Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 219 Quantum Entanglement and State Superposition Principle

There was excitement and excitement in Zhang Zhai's eyes, as for tiredness, it didn't exist at all!

Gathering enough popularity means upgrading the wisdom value, and upgrading the wisdom value means that new technology can be unlocked immediately!

What is the new black technology, quantum computer!

What is a quantum computer? It is known as the engine of future technology, and its real realization can bring about an era of technological explosion.

It can even bring about a new technological revolution and have a subversive impact on the entire world.

In other words, if quantum computers appear and are used on a large scale, it will mean that the whole world will enter a state of technological explosion, and various emerging technologies may emerge in endlessly!

How could Zhang Di not know the value of quantum computers? He even understands the value of quantum computers better than most people in this world.

After all, in addition to commercial use, in the field of scientific research, quantum computers are simply magic tools!

If he hadn't been concerned about his image, Zhang Zhai would have yelled into the air!

In Nuo Da's laboratory, there was no one else except this excited figure in his eyes.

No one will know what happened here, but history will clearly remember that this moment will be an important node in human history!

Host: Zhang Di

Wisdom: 190 (of 200)

Popularity: 86, 487, 313

Unlockable Technology: None

Next stage unlockable technology: Quantum Supercomputer.

Technology mastered: interactive holographic images. , artificial intelligence, new energy storage, and three new materials. anti gravity box

Zhang Zhai stared at the popularity of more than 80 million, suppressed his excitement and excitement, and took a deep breath.

"Intelligence value +1"

"Intelligence value +1"

"Intelligence value +1..."

Zhang Zhai didn't hesitate at all, if he doesn't add wisdom at this time, when will he wait!

Swipe, Swipe, Zhang Zhai tapped five times quickly, which increased the wisdom value by five points.

Immediately afterwards, a cold feeling started from the tips of the toes, from the feet to the legs to the waist, and instantly filled the head.

It's like pouring a bucket of cold water under the scorching summer sun, which is extremely refreshing, and at the same time makes Zhang Zhai's uncontrollable excitement calm down again.

Zhang Zhai glanced at the remaining popularity, and there are more than 50 million left, which should be enough to upgrade to 200 wisdom points.

"Huh... by this time tomorrow, the quantum computer should also reveal its true colors."

"However, before that, I seem to be able to make some preparations in advance." Zhang Di narrowed his eyes slightly and said to himself.

"Different from anti-gravity, quantum computers are extremely important and difficult to implement, has a complete theoretical basis, and even its theory has been proposed for decades." Zhang Zhai thought of this , smiled slightly.

"Then, sleep well first, then get!"


Zhaicheng Space Center, the top floor, lounge.

Although Zhang Zhai's brain was a little excited due to excitement, when his head touched the pillow and his eyes were closed, the exhaustion in his body still made his originally excited spirit sleepy instantly, and he fell asleep in less than ten minutes!


The next day, in the morning, in Zhang Zhai's lounge.

Zhang Zhai casually sat cross-legged on the ground, surrounded by a wall of books that was as high as his chest.

At this moment, he has not continued to upgrade his wisdom to 200 points. For this kind of integer, even Zhang Zhai subconsciously feels that it has a special meaning.

Considering the possible side effects of a sudden increase in wisdom, Zhang Zhai decided to wait for another day.

Of course, he did not waste time, but prepared for the upcoming black technology of quantum computers.

Holding the book in his hand, he read it with relish.

"Quantum entanglement and superposition of quantum states."

Zhang Zhai took it easy, because he studied physics, and these two principles are just the basic principles of quantum mechanics.

But he still plans to review it again, because these two principles are the most basic principles that quantum computers and quantum communication can realize.

The first is quantum entanglement, for example.

"It's equivalent to two twin brothers with telepathy, one drowns in the water, and the other stands on the shore, and can also feel suffocation.

Quantum entanglement means that two twin quantums can still transmit information and influence each other even at the two ends of the universe. Regardless of distance, regardless of time. Zhang Zhai smiled slightly, talking to himself, as if he was explaining himself.

"If this principle is applied to the interior of computer operations, it can obviously be said to shorten the speed of computer operation.

After all, according to the principle of quantum entanglement, information can be directly transmitted from point A to point B without any process. This speed can be said to be faster than the speed of light. To use a fantasy word, it is teleportation! "Zhang Zhai smiled, then stretched out his hand, clattered, and turned several pages in succession.

"Then there is the principle of superposition of states..."

Zhang Zhai murmured in a low voice, and then suddenly couldn't help laughing out loud.

Regarding the principle of state superposition, he thought of a classic story and a cat.

Basically everyone knows that it is Schrödinger's cat, the half-dead and half-alive cat.

Before opening the box, the cat is either alive or dead, or both, in a superimposed state of life and death.

You can say that it is dead or that it is still alive. At this time, it expresses two meanings at the same time.

Only if we open the case will we know for sure

The cat is dead or alive, or our observation behavior of opening the box leads to the cat's dead or alive state.

This phenomenon seems to go against common sense, and Einstein was once puzzled by it, and then said a very classic sentence: "God does not play dice."

"God doesn't play dice..."

Zhang Zhai touched the line of words with his hands, and then repeated.

"It's a pity... Later scientific developments showed that God not only plays dice, but is also very capricious!" Zhang Zhai shook his head and laughed.

This is the principle of state superposition, and what does this principle have to do with quantum computers?

Very simple, because the principle of state superposition is applied to quantum computers.

Take the smallest data unit bit as an example. In a classical computer, a bit unit can represent 0 or 1 (binary principle) and can only represent 0 or 1. If it is not 0, it is 1.

In other words, a classical computer can only express one piece of information at a time.

If he wants to express 0 and 1 at the same time, he needs two bit units.

But quantum computers borrow the principle of state superposition, and before there is an observer, he can exist in multiple states at the same time.

That is, one bit unit can express 0 and 1 at the same time (think about that cat, 0 is dead, 1 is alive, that cat is both dead and alive.) That is, multiple data can be expressed at the same time.

Therefore, a quantum computer can express multiple pieces of data at the same time.

In the case of a bit unit, perhaps this gap is not obvious yet.

When we increase the number of bits to 300.

A classical computer can express one of 2^300 numbers at the same time.

If a classical computer wants to express all 2^300 numbers, it is obvious that it needs to repeatedly extract 2^300 times.

The quantum computer does not need to do this at all. It can express all the contents of 2^300 numbers at the same time. It is estimated that the number set represented by 300 qubits has exceeded the total number of atoms in the universe.

One can imagine how exaggerated this gap is.

Basically, it can be said that the computing speed of classical computers and quantum computers is equivalent to that of bicycles and space battleships.

It is estimated that if a quantum computer is successfully produced, its computing speed can exceed the sum of the computing speeds of all current computers.


Zhang Zhai took a deep breath, "The principle that was born in the last century has not been realized until now. Quantum mechanics has been born for a hundred years. This speed of development is really a bit slow."

Zhang Zhai shook his head, quite sighing.

"Even now, there is still little progress."

I have tried my best to write these two principles in an easy-to-understand way... I think it is quite easy-to-understand.

ps: I'm really an idiot. I marked the wisdom value as has been revised.

Thank you for reminding me.

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