Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 277 Let's make the popularity more intense!

Zhai city time, nine o'clock in the evening.

U.S. time, nine o'clock in the morning.

In Wiles' home in New Jersey, USA, three top mathematicians are waiting with great anticipation for the latest issue of "Annual of Mathematics" to be delivered to them.

In the past three days, they have worked together with the top mathematicians in number theory from all over the world to compress the calculation time that might have taken months or even years into just three days.

This is not only because of the great significance of Goldbach's conjecture itself, but also because of the importance attached to Zhang Zhai.

Not long after waiting, the sample issue of "Annual of Mathematics" was sent to three mathematicians.

"I think I have witnessed history. The proud Princeton is willing to make a special issue for Zhang, just to publish Zhang's proof process in advance."

"It seems that what I see is different from what you see. I only see no flaws, and I can't find any perfect proofs for any problems. A person's logic can be so meticulous."

"Since then, there will be fewer conjectures and more theorems in the world."

The three mathematicians, holding the special issue of "Annual of Mathematics" in their hands, looked at each other and laughed.

At 9:10 U.S. time, the official website of "Annals of Mathematics" issued an official announcement announcing: Goldbach's conjecture, which has plagued the mathematics world for nearly three centuries and is known as the jewel in the crown of mathematics, has finally been taken the last step by Chinese scientist Zhang Zhai, " 1+1" was proved, and Goldbach's conjecture became Goldbach's last theorem.

The proof process has been verified by top mathematicians, and the complete proof process will be published in the special issue of "Annals of Mathematics".

As soon as the news came out, the sky was shocked immediately, and a stone caused a thousand waves.

On American social media, relevant news was reposted wildly, and countless people had crazy discussions, not only because Goldbach's conjecture was cracked, but also because the person who cracked it turned out to be Zhang Zhai!

"omg, God may be from Huaguo, otherwise why would he care so much for Huaguo? Decades ago, the person who pushed Goldbach's conjecture to the last step was Huaguo. Today, Goldbach's conjecture has been completely solved. He's still a native of China!"

"God is definitely from Huaguo, otherwise, how could Huaguo have bugs like Zhang Zhai! It doesn't matter if you are good at researching technology, but you are also so good at theoretical research!"

"God Zhai is definitely the man closest to God in the world!"

"No, he is a god!"

On foreign social media, countless media pushed this news, and more and more people received it.

In this information age, it didn't take long for Huaguo scientist Zhang Zhai to solve the world-class mathematical problem Goldbach's conjecture and the news spread to the whole world.

As the news spread more and more widely, more and more people discussed it, and things became more and more sensational.

Many foreign people who only know about Xihe Technology but not about Zhang Zhai, use this incident to get to know Zhang Zhai better.

And just a brief understanding of Zhang Zhai's glorious deeds can make people feel a strong sense of recognition.

So, when this matter became more and more popular on the foreign Internet.

On this side of the earth, in Zhai City, the popularity of the system interface in front of Zhang Zhai is also soaring.


In Zhaicheng Hospital, Zhang Zhai walked out of the ward lightly.

At the end of the corridor, Zhang Zhai stood by the window, watching the night of Zhai City and the rising popularity on the system interface, and smiled.

"A1, the paper on Goldbach's conjecture has been released?" Zhang Zhai asked.

The holographic screen popped up from Phantom-1, "Not yet, but the "Annual Journal of Mathematics" issued an official announcement announcing that your proof process has passed the review and will be published in a special issue. The news has already exploded on the foreign Internet With great concern, it should not take long before it will be sent back to China."

"The efficiency is quite fast." Zhang Zhai shook his head with a faint smile.


The news of Zhang Zhai's solution to the world-class math problem was quickly spread back to the country without any surprises. As soon as the news came out, even though it was night in Huaguo, the heat of related discussions increased exponentially.

On Weibo, the keyword "Zhang Zhai" directly landed at the top of Weibo's hottest searches, followed by "Goldbach's conjecture", and "scientists and mathematicians" ranked third.

On the official website of Xihe Technology, countless netizens also burst out with great enthusiasm, countless related posts spewed out, and various posts frantically swiped the screen.

"Hold the grass! God Zhai! I kneel down for you! I can't describe how I feel!"

"As a transfer student in the Department of Mathematics, I just want to say that those who can learn mathematics are monsters, and those who can learn mathematics well are evildoers. Zhai Shen...maybe they are gods!"

"Are mathematicians considered scientists?"

"Hold the grass! God Zhai, you are making trouble! You are so quick to make a big move, is it really good?"

"God Zhai doesn't surf the Internet very much, but the Internet is always full of news about him."

"Di Shen doesn't accept interviews very much, but various media keep reporting all kinds of news about Di Shen. The key is... I want to see it even after reading it. Di Shen, you are really poisonous!"

"I am willing to exchange -1s from the entire forum in exchange for my husband's favor!"

"Ahhh, Godly Zhai's husband is so handsome!"


On the Internet, countless people are going crazy, Zhang Zhai challenges their nerve ceiling time after time, and brings them new stimulation time after time.

In their hearts, Zhang Zhai is really becoming more and more invincible!

Just when the Internet was flooded with news about Zhang Zhai proving a difficult mathematical problem.


Another piece of news appeared in an extremely obscure corner, in an extremely small medical forum!

Then... It was like a snowball, from the beginning, only a few people knew the information, and it was slowly spread, discussed, and widely spread, so that this news was paid attention to by more and more people

Originally, in the face of the huge hot topic of Zhang Zhai solving mathematical problems, all public opinion events were completely suppressed.

But... this news, as if it had been opened, was extremely strong! Just under the pressure of such a phenomenon-level hot event as Zhang Zhai's cracking of a math problem, he made his way to the sky! From this hot event, it is constantly grabbing attention.

There is only one reason for this to happen. This news is also related to Zhang Zhai. At the same time, his influence is greater than deciphering Goldbach's conjecture.

The news first appeared on a small medical professional forum. All the members in the forum are doctors, and they usually exchange medical skills, patient cases, and chatting.

While the forum members were discussing as usual, a forum member who was certified as an attending physician of the capital city hospital's medical oncology department posted a post.

"A patient with stage 3 lung cancer was discharged from the hospital for one day. After returning to the hospital for an examination, he was completely cured, and the tumor cells in his body completely disappeared!"

The post revealed a case of a patient with stage 3 lung cancer. Judging from the case, the patient was about to enter the terminal stage of cancer, but he recovered without medicine, and it was within a day.

At the same time, because he was accompanied by Dabai when he went through the discharge procedures for the patient. (The doctor estimated that the patient's family situation could not afford to buy Dabai at all.) So this matter is suspected to be related to Xihe Technology.

As soon as this post came out, for professional doctors, it was like throwing a bomb into their brains, directly blowing their three views to pieces.

As a result, it didn't take long for the relevant news to spread beyond the limits of the forum and spread to the entire Internet.

At this time, in Zhaicheng Hospital.

Zhang Zhai was leaning against the corridor window, quietly blowing the evening breeze.

"Father, there is news on the Internet that you cracked cancer, whether to block it."

Hearing this, Zhang Zhai thought for a moment, then shook his head, "No, just announce the relevant news directly on Xihe Technology's official website!"

Let the popularity come more violently!

Looking at the rapidly increasing popularity value on the system interface, Zhang Zhai's heart was filled with enthusiasm!

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