Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 246 Machines Will Always Be Machines

"That's right." Zhang Zhai nodded with a faint smile.

Chief Xie received Zhang Zhai's affirmative answer, his frown didn't relax a bit, on the contrary, it frowned even more.

He always felt that Zhang Zhai's words were wrong.

"Xiao Zhai, your idea is very good, but have you ever thought about how much resources are wasted if so many people are idle at home?

Even after the popularization of intelligent robots and the improvement of social productivity, the country can adopt high welfare policies to support so much consumption.

However, there is another problem.

Human beings are immersed in the virtual world and enjoy a life of high welfare. Under such circumstances, who else is willing to work? Isn't society stagnant? "

Hearing this, Zhang Zhai smiled and shook his head: "Mr. Xie, people's desires are endless.

The high welfare I am talking about is only to enable the unemployed to enjoy the minimum living security:

To be able to eat enough, to wear warm clothes, to enjoy basic education and basic medical care, but higher pursuits require people to work hard on their own.

Can a person watch others eat delicacies from mountains and seas, hold a beautiful wife in his arms, and stay at home eating cold steamed buns but remain indifferent? "

Chief Xie's serious expression did not relax because of Zhang Di's words. He stared into Zhang Di's eyes and said in a calm voice:

"But people who eat cold steamed buns, if they can enjoy the delicacies of mountains and seas in the virtual world, they don't care whether they eat cold steamed buns in reality..."

"Mr. Xie, you're thinking too much." Zhang Zhai laughed, "Although the virtual world is real, it's definitely not heaven...instead, it might be hell."

"Not necessarily. In reality, you can eat cold steamed buns, but in the virtual world, you can't even eat cold steamed buns."

Chief Xie frowned, "How do you say that?"

"Mr. Xie, it seems that you don't have a detailed understanding of the virtual world.

To put it simply, it is a virtual world, a sci-fi doomsday world. The background is the end of the war between two civilizations and the start of the next war is being prepared...the whole world is in is a...very cruel world.

Perhaps people who enter the virtual world can feel another life, but this life is not necessarily good. "

When Chief Xie said this, he couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face:

"That said, people who enter the virtual world will not be addicted at all, so how can we use intelligent robots to replace repetitive labor?

In my opinion, it is better to slow down the replacement of repetitive human labor by intelligent robots. "

Zhang Zhai shook his head with a smile, his confident indifference did not change because of Chief Xie's denial.

"Chief Xie, you have reversed the relationship between cause and effect." Zhang Zhai didn't want to be verbose, and said directly.

"Now it is assuming that intelligent robots are popular, rather than discussing whether intelligent robots should be popular.

Assuming that there is no virtual world and intelligent robots are popularized, most of the unemployed people are holding the subsistence allowance and staying at home and surfing the Internet every day.

The virtual world just replaces the role of the Internet and plays it more thoroughly.

When the Internet first came out, some people said that the Internet would destroy the next generation of Huaguo, but is it ruined?

The question is so simple, how can it be so complicated as you said, Mr. Xie? "

Zhang Zhai shook his head helplessly.

"No, no, there is something wrong with your kid!" Chief Xie frowned.

After listening to these words, Chief Xie stared at Zhang Zhai and did not speak for a long time.

The straight eyes made Zhang Zhai feel a little creepy.

After a long time, Old Xie's eyebrows stretched out, he suddenly realized something, then pointed at Zhang Zhai and cursed with a smile:

"I've figured it out, and I'm here to advise you not to popularize the virtual world, lest a large number of people flood into the virtual world and affect the real economy.

As a result, you are here to go around and around for me, but instead persuade me to popularize intelligent robots? "

Hearing this, Zhang Di sneered twice, but didn't speak.

"You kid didn't think of the problem of popularizing intelligent robots before researching virtual reality, did you?" Chief Xie felt amused.

I came to discuss the virtual world with him, but I was stunned to mention the popularization of intelligent robots for myself, but I still think it makes sense.

"It's just a sudden inspiration." Zhang Di grinned.

Chief Xie smiled helplessly, and shook his head: "I won't talk nonsense with you anymore, so as not to be caught by you again, just tell me, are you willing to not popularize virtual helmets on a large scale?"

"I don't want to." Zhang Zhai shook his head directly.

"Tell me a reason that can convince me." Chief Xie looked at Zhang Zhai and said.

"Poor!" Zhang Zhai uttered a word directly.

Chief Xie looked at Zhang Zhai, raised his eyebrows, and said angrily: "You boy still tell me you are poor? You are so sorry! Now except for the top ten countries, most countries' annual GDP is not as good as yours. Xihe Technology Lots of sales!"

