Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 109 Bad taste

It turned out to be...


What? Schwarzenegger?

No, this is a robot like Schwarzenegger? That is……

At this moment, the robot in the picture suddenly opened its eyes, and the blue bewitching eyes looked directly at the camera.

"I, T800! I'm back!"

A mechanical voice sounded, and after these words, the entire video screen instantly turned into garbled snowflakes.

After a few seconds, the entire video content, playback ends.

The entire video lasted 17 minutes and 36 seconds. Everyone who watched it felt their hairs stand on end and their backs felt chills.

The amount of information in this video was too large, and the entire network was dumbfounded in an instant.

"T800? Terminator? Am I crazy or time travel?"

"It made my back sweat, it's so real! Here's the trailer for the latest Terminator sequel!"

"The latest trailer for the Terminator? But this robot looks like a T800."

"Oh my god, the rumors were officially refuted just now. It's not a promotional film at all! Is this a special effect made by a folk god?"

"Don't deceive yourself, I'm just doing special effects. With such a real picture, there is no trace of any special effects at all. There is no special effect at all. There is only one possibility. This video is real."

The so-called special effects, no matter how well done and how delicate they are, can be easily seen because of some tiny details.

Especially, with the clear picture of this video, it would be obvious if it was a special effect, but no one thought that it was just a special effect.

"Am I crazy? Or is the world crazy? T800, Terminator, has this world crossed?"

"Isn't it just a T800 robot model? What's the big deal? Give me enough materials and equipment, and I can do it."

"Model? Are you kidding? How does this look like a model?"

"Oh my god, I'm about to collapse, my rationality tells me that this must be fake, this is an impossible picture, but my eyes and my brain are repeatedly emphasizing to me that this is real ! What a pain!"

No special effects, no editing, no promos, it looks like it's just experimental video recording.

There are no gorgeous pictures, no passionate music, just this pale fact.

The simple picture, on the contrary, gives people a strong impact.

Just because it is not fancy at all, the sense of reality is too strong.

It makes people feel as if watching the T800 being built bit by bit with their own eyes!

The video of only 17 minutes and 36 seconds directly blew up the entire Internet.

The fierce collision between reality and fantasy, and the strong contrast between rational judgment and reality are simply driving people crazy.

"It's fake, it's all fake, the whole world is fake! Hahaha"

"Hey... Another crazy one, take it away."

On the Internet, people are discussing frantically, and countless online media and official media have made such headlines.

"The end of the world? How far is it from us?"

"Machine and man? The picture in the movie, will it be realized soon?"

"Malicious hype or real?"

At this time, Huaguo officials took action and instantly blocked all videos about T800 on the Internet, yes, all! Including those movies!

This 17-minute and 36-second video has been taken off the shelves of the entire network. There is no trace of this 17-minute and 36-second video. There is no post bar, no Weibo, no network disk, and no Baidu. Appalling.

If Zhang Zhai paid attention, he might know what method was used to block the entire network so quickly.

But the ban at this time is meaningless. While not letting the turmoil stop, it also added a fire to the already hot atmosphere.

There are many mouths, and it cannot be blocked. From ancient times to the present, anything that is forbidden to mention will spread more widely and for a longer time.

Although the video was blocked and all the keywords were banned, people could not be banned from discussing it.

This matter is really too eye-catching.

On Koukou, on WeChat, on the Internet, people are discussing this.

In reality, in the classroom, in the office, on the bus, people are discussing this matter.

Hot spots of public opinion at home and abroad seem to be focused on this.

All of a sudden, it overwhelmed the enthusiasm of Zhang Zhai's previous news.

It's horrible!

For most of them, although they are shocked and concerned, they are at best discussed after dinner.

Because it has no immediate interest in them, at least for now.

However, for some people, this matter is definitely a good thing, such as the main creative team of Terminator.

For those who have something to do with the term Terminator, during this period of time, interviews and program invitations have been coming in an endless stream.

The attention of each main creator in the world is rising.

But everyone knows that the real breaking point of the news is actually the person who made the Terminator T800.

Everyone wants to know, who is he? Is this video real? Is it a record of a real experiment? Or is it just a hype

To what extent can the T800 be able to do it? Is it a cold-blooded killing machine in the movie? Or is it just a normal model?

There are countless questions and curiosity about this in everyone's heart! waiting to be answered.

Not only ordinary people, but also various countries and institutions are paying attention to this matter and conducting secret investigations. They want to know the authenticity of this matter more than anyone else.

Because, if true, it would be a massive transformation.

Among them, Hua Guo is particularly concerned about this.

After all, the video was first released from the Huaguo Internet.

In addition, as shown in the video screen, the person who made the T800 is very likely to be from Huaguo!

Huaguo, a secret base.

The Xingkong No. 2 supercomputer is placed here, which is the supercomputer with the second fastest computing speed in Huaguo, and at the same time in the whole world. It can be said that it is very important.

Moreover, because of the existence of that "thing", Xingkong-2 is even more important than the Shenwei supercomputer.

"Prophet, is there any trace of fraud in this video?"

A researcher in his forties asked while facing the monitor in front of him.

"The 99.99% probability is true, and there is still a slight possibility, which exceeds the upper limit of my judgment." A synthetic female voice sounded.

The researcher in his forties is the person in charge of this experimental base. The video he said is exactly the 17-minute 36-minute video circulating on the Internet.

And this so-called Prophet is the strong artificial intelligence that Zhang Zhai gave to Huaguo, which is stationed in the supercomputer.

"Prophet, who do you think the man in this video is?"

"According to the information you have provided me, I cannot judge." The Prophet replied.

"Hey... Is it possible that it is Mr. Zhang Zhai?"

"Insufficient information makes it impossible to give an accurate judgment." The prophet replied.


On the Internet, as time passed, the focus of people's discussions gradually shifted from the authenticity of the video to the key question of who this man is.

So who is this person?

Many people suspected that it was Zhang Zhai, but there were also many people who opposed it.

In fact, from the moment the video appeared, the speculation that this man is Zhang Zhai has never stopped.

"I seriously doubt it's Zhang Zhai. From a technical point of view, he can make Ada, so it's not difficult to make a Terminator, right? It makes sense."

"It's reasonable and reasonable, Ada is a funny comparison, why can I make Ada, and then I can make a Terminator, what kind of shit logic is this."

"Then tell me, besides him, who else is possible?"


Discussions are raging on the Internet, but the instigator is currently sound asleep.

No one thought that the 17 minutes and 36 seconds video they discussed was just someone's bad taste.

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