei Dao League, there is a very complete production line of new communication jade, and there are also special weapons that are specially developed for mechanics, gunners and other professions.

Looking around, watching these objects that are as seamless as the magic weapon being made, it really feels like... the illusion of coming to another world.

Of course, more are under research and have not yet been released.

For example... the "Animus" in Assassin's Creed that can recall the memories of ancestors.

The research in this area was personally presided over by Jun Yangzi and his disciple Li Haoran of Wuwei Daoist League.

What you can even see are the monks who carry a stack of books every day in the super high-degree-of-freedom game "Grand Theft Auto 5", and the monks who fiddle with machinery in "Dungeon and Warriors", There are also a lot of computer models of "Commissioning Jade Super Evolution".

Apparently only in preparation.

At this time, Boss Fang suddenly received a message:

Li Haoran: "Boss, in the recent exams, these questions always feel a bit incomprehensible, can you explain them to me."

After all, he posted another one: "During a mutation process, a pair of extra nucleotides is inserted into the DNA, what kind of result will be obtained?

Option a: ...

Option b: ..."

"???" Boss Fang's eyes were dazzled, "You ask me who will kick a dnf blind man with a set of A and a magic war who beats Luke's second security leader with nothing? I can answer you, what is this dna? Do you understand?"

Boss Fang replied: "I have read the book a hundred times, and the meaning is self-evident. I don't know how to memorize the periodic table of elements."


"What the hell..." Boss Fang looked depressed, did you time-travel or me?


Fang Qi was standing alone by the Red Maple Lake outside the store in Canglan City, holding an ordinary bronze sword in his hand, and lit a cigarette for himself: " have to have a goal." was because of that special dream that gave me a sense of vigilance, or maybe...I should thank the caster.

If he still has a wish, it is... the answer has already been given in the dream.

It carried all the memories and glory of myself from being ridiculed coldly to the attention of all the people. How can I say that I can let go of it.

In this way, I have to thank a certain unscrupulous system. Maybe this time I really had a conscience and released a mission... that matches what I want to do deep in my heart.

It's not too big, it's not too small, but now...just enough to hold a world-class e-sports event.

"Huh..." A faint smoke ring spewed out of his mouth, as if he was also sighing.

He casually wiped out the last cigarette butt left, and his face gradually brightened: "After completing this only wish, I can rest assured that I will leave the store to the clerk to take care of it, and go to travel around the world by myself to take a good look at this film that is related to myself. The original world is completely different from the great rivers and mountains.”

Suddenly remembered a stalk before time travel: "In the end, I found out that the game is fun."


Regardless of whether it is true or not, it is by the lake anyway, waving the sword, and silently complaining about the salted fish system, and even the training room is not allowed to enter when upgrading.

At this time, Boss Fang suddenly saw a group of elves walking up from the nearby lake embankment.

Sera blinked her eyes, and said cutely: "Boss! Why are you here!?"

"Hey...?" I said you are an elf, how cute are you? Do you think you are Xiaoyue? The good ones don't learn from others, just learn some crooked ways.

So Boss Fang looked at her inexplicably, "???".

"Did the boss have dinner today (cute)? We ordered delicious fragrant chicken and iced black tea, and we plan to have a picnic here, do you want to eat together?"


Boss Fang has a face: (╯°Д°)╯︵┻━┻

Also let people not practice sword properly! ?

"Be courteous for nothing, rape or steal!" Boss Fang looked vigilant, "Tell me, what conspiracy do you have!"

"What kind of conspiracy!?" Sera pouted and said displeasedly, "The boss is so nice, and the games in the store are discounted and free, why don't we give back to the boss?"

"Is it that good?"

Several elves looked sincere: "Yes, yes! Of course, it would be even better if you can teach us some LOL skills!"

"...The fox's tail is exposed." Boss Fang had a funny face, "Is this because someone beat LOL and was abused?"

"Hmph!" Luo Lin hugged her chest next to her and said, "Xuexue keeps talking about our food recently, she's so mad!"

"We want to become sharper!" Sera encouraged herself, "We also want to learn the kind of superb skills that can become sharper!"

"Boss, is there any?"

"What position do you usually play?" Boss Fang asked after thinking about it.

"Have you agreed!?" A group of elves were about to jump up happily.

"I play mid laner!"

"I play wild!"

Boss Fang scratched his head and thought for a while: "Then today I will tell you about a square jungler and a triangle mid laner."

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