"I saw that Zhai City is already in operation. The entire Zhai City, all supermarkets, cinemas, and shops! Hospitals, canteens, all belong to you, Zhang Zhai. Tell me, how much is the daily sales revenue?"

Seeing Mr. Xie's indignant expression, Zhang Zhai didn't smile, but shook his head calmly.

"Mr. Xie, you are right. Now Xihe Technology, Mirage Technology, and Daily Real Estate Company, the three companies' revenues indeed exceed the incomes of most countries, and even surpass the top ten countries.

But... What Zhaicheng is doing now, you let the countries other than the top three do it, and other countries will not be able to bankrupt the country. "Zhang Zhai's tone was very helpless.

"For example, Brazil, the country with the 9th GDP, also implements the moon landing plan and builds a moon landing base..."

Chief Xie stared at Zhang Zhai, took a deep look, and finally sighed.

"Forget it. After all, the virtual world is your own invention. If you don't want to, no one is qualified to stop you from promoting the virtual world."

"Actually, there is a third thing I need to do when I come to Zhai City, and that is, if you decide to promote the virtual world on a large scale, the higher-ups asked me to give you a sentence."

"Thank you, please tell me!"

"Take it easy and do it boldly! As long as you are worthy of the country, we old men will support you!"

"This is the elder's original words, Xiao Zhai, come on, don't let us old men down." Chief Xie said, and patted Zhang Zhai on the shoulder hard!

Zhang Di smiled, but said nothing.


After a while, "Xie Lao, the dishes are here, let's chat while eating."

"Hmm~ It's really delicious, Xiao Zhai, you really know how to enjoy it." Chief Xie took a bite of the dish and said with emotion.

"Mr. Xie, it's my second time here too." Zhang Zhai said with a faint smile.

Chief Xie stopped his chopsticks, looked at Zhang Zhai, and said nothing.

After a long time, Chief Xie shook his head inexplicably and sighed.

Zhang Di is now the richest man in the world.

But how can there be such a richest man? He doesn't pay much attention to food and clothing, and is even worse than a student. He stays in the laboratory every day and does research all day long.

Don't be arrogant or impetuous, you can see the way to go, and you can see yourself clearly.

Don't get lost in wealth, only go crazy for dreams, maybe this is the reason why Zhang Zhai can succeed?

Chief Xie sighed silently in his heart.

Zhang Zhai didn't know what Chief Xie was thinking about, but he just looked at Chief Xie's expression and felt a little bewildered.


after an hour.

Xihe Technology headquarters is downstairs.

The anti-gravity car slowly descends from the sky,

"Xiao Zhai, the car is here, and I should go too." Chief Xie communicated with his junior, patted Zhang Zhai and said, "I will relay the matter about the intelligent robot as you said. You If you have anything else to say, you can say it, and I will relay it."

Zhang Zhai looked at Mr. Xie, thought for a while in silence, and said slowly: "Mr. Xie, I do have something to say about intelligence replacing artificial intelligence.

If the above really wants to do this, after artificial intelligence replaces artificial intelligence, it will have to step up efforts to encourage fertility, and even stimulate fertility with super high benefits. "

"According to what you said, Xiao Zhai, intelligence replaces artificial intelligence, and there are already more. Why do a bunch of people still encourage birth?"

"It's different, there are more workers doing repetitive tasks than scientists and artists.

If the space program is carried out smoothly, human beings will start space immigration, and even colonize the solar system, scientists are simply not enough for this.

However, if we want to produce enough outstanding scientists, we cannot do without a sufficient population base.

The more than one billion people in Guanghua Kingdom are now thrown into the solar system, and they can't even make a bubble.

Moreover, the replacement of artificial intelligence by intelligence is only a transitional period, which is equivalent to liberating human beings from repetitive labor.

The country needs to guide and transform this part of people who were originally engaged in repetitive labor into

Scientists, artists, etc., so that the entire Huaguo can develop at a high speed.

Only when intelligence replaces artificial intelligence will it make sense. "

Zhang Zhai said seriously,

"I have one last sentence: the so-called machine will always be a machine, even if it is intelligent enough.

The so-called replacement of human beings by machines is nothing more than forcing the led people to lead the robots in turn. "

Chief Xie thought deeply after hearing Zhang Zhai's seemingly meaningful words.

"Okay, I'll convey it to you."


Zhang Zhai looked at the anti-gravity car that Chief Xie was riding on, and it completely disappeared from sight. He turned around and walked towards the laboratory alone.

"A1, after Xihe Technology released an announcement, the virtual world will be tested for 30 days. After 30 days, the virtual world will be tested. At the same time, 30 days later, at 3 pm, a virtual helmet conference will be held in Zhaicheng Square!"

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