Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 205 Invincible

For the first time, when the audience saw Zhang Zhai's regretful expression, they had the urge to vomit blood.

Is this the gap between us and geniuses? The straight-line distance from the capital of China to the capital of the United States is 14,000 kilometers or 15,000 kilometers. Is it not enough to fly so far?

On the Internet, there was also a strong reaction to this.

"Everyone, don't stop me, I'm going to kill God today! Ma De is too beautiful!"

"Upstairs, you dare to touch a single hair of my husband! My old lady will fight you hard!"

"Zhai Shen: Basic operation, I'm a bit sorry!"

On the stage, Zhang Zhai really felt a little regretful. He could only travel at the top speed for three and a half hours. Although it looked pretty good, it was far from enough for Zhang Zhai.

Perhaps the highest state of pretending is that you think it is average, but others think it is cheating.

Zhang Zhai controlled his emotions, resumed a faint smile on his face, and continued: "However, although the endurance is not good, the anti-gravity car has two other features that can make up for the endurance problem."

"The first fast charging, this is easy to understand, that is, the charging speed is relatively fast, and it can basically charge 72% of the electricity within five minutes. Charging and discharging. Under the extreme conditions of the laboratory, 60% of the battery can be fully charged in one minute. I don’t want to go into too much detail on this point, and you can experience it yourself.”

"The second point... wireless charging!"

Zhang Zhai spat out these four words in a flat tone, but the scene was a little restless.

"Hold the grass! It's not the kind of real wireless charging, is it? I believe what Di Shen said is definitely not the kind of wireless charging that requires a platform."

"Wireless charging, I'm so looking forward to it! I guess it's not the kind of wireless charging that needs to touch the platform!"

"Surely not, God Zhai can afford to lose that face?"

The audience at the venue whispered to each other and discussed with each other for a while.

As soon as Zhang Zhai talked about wireless charging, some people were happy and some were worried.

Those who are happy are of course ordinary people, and those who are worried are naturally the companies that have invested huge sums of money in this area before. In Zhang Zhai's words, all their previous investments were in vain.


Google corporate headquarters.

In the chairman's office, Eric looked at the high-spirited figure on the holographic screen, sighed, and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling wryly.

"In the field of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, batteries, robotics, automobiles, aerospace, and now wireless charging, my God, is God abandoning me?"

As a big giant, Google still has a lot of cash flow, and it is waving at any time to invest in various high-tech industries.

However, with the rise of Zhang Zhai, many fields invested by Google have lost all their money.

Google Glass and Google AlphaGo are nothing but a joke in front of Mirage Technology's holographic devices and artificial intelligence.

Even Eric, the chairman of Google, uses holographic effects.

"Now, is it finally the turn of wireless charging?" Eric was in pain. Every time he watched the live broadcast about Zhang Zhai, he would lose a lot of money, but he had to watch it.

"Fortunately, Xihe Technology didn't do the search, otherwise I would have to go to see God like that fellow Cook!" Eric rubbed his face and comforted himself.

He can only comfort himself in this way, because he knows very well that Google has lost the future.

Zhai City, the center of Zhai City Square, the venue of the Xihe press conference, the press conference is still going on.

Zhang Zhai could clearly feel the excitement of the audience.

He smiled, and he was also a little excited, because the wireless charging technology was better than what he had mentioned with Professor Wang before.

"Wireless charging technology, as the name suggests, I don't think I need to explain too much.

Next, take out the wireless charging device to show everyone. Zhang Zhai stretched out his hand and waved to the backstage.

Under the stage, Hua Menglian saw Zhang Zhai waving again, she froze for a moment, and was about to move, when she reacted instantly, her face returned to normal, and she didn't move again.

She had already understood that Zhang Zhai was not a staff member calling out to the audience, he had already prepared for it.

Thinking of the scene just now, when the overwhelming anti-gravity cars appeared above so many people, she will never forget that magnificent sight in her life.

However, as the president of Xihe Technology, she didn't know about so many anti-gravity vehicles flying out of the headquarters park. She really didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"Genius is capricious." Hua Menglian said quietly.

On the rostrum, after Zhang Zhai waved his hand, a Terminator T800 jumped up and landed on the rostrum. It held a wireless charging device and placed it at Zhang Zhai's right foot.

All eyes focused on the rostrum on Zhang Zhai's right.

The reporters in the front row snapped photos, but it was difficult for the audience in the back to see.

"Is this a wireless charging device? How come it looks like a human leg and is still wearing pants?"

Someone is holding a telescope and looking at it.

"Are you stupid? That's Zhai Shenshen's leg, but the pillar-like thing next to it."


"Husband, lift me up quickly, people want to see it!" A girl pouted and said coquettishly.

"Okay...ok...well, you careful!" The boy looked at the huge monster in front of him, trembling all over.


Looking at the eagerly awaited expressions of everyone, Zhang Zhai smiled, "Let the staff cut the picture of the wireless charging device to the screen."

After a while, a picture of a wireless charging device appeared on the big screen at the rear, which made many people breathe a sigh of relief.

"The wireless charger is mainly divided into two parts, one is the transmitter and the other is the receiver.

As the name implies, the transmitter is connected to the power supply, and then radiates the power to a range of 1.2km. That is to say, as long as it is within this range, the receiver can receive power and provide power to any electrical appliance. "

1.2 kilometers, which is more than twice the 500 meters that Professor Wang said at the time, which is also a surprise.

"The transmitter is paired with several receivers, not limited to one transmitter and one receiver. That is to say, when the transmitter is activated, any device with a receiver within a radius of 1.2km can receive power."

Zhang Zhai's words made many people ecstatic.

"My IQ limited my imagination. I originally thought that for wireless charging or something, a few meters, ten or twenty meters would be an exaggeration. I didn't expect Zhai Shen to double it by a hundred times!"

"I'm so tired. Doesn't this mean that cell phones, laptops, electric cars, and electric cars won't need batteries in the future?"

"Wherever you go, there is electricity at any time. 90% of the electricity is used by patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder to feel saved."

"I just want to ask how much does this set of wireless charging equipment cost? Although I don't have any money, we can still make up hundreds of thousands in a community."

"666, with a radius of 1.2km, covers a community, more than enough!"


On the Internet, there was already a lot of noise, and even at the scene, people were a little excited and couldn't control it.

A wireless charging device that can cover a radius of 1.2km is simply equivalent to an artifact in the modern electric society!

Zhang Zhai, not thrilled by the excitement of the audience, took a deep breath and said loudly:

"In the anti-gravity car, there is a built-in receiver, and the transmitter will start to cover the entire city of Zhai after the press conference is over, and it is expected to completely cover the city of Zhai in three days.

In other words, in the future, if the anti-gravity vehicle is used in Zhai City, it will be able to run endlessly until Zhai City also loses power. "

A car that can fly and never have to worry about losing power is simply invincible.

But is this the end?

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