Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 240 Influence Diffusion

Time is passing gradually, turning from night to day.

As more and more people wake up from their sleep, more and more people learn about the news of the virtual world.

The news of the closed beta of the virtual world spread from home to abroad, and even spread to the whole world.

The whole world is boiling over this news.

This is the second world!

This is virtual reality!

The virtual reality world described in countless science fiction novels and science fiction movies!

In many people's minds, this is even the dividing line between reality and science fiction world!

It is a black technology that only exists in illusion, but now! The virtual world appears! And it's going to be tested!

The whole world is shocked and excited! Or even a carnival!

The official website of Xihe Science and Technology started at six o'clock in Huaguo time, and the official website has a huge number of visits, and the traffic is constantly increasing at this moment.

The announcement on the homepage of the official website attracted countless people to watch, and attracted countless people to sign up to participate in the closed beta.

At this moment, on the far right side of the registration column, the number of registered people displayed in real time has exceeded tens of millions, and it is still rising rapidly!

However, there are only a thousand people who can get the internal test quota. In other words, this is the real one in ten thousand, or even one in one hundred thousand. The probability of being selected is extremely low.

Xihe Technology Forum.

"Huh... how do I feel? When I wake up, why does the whole world change? I have time-traveled?"

"Upstairs, the whole world has actually been traversed."

"The world is changing too fast, and my old man in 1998 can't keep up with the times."

"Isn't there Zhang Zhai... No, God Zhai, that pervert! He's really too perverted!"

"I feel like a commoner handicapped player, and Zhai Shen is a krypton gold boss, no, it's purely cheating!"


Many people, upon waking up, feel that they cannot adapt to this world. How did they fall asleep? The bugs and black technologies like virtual reality have emerged?


Not only the Xihe forum, but as the center of the storm, more and more people are discussing it here. In every corner of the entire Internet, the entire Huaguo, the entire earth, and places where people gather, the topics revolve around the virtual world.

Today, it can be called: virtual world day, or the birth day of the second world!


Peking University, as Zhang Zhai's alma mater, news about him will always be hotly discussed in this place.

"Damn it! Zhai Shen's operation is so showy that my scalp tingles! Is he going to bring us directly into the virtual world?"

"Virtual reality, it's so cool to think about it!"

"Have you heard? Zhai Shen said that this virtual world is a future science fiction world, hehe, maybe it is set in the background of interstellar war."

"I've already made up my mind, I want to drive a mech! I want to drive a space battleship!"

In the back row of a certain public classroom, two male students buried their heads on the desk, communicating under the desk.

"Have you signed up for the closed beta of the virtual world?"

"Nonsense, can I not sign up? Let's not talk about being able to experience the virtual world first, just say that I missed this opportunity. If I want to enter the virtual world in the future, I may not be able to afford virtual equipment?"

"Hehe... That's true, but when I signed up, there were already more than 10 million people, the probability is one in tens of thousands! The hope is very slim!"

"I've always been very lucky, so I'm sure I can grab it?"

"Ahem? Are you lucky?" A faint voice sounded behind them.

"So, can you fill out the registration form for me? Let me have some luck with you?"

"No problem! This is all..." The boy raised his head and subconsciously waved his hand, ready to agree.

In the next second, he choked on his words. The teacher of this class was standing beside him, smiling and looking at him.


ten minutes later.

Except for these two people, the public classroom was already empty. After asking the two people to help sign up, the teacher had already walked away satisfied.

"I'll go, teacher is it true?"

Seeing the figure of the teacher disappear, one of them reacted, so rude!

"It's not that you don't know that there are several people in Peking University who are not fans of Di Shen, but Di Shen can eat all men, women and children!" Another person rolled his eyes and said,

"Besides, who isn't interested in the virtual world!"


When the first day ended, the number of applicants for the virtual world internal test had exceeded 30 million, and the trend was increasing, showing no sign of stopping.

Zhai City, 10 p.m.

"Da da da... papa..."

The sound of the keyboard sounded in the laboratory, and Zhang Zhai was writing the weather change formula belonging to the unreal world, a part of the unreal world engine.

On the screen in front of him is not a programming tool, but a pure document, most of which are physical formulas.

However, writing it in this way does not have any effect. It needs A1 to transform these things and combine them with pictures and sounds to make sense.

Zhang Zhai is equivalent to adding some guidelines to this virtual world to make some standards of this virtual world more clear.

"Huh..." Zhang Zhai breathed a sigh of relief, "A1, the weather system is fixed, you can simulate it and check if there is any problem."

"Okay, father."

"After simulation, it is correct."

"Okay, I'll take a break!"

"Okay, father."

As Zhang Zhai said, he stood up from the stool with his hands supporting him. After sitting for a whole day, his legs felt a little numb, and his spirit was really a little unbearable.

Zhang Zhai moved slowly to the lounge, fell asleep and fell asleep.

But many people in Zhai City couldn't sleep, including journalists who came from other places or had been stationed in Zhai City for a long time, some employees of Xihe Technology, and Hua Menglian, Zhang Zhai's parents.

Because the experimental area of ​​the Xihe headquarters park is a closed area, and the Zhang Zhai experimental building located in the protection center of the experimental area, the reporters naturally have no way to get close.

Therefore, it is impossible for these reporters to interview Zhang Zhai, or even take a photo from a distance.

However, this did not make these media reporters give up.

After the news of the closed beta of the virtual world was announced, Zhang Zhai was a hot topic in the news, and any news about him would be heated up.

If anyone can have an exclusive interview with Zhang Zhai, they will be able to reach the sky in one step!


Dicheng, Xihe Headquarters Park, Southeast Canteen.

"Brother Wang, is it really okay for us to wait here?" A female intern reporter hesitated and looked at the senior next to her.

"Don't worry, people are iron, food is steel, I don't believe that Zhang Zhai doesn't eat!

As long as he comes to dinner, we'll be sure to catch him! If you can ask a question, this month's bonus will be guaranteed! "Brother Wang said confidently.

"But, we have been squatting for five or six hours..."

"Young man, be patient, you know? I've already inquired, Zhang Zhai eats here all the time! Even if he's hungry for one meal, he can still go hungry for two!

We just need one word now, wait! Two words, wait for death! "



Reporters from tabloid newspapers rely on staying at the site, while journalists from major newspapers contact the person in charge directly.

Xihe headquarters building, top.

"Okay, I will communicate with Mr. Zhang here, and if he is willing to accept an interview, I will contact you again..."


"Okay, interview Mr. Zhang, right? Sorry, you may also know that Mr. Zhang will not accept any interviews again!"


"Okay, I'll try to tell Mr. Zhang as much as possible, and I'll talk about it if he's willing to be interviewed."


Hua Menglian hung up the phone again, feeling a little exhausted.

Looking at the night outside, Hua Menglian couldn't help but smile wryly.

Perhaps, this is pain and happiness!

If other companies could have this kind of media attention, they would have laughed out loud.

However, Hua Menglian received dozens or hundreds of such calls in one day, and she became a little numb when she was nervous.

"People's Daily, Global Times, News Network..." Hua Menglian couldn't help shaking her head.

"Mr. Zhang, why are you committing crimes like this..."


At this moment, Zhang Zhai was sleeping soundly, and any external disturbances had nothing to do with him.

With A1 in control, any calls that Zhang Zhai doesn't want to answer will not come in.

Maybe this is, the world moves because of me, but I laugh at the situation.

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