The cafeteria of Zhaicheng Aerospace Center is still very quiet at the moment. Although it has already reached lunch time, few of the research lunatics in Zhaicheng Aerospace Center come to eat on time.

In a corner of the cafeteria, Zhang Zhai was sitting at the dining table with a bowl of beef noodles in front of him.

Zhang Zhai held the chopsticks in his right hand, and his movements were very mechanical. He repeated a series of movements of sandwiching noodles, raising his hand, stuffing noodles into his mouth, chewing with his teeth, and finally swallowing.

His attention was not on the food in the bowl at all, let alone the taste of the food. Eating was purely a subconscious behavior to replenish energy.

"Improved sieving method...improved sieving method..." Zhang Zhai's eyes were out of focus, and he was immersed in this kind of thinking.

There was only one thought left in his mind, and his brain kept running for it.

I don't know how much time has passed, Zhang Zhai suddenly felt that his right hand, which was repeating the movement of eating noodles, was being held down by someone.

"Don't pinch it, the noodles are long gone."

A familiar and old voice rang in Zhang Zhai's ear, pulling Zhang Zhai, who was in deep thought, back to reality.


Zhang Zhai frowned, looked down, and sure enough, the bowl in front of him was empty except for the noodle soup at the bottom.

Zhang Di raised his head again, and saw Gan Xiaohua sitting in front of Zhang Di with a bowl of noodles.

"Mr. Zhang, what are you thinking about? Are you so engrossed in thinking?" Gan Xiaohua asked casually after eating his noodles.

"Think about some math problems." Zhang Zhai replied with a smile.

"Math problems?" Academician Gan Xiaohua put down his chopsticks, became interested, stared at Zhang Zhai and said, "I'm afraid there are not many math problems that you can think about, Mr. Zhang?"

"Let me guess, which one of the seven major math problems?"

"The Poincaré conjecture? Although it has been deciphered, it uses the method of proof by contradiction. If a direct proof method can be found in topology, it will be very meaningful."

Zhang Zhai shook his head upon hearing this, "It's not one of the Millennium Prize puzzles, it's Goldbach's conjecture."

"Goldbach's conjecture?" Academician Gan Xiaohua was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a smile and said, "Mr. Zhang, you really have the courage, this is a deep pit. Since the Goldbach's conjecture was proposed, there have been two For more than 170 years, it is still enduring. It can be said to be an evergreen tree in the history of mathematics. Countless mathematicians rushed up one after another and spent their entire lives trying to prove it, but they all fell into the pit and never got up again.

Especially in the past fifty years, the proof of Goldbach's conjecture has basically stagnated without any breakthrough. "

Gan Xiaohua said at the end, his tone was quite emotional, and his expression was a little sad.

"Academician Gan, it seems that you have also studied Goldbach's conjecture?" Zhang Zhai asked with a smile.

"Who doesn't have a time when he was young and frivolous?" Gan Xiaohua showed nostalgia on his face,

"When I was an undergraduate, I learned basic mathematics. At that time, I just learned some superficial mathematics knowledge, and I just stepped into the field of mathematics with half a foot.

I happened to have a chance to know Goldbach's conjecture, and then, as soon as my brain became hot, I plunged into it. As a result...the more I researched, the more guilty I became, and I realized that I might not have the talent for mathematics, so I transferred my master's degree to engineering. "

Zhang Zhai laughed when he heard the words. He really didn't expect Academician Gan to have such an experience.

"So let me say that mathematics is too illusory. It's okay to use it. If you really study basic mathematics, let's forget it. If you don't do it well, you can get involved in it for the rest of your life." Academician Gan shook his head.

"Mr. Zhang, let me advise you. Goldbach's conjecture is an evergreen tree that stands tall in the mathematics world. Although it looks very attractive, there is really no need to bother to study it."

"Besides, Mr. Zhang, if you study this kind of mathematical problem, it is better to study nuclear fusion directly. It is about the same difficulty and more meaningful."

"I know, I'm just thinking about it randomly, what if it's cracked?" Zhang Di said lightly with a smile.

"It's not that easy. Mathematics depends on both talent and luck." Academician Gan took a bite, shook his head and said, "Mr. Zhang, your IQ is definitely much higher than most human beings, but the IQ of mathematics kind of thing, sometimes he just relies on a flash of inspiration."

"Then, academician Gan, how about we make a bet?" Zhang Zhai said with a smile.

"What bet? I have nothing to lose against a rich man like you," Academician Gan said.

"Just bet on whether I can solve Goldbach's conjecture in a short time. If I lose, Academician Gan will double your salary. There are quite a few students, can dig up two of them." Zhang Zhai said with a smile.

Academician Gan Xiaohua, who was eating noodles, stopped eating noodles, looked at Zhang Zhai, paused for two seconds, and said decisively, "No gambling."

"Mr. Zhang, although my IQ is not as good as yours, I'm not a fool. You obviously have a plan in mind. Why should I bet with you in this situation?"

Gan Xiaohua shook his head, "Besides, the salary is pretty good now. I am so old, what do I need so much money for? If I want to do something, my body doesn't have the ability anymore."

Zhang Zhai stared at Gan Xiaohua, then shook his head with a smile: "If you don't gamble, then don't gamble. Academician Gan, just wait and see if I can solve this century-old problem within three days."

"Then I'll wait and see." Academician Gan resumed eating noodles, "If it really succeeds, Mr. Zhang will add another world-class mathematician to your long list of titles."

Zhang Zhai looked at academician Gan Xiaohua eating the noodles, and felt a little hungry. He had been thinking about the problem just now, but he really didn't feel anything after eating the noodles, and his stomach still felt empty.

"Chef, two more bowls of noodles!"


Zhaicheng Space Center.

Zhang Zhai had stayed in the bedroom in the lounge for two days and hadn't gone out. All his meals were settled in the bedroom.

At this moment, Zhang Zhai was sitting on the cold ground, thinking deeply.

The final manuscript in front of him clearly records that 1+2 has been proved, that is, Chen Jingrun's Chen's theorem (any sufficiently large even number can be expressed as the sum of a prime number and a product of no more than two prime numbers) .

However, the last step has already stuck Zhang Zhai for a day and a night.

This day and night, Zhang Zhai didn't take a break, just stared at Chen's theorem without moving!

Time was still passing by, Zhang Zhai was like a sculpture, sitting on the ground, frowning.

From morning to noon, from noon to night...


"Mr. Zhang, your dinner." The spider's voice sounded, but the figure with its back to the spider didn't respond at all.

The spider glanced at the lunch that was already cold but hadn't moved at all, sighed slightly, shook his head, then put down the dinner, took the lunch away, and walked out the door carefully.


The door closed again with a slight sound.

At this moment, at this moment, Zhang Zhai, who had been sitting for a whole day, finally moved!

His frowning brows were relaxed a little bit, the corners of his mouth were raised a little bit, and he smiled.

"I finally got this spiritual light. It turns's so simple." Zhang Zhai said in a low voice.

Then, Zhang Di suddenly shouted loudly: "Spider, bring me another box of pens!"

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