Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 244 Chief Xie's Visit

Hearing this, Zhang Zhai was stunned for a moment, his brows furrowed, and he felt a little puzzled.

"Xie Lao, you are..."

"When I arrive, we'll talk about it face to face." Chief Xie shook his head lightly.

Seeing this, Zhang Zhai nodded, without asking any more questions, and said with a slight smile:

"That's fine, then I'll wait for Mr. Xie in Zhai City."

After a few words, Zhang Zhai ended the call directly.

After finishing the call, Zhang Zhai put away the smile on his face, looked out of the window, frowned, and fell into deep thought.

After a while, Zhang Diyou shook his head.

"Come now, it must have something to do with virtual reality... But it's interesting that Mr. Xie came to Zhai City himself..."

Thinking about it, Zhang Zhai smiled again.

"Father, do you need to investigate the reason?"

"No, I probably already guessed it." Zhang Zhaiyun shook his head lightly.


In the sky hundreds of kilometers away from Zhai City, a black anti-gravity vehicle was galloping across the sky like a bolt of lightning, gliding across the sky.

Inside the car, in the back row, Chief Xie sat in the armchair comfortably.

"This anti-gravity vehicle is indeed much more comfortable than an armed helicopter!" Chief Xie patted the leather seat and said with a smile.

"Isn't that right? Driving an anti-gravity car is much more comfortable than flying an airplane. It's fast, stable, and not afraid of collisions!" The driver in the front seat also said excitedly.

"If you ask me, Zhang Di, who invented the anti-gravity car, is really a genius! A genius who is smarter than Einstein and Tesla."

Chief Xie smiled when he heard the words, but he felt emotional in his heart: That kid is more than just a genius.

The key is to keep working hard, use the wisdom far beyond ordinary people with perseverance far beyond ordinary people, and get the result, how can it not be far beyond ordinary people!

Chief Xie thought of Zhang Zhai's crazy energy when he was researching, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

"There is a kind of person, you can call him stupid, but you have to respect him!"

"Ah! Chief, what did you say?" The driver in the front row vaguely heard Chief Xie talking to himself, and was a little confused.

Chief Xie shook his head and said:

"Xiao Liu, how long is it expected to take before arriving in Zhai City?"

"Oh...according to the navigation display, it will take about 15 minutes." The driver is Chief Xie's security guard Xiao Liu.


Chief Xie turned his head, looked at the clouds that were passing by quickly outside the window, and sighed again.

"This anti-gravity car is really good!"


10 minutes later.

"Father, Chief Xie is about to arrive in Zhai City, do you need to meet him?"

Zhang Zhai was holding a gel pen, writing and scribbling something on the paper.

Hearing this, Zhang Zhai's pen stopped and he raised his head: "No need."

Zhang Zhai first refused, then thought for a while, and then added: "You tell Hua Menglian to meet Mr. Xie. If he is not in a hurry, take him to visit Zhai City. If he is in a hurry to see me, take him here. laboratory."

"Okay, father, I have already notified Hua Menglian for you."

"En." Zhang Zhai lowered his head again, writing and scratching something on the paper.


Five minutes later, Zhang Zhai was still in the laboratory, but Mr. Xie had already arrived in Zhai City.

The anti-gravity vehicle descended and arrived at the gate of the Xihe Technology Headquarters Park.

At this time, there were many tourists and reporters in Xihe Science and Technology Park.

When the anti-gravity car parked at the headquarters of Xihe Technology, it immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Although there is no purchase limit for the anti-gravity car, production continues after the first batch of 3,000 cars are sold, but its high price still means that only a small number of people can afford it!

"Wow! Is this an anti-gravity car? It's the first time I saw it up close. It looks so cool!" the boy exclaimed

"Hmph, if you can afford an anti-gravity car, why would my mother object to our marriage?" Not far from the anti-gravity car, a girl said angrily, grabbing the soft flesh of the boy beside her.

