Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 282 Even if you hit your head badly, you have to smash it away!

Zhaicheng Space Center.

Zhang Zhai asked for a laboratory, and made the anti-gravity box besides the particle box, and other accessories.


Sparks danced in the laboratory, and the flickering light reflected on Zhang Zhai's face.

"It's done..."

A smile appeared on Zhang Zhai's face, and he said in a low voice.


The silver-white box slowly unfolds from the middle button directly above, revealing the groove in the middle.

Then, with the help of the three terminators, Zhang Zhai successfully placed the heavy particle box into the groove.

"A1, inform the team leaders to gather in the conference room."


In the conference room, all eyes were focused on the silver-white box suspended above the conference table.

All the experts looked extremely excited, and most of them were trembling with excitement.

"Is this... the anti-gravity box? It really subverts people's perception of the world..." An old expert stretched out his trembling right hand and gently stroked the anti-gravity box. deep memory.

"It doesn't make sense, why is he suspended in the air."

A young expert stares at the anti-gravity box, his eyes full of desire to explore.

Compared with the meaning of the anti-gravity box itself, he wants to know the scientific theory or... the truth behind it!

"Exploring the unknown, isn't this the charm of science?"

The experts stared at the anti-gravity box with fiery eyes, or were trembling with excitement, or kept muttering to themselves.

Even if they just stared at the shell of the anti-gravity box, they all stared intently, wishing to swallow the anti-gravity box with their eyes.

Standing right in front of the conference table, Zhang Di calmly watched the experts appreciating the anti-gravity box.

Experts are obsessed with the mysteries contained in the anti-gravity box.

The meeting room fell into silence.

Ever since Zhaicheng Space Center started to operate, the meeting room has never been so harmonious.

If it wasn't for this technology, it was for that design, spat at each other in the conference room, and argued to the bitter end.

At this moment, every expert is immersed in the magic of the anti-gravity box, and has no time to care about other things.


Zhang Zhai simply sat down and continued the meeting after the experts had seen enough.

The anti-gravity box was suspended in the middle of the conference table, surrounded by more than twenty people around the anti-gravity box.

At least five or six hands were placed on the anti-gravity box.

These five or six hands were gently stroking the shell of the anti-gravity box.

The expressions of obsession, intoxication, and even enjoyment on the faces of the owners of these hands made Zhang Zhai a bit chilly.

The anti-gravity box surrounded by a group of men and stroked by several hands looks like a child who has been bullied.

Zhang Zhai shook his head with a wry smile. I understand this feeling, but isn't this reaction a bit over the top?

"Ahem..." Zhang Zhai coughed, waking up all the experts.

Everyone turned their attention to Zhang Zhai, except that the hands of a few experts were still resting on the anti-gravity box.

Zhang Zhai walked over calmly, and moved the anti-gravity box to Gan Xiaohua's side.

"Academician Gan, you should keep this anti-gravity box for the time being."

"Okay." Gan Xiaohua smiled, got up and moved the anti-gravity box to his side, then lowered the height of the anti-gravity box, and placed it next to his legs.

A group of experts finally returned to normal, and they stopped staring at the anti-gravity box stubbornly.


"The meeting continues." Zhang Zhai said in a deep voice.

"As I said just now, the design work of the anti-gravity spacecraft Hou Yi has been completed, and the next work will be handed over to the production department. The core part of the anti-gravity spacecraft is already here, and the rest of the production, I don't think it will be. trouble for the manufacturing sector.

Therefore, the energy of everyone present here will be transferred from the design of the anti-gravity spacecraft to the design and construction of the moon base. "

Zhang Zhai started talking about business, and immediately drew the attention of all the experts back.

Listening to Zhang Di talking about the moon base, a group of experts became serious and began to record the key points Zhang Di said.

Zhang Zhai glanced at all the experts, and then continued.

"We don't want to walk down on the moon in two steps, but to mine and utilize the resources of the moon. Therefore, it is imperative to build a permanent moon base!

At the same time, this most preliminary lunar base also needs to be expandable.

In accordance with the three-step principle of building a lunar base, the initial lunar base built for this lunar landing may eventually expand into a lunar city.

According to the current situation, our continuous expansion of the moon base needs to be based on the original foundation, so in the end everything will come down to the original moon base.

If there is a problem with the original moon base, then let's not talk about going out of the earth and setting foot in the universe. The space program is doomed to abort. "

Zhang Zhai said solemnly,

"At the same time, while ensuring expansion, the main tasks of the moon base at each stage cannot be ignored.

For example, the initial lunar base is still mainly used to study the lunar ecological environment, conduct lunar experiments, and observe the universe. At the same time, because it is full of intelligent robots, there is no need to establish a suitable living environment for humans. This is Waste is putting the cart before the horse. "

What Zhang Zhai said caused all the experts to nod their heads in agreement.

Zhang Zhai went on to talk about the specific matters about the moon base in detail.

"That's all I want to say, and the details need to be improved by everyone here.

Time is running out, I hope you can give a detailed plan for the construction of the lunar base as soon as possible.

Finally, do you have anything else to say? "

The experts on both sides of the conference table looked at each other, then shook their heads.

However, just as Zhang Zhai was about to announce the end of the meeting, a relatively young professor stood up slowly with a hesitant expression on his face.

"Mr. Zhang...I have a question I want to ask..." The young professor gritted his teeth and said.

"Please say."

"According to your arrangement, Mr. Zhang, even if the moon landing plan goes well, there is no way to make any profit in the early or even mid-term of the moon landing plan, and even a huge amount of money needs to be continuously invested in it. Even Xihe Technology may I won't be able to hold it..." The young professor couldn't continue talking, but the meaning was clearly expressed.

There was also silence in the entire conference room.

All the experts watched Zhang Zhai silently, waiting for his answer.

Zhang Zhai looked at all the experts, one by one, and scanned a whole circle before saying firmly:

"This door that really leads to the interstellar universe, even if it is hit hard, we have to break open!

Maybe I will lose a lot of profits, or even go bankrupt, but there are some things that must be done by someone. "

"Besides, you underestimate Xihe technology too much. Let alone colonizing the moon, colonizing Mars is more than enough.

Don't ask this kind of question next time, otherwise people will think that you are flattering me. "

At the end of Zhang Zhai's speech, he laughed, and everyone in the conference room smiled knowingly.

"At the end of the meeting, I want to say: Everyone, take this step out of the earth. Once I take it out, I have no intention of taking it back!"

"We must, and we must open the door to the era of great interstellar navigation, and we must open it completely, so that he will never be able to close it!"

"The meeting is over!"

"Papa papa..."

Thunderous applause, Zhang Zhai left directly.

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