Rising Sun Research Base.

At five o'clock in the morning, many scientific researchers who had stayed up all night gathered at the door of a closed R&D room, anxiously and expectantly jumping to look inside, but they could not see anything.

At the door, several guards with guns were standing straight. Commander Ning had said that no one was allowed to come in and disturb! anyone.

The scientific researchers around looked at each other. This was the first time that Ning Cheng did not allow anyone to go in and watch.

"Commander Ning, what project is he going to study?"

"I don’t know, but no matter what project you are researching, it should be a good thing."

"It's already five o'clock in the morning, and Commander Ning hasn't rested yet. Those people have been saying that Commander Ning is irresponsible all day long. They know nothing. Commander Ning invented this thing, and they are too lazy to continue wasting time on it. , so it was left to more people to study and go in depth. But Commander Ning is constantly developing new things."

Hearing this, an old professor who was transferred from the Yanhuang Research Institute put on his reading glasses and started taking notes.

There are many people like him who are constantly taking notes.

They are all older and came here. Then he realized that he was here to learn what he could learn and then pass it on to the young Qianqian students. Ning Cheng became completely busy in the laboratory. There were a lot of equipment here.

Used, such as molecular dialysis instruments, bacterial culture dishes, particle separators and other precision instruments, most of which are automated professional instruments

"Snap, snap."

His fingers kept tapping on the keyboard. Gradually, a biological modeling structure diagram appeared on the computer screen.

On the screen, molecular structure diagrams were displayed in front of Ning Cheng's eyes.

Ning Cheng held a pen and kept writing on the paper. perform calculations and inferences on

"One microgram of AF64A toxin is combined with one unit equivalent of chloride ions, but some manganese elements must be added and some molecular structures must be changed, probably......."

"Swish, swish, swish."

Ning Cheng wrote a formula and did some calculations, and came to a conclusion:"In the end, five kilograms of weight are needed."

"No, five kilograms is too heavy. It's not easy to carry."


"Reduce weight!"

The big deal is that it's less powerful. It doesn't matter if it's less powerful. It's just for self-defense, not for fighting.

Recalculate....... recalculate.......

Finally, at eight o'clock in the morning, the sun had already come out to bask in the sun, and the decision was made.


The fully automatic equipment in the R&D room, as well as the computer CNC, and the 3D printer began high-power work. The parts of the biological grenades began to be processed one by one.

Ning Cheng, at this time, had already begun to match the materials..

On the table, bottles and jars are placed very neatly, because all the materials needed are available in the storage space of the mind, from chlorine to a screw. Yes, so. The first genetic weapon grenade appeared in the research and development room at 8:30 in the morning!.......

It's completely black and can be held in one fist.

The total weight is 3 kilograms, but the equivalent of chloride ion isotopes is only 0.01 kilograms!

Ning Cheng held this biological grenade in his hands, with a flash of excitement in his eyes. This was the first genetic weapon he had created, and it is known as the world's number one self-defense weapon.

"3kg guy.......Its explosion diameter can reach at least 150 meters, which is equivalent to an ordinary grenade, and it is colorless and odorless, hehehe. Ning

Cheng took a deep breath:"The explosion damage is not high, but the neurotoxin produced by the explosion can be released continuously for three minutes. The coverage area can make all enemies covering thousands of square meters fall to the ground. The survival time of the toxin in the air is 24 Hour"

"It is also extremely contagious. It can block the enemy's central nervous system in less than three seconds, enter a state of shock, and die after ten seconds. The most interesting thing is that it can independently distinguish between enemy and friendly targets, and can attack without distinction."

"However, will this explosion range affect me?......."

Ning Cheng slapped his forehead and said bitterly:"Then it cannot be used for self-defense. If it is used for self-defense, then he will also be implicated. If he does not have time to return to the base from the space anchor, such a big Ning Cheng can't even run away from the explosion range."

Ning Cheng smiled bitterly:"It's a bit uncomfortable to only think about killing the enemy and forget that you may be in the explosion range."

Ning Cheng had no choice but to continue processing.

Finally, when it was almost time for lunch, Ning Cheng finally transformed him into a biological grenade that could be detonated remotely. Just in case, he also developed a biological gas mask to prevent poisonous gas invasion.

It can ensure that the toxins are not inhaled into the body within five minutes. During this time, Ning Cheng can also return to the base.

This is still somewhat lethal. After all, Ning Cheng has been weakened countless times and changed to a remote control. At least he himself will not be harmed.


The door of the laboratory opened, and Ning Cheng walked out with a tired look on his face. He stayed up all night again, and it was almost noon now.

When he came out, Ning Cheng was shocked, but he saw that the door of the laboratory was already crowded with people. , all looked at themselves with wide eyes.

"Well.......What are you doing?"

Ning Cheng became a little nervous. Fortunately, the biological grenade has been placed in the space anchor by himself.

A group of scientific researchers looked at Ning Cheng expectantly:

"Commander Ning, what are you developing?"

"Commander Ning.......I heard that you have made any new scientific discoveries?"

"Commander Ning, can you share it with everyone?"


Ning Cheng was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said:"Oh, you guys are thinking too much. I didn't do anything. I just thought the room was too noisy, so I just moved to a different place to sleep. Bye. I have something else to do and I'll leave first."

With that said, Ning Cheng yelled and ran away in front of everyone.

Everyone looked suspicious, but those who didn't doubt his presence dispersed one after another.

Wang Chao looked at Ning Cheng who left with suspicion. He went to the laboratory to sleep in the middle of the night? Why doesn't he believe it so much?

So, after everyone dispersed, Wang Chao walked in alone, looked left and right, and found nothing. All traces had been cleaned up.

"Do you really sleep here?".......

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