"If I had the ability, I would still want you..." the boy muttered in a low voice.

But the girl's ears are too sensitive, she immediately screamed: "What are you talking about! You bastard! Break up, break up!"

"Wife, I was wrong, wife! I was really wrong!"

Just now, everyone's eyes were still focused on the anti-gravity vehicle, but at this moment they were immediately attracted by the quarreling couple.


Inside the anti-gravity car, Chief Xie looked at this scene, a little dumbfounded.

"Chief, we seem to have broken up a couple."

"What do you know, you little brat, we have achieved two marriages!" Chief Xie said with a smile.

"But... Chief, where are we going next? There seems to be no one coming from Xihe Technology." Xiao Liu said with some embarrassment.

"Zhang Zhai, that bastard, dares to leave me here, that's the only bastard who can do such a thing." Chief Xie shook his head.

"Then what should we do now! Chief!"

"Wait!" Chief Xie said calmly, then closed his eyes to rest.


Only a moment later, Xiao Liu's voice sounded,

"Chief, someone is here!"


After Hua Menglian received the news, she hurried to the gate of Chaoxihe Science and Technology Park with her secretary.

Hua Menglian was so anxious that she almost ran over from Xihe's headquarters building.

However, even if they were in a hurry, it was impossible to arrive within five minutes.

When she arrived at the gate of the park, sweat was already dripping on her forehead.

At the gate of the park, Hua Menglian confirmed Chief Xie's location at a glance. The anti-gravity car was too conspicuous.


"Hi Chief Xie, welcome to Zhai City for inspection. I'm really sorry to have kept you waiting." Hua Menglian wiped the sweat from her forehead before going up to him and holding Lao Xie's hand.

"I don't blame you, I came here in a hurry and didn't notify in advance." Chief Xie shook his head with a smile.

"Then thank you, Chief Xie Haihan, Chief Xie, do you think I will take you to visit Zhai City first, or..."

"What about Xiao Zhai?" Chief Xie asked.

"Boss Zhang, he should be in...the lab now." Hua Menglian couldn't help but smile wryly.

"That's all right, let's visit Zhai City first, but you don't need to take it with you, I can just take a look at it myself." Chief Xie laughed dumbly, he knew this kid must be staying in the laboratory.

As for welcoming him, the president of Xihe Technology was able to come because of their good relationship.


One hour,

Chief Xie visited the headquarters of Xihe Technology, visited Zhaicheng University, went to Zhaicheng Central Business Building, then went to Zhaicheng Hospital, and finally...

Standing under the shade of trees in Zhaicheng Park, Chief Xie looked at the statue of Zhang Zhai in Zhaicheng Square opposite, and said with emotion:

"Before I came to Zhai City, I knew some news about Zhai City. Outside, the news about Zhai City was spread so miraculously that I was still a little skeptical. When I saw it today, it really is extraordinary!"

"It has the largest university, the largest city square, the tallest building, and the most advanced space center in the world!

On the streets and in stores, intelligent robots coexist with humans. There are smart restaurants, smart hospitals, smart supermarkets, smart theaters, smart shopping malls, everything, and even anti-gravity cars running through the city from time to time.

"I dare not imagine, if it continues to develop, what will Zhai City eventually become?"

"Zhang Zhai, it's amazing to build this fertile soil in the desert by himself!"

Chief Xie kept shaking his head and sighed, looking at Zhai Cheng, Chief Xie couldn't help sighing, did he really get old?

Today's young people, the ability is really amazing!

"What will Dicheng become? Didn't I already tell Mr. Xie? Dicheng is the city of the future." Zhang Zhai suddenly appeared behind Chief Xie.

"However, I still want to thank you, thank you for your compliment!" Zhang Zhai said with a smile.

Chief Xie turned around, looked at Zhang Zhai, and scolded with a smile: "Xiao Zhai, you brat, why are you so elusive?"

"Thank you, let's chat in another place."


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