At the same time, all people across the country are paying close attention to the developments about the Cloud City base based on the live broadcast of various news.

Everyone was stunned. Such a huge battle was really the most spectacular since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

And they still don't understand, what exactly does Ning Cheng want to study?

Is it necessary for a research and experiment base to have such a big battle?

The whole people were confused.

A strong desire for knowledge makes them unable to stop, and curiosity can indeed kill the cat.

At this moment, Yun City was really famous.

A remote fourth-tier city that is apparently well-known, but because of one person, it will be remembered by the whole world from now on.

Watching the transport planes and helicopters flying over the sky.

Looking at the darkness, various large engineering vehicles, military vehicles, strategic trains, and armed forces were constantly driving in.

Everyone watching the video was silent.

The whole world was excited.


They launched a special program and began to analyze the incident on the spot.

At the same time, an expert was invited to explain it to the public.

The expert stood on the stage, held the microphone and shouted excitedly:

"We can see from many on-site feedback videos that the country attaches great importance to this base construction. This is by no means a waste of space. This emphasis is no less than that of the life-extending drug project, but what exactly is it? What kind of research project is even more important than life-extending drugs?"

"Here, we might as well make a bold guess, what else would Ning Cheng do after solving the problem of extending human life? Through experiments, I learned that the current effect of life-extending medicine is indeed very satisfactory, but life-extension only delays the process of our death, and death is still unstoppable."

"Now, Ning Cheng has made such a big move. Judging from the establishment of an experimental base, it must be more in-depth life science technology. But what role will this technology bring?"

At this time, the host also asked excitedly:"Expert, I would like to ask how you can tell that this project must be more important than life-extending drugs. You must know that the country invests in life-extending drugs. Not small either. The expert laughed:"

It's very simple. In fact, we have all overlooked one thing. When the country announced the news, the 50 billion research funding and base construction were announced separately. This means that 50 billion is just Funds used for research, while the base is free funding provided by the state"

"At the same time, judging from the scenes at the scene, this funding is undoubtedly very large, using the country's most elite talents, engineering personnel, logistics personnel, armed forces, and even scientific researchers. These are all important assets. This is the real big deal."

"So in summary, the value of this project is probably no less than hundreds of billions. So, do you think this research is as important as life-extending drugs, or even more important than life-extending drugs?

The host was also shocked:"What?" Hundreds of billions?"


At the same time, viewers across the country sitting in front of their televisions were also confused.

Yes, why didn't they think that the news was released separately, and the 50 billion was really just scientific research funds.

When they saw 50 billion before, they directly linked it to the test base.

Listening to the experts' explanation, it seems that this is true.

This time, all the viewers began to lose their composure, as the 50 billion they thought was not a big deal at all.

As for Ning Cheng, as a twelve-year-old boy, the country provided such great support every minute.

How could this not shock them.

At this time, they just felt extremely incredible.

Everyone felt their scalps tingling. The most elite personnel in these countries could not be measured by their value.

In front of the TV, Sister Zhang, a former neighbor of Ning Cheng's family, was watching the program, dumbfounded.

After a while, she touched her fat son's head and said in horror

", from today on, he is the idol of our whole family. He is twelve years old and you are twelve years old, but he is now an important scientist in the country, and his status is no less than that of Academician Yuan. Look at these scenes. This is the country's trust in him. How many people were shocked because of him. I even praised you in front of his parents. Oh my god, you have to learn from him, you know?……"

Sister Zhang also regretted it. She was so proud of her face that she was so bragging that her son would be a future college student at Tsinghua University.

Now it seems that students from Tsingta University are not even worthy to carry Ning Cheng's shoes, let alone his son.

Look at the scientific researchers assigned to him by the state. The lowest is a master's degree student, not even a graduate student.

The fat boy swallowed his saliva, with a look of horror in his eyes:"Mom, I suspect that he is not a person at all. This is not a state that humans can reach. No, he is a god!"

Sister Zhang looked bitter:"Yes, He is a god, a god as old as you"


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