Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 295: Opening Ceremony

The venue for the opening ceremony of Zhaicheng University was arranged on the playground.

As the time approached the opening ceremony of Zhaicheng University, more and more people gathered around the playground.

Most of them were tourists, they flocked around the venue, ready to see the excitement, and some of them were media reporters who were not qualified to enter the venue.

"Hmph! Why don't you let us enter the venue? Isn't a tabloid reporter a reporter? This is discrimination! Naked discrimination!"

A reporter tried to fish in troubled waters, but couldn't escape the Terminator's eyes, and was directly stopped outside the venue.

"Please show your press credentials!" The Terminator repeated.

"Hmph, can't you enter without a press card? Why, I want to enter!" The reporter wanted to break in angrily, but was blocked by the Terminator as soon as he stretched out his hand.

"If you try to force your way in, then you will be forcibly expelled from Zhai City, and will be permanently blacklisted by Zhai City, Xihe Technology, and Mirage Technology." The Terminator said meticulously.

The reporter wanted to break in, but this time he was directly stopped by the cameraman behind him. "Are you crazy! If you want to die, please don't take me with you? I am a long-time fan of Di Shen, and I still expect to be able to take pictures of Di Shen."

Being pulled by the cameraman, the reporter also reacted, and could only shrink back to the side in resentment.

There are Terminator and Xiaoli to maintain order, and the venue of the opening ceremony is very harmonious.

The venue is divided into front and rear areas, the front is the student area, and the back is the reporter.

Zhang Zhai stood on the right side of the rostrum, looked at the scene in the venue, couldn't help shaking his head with a smile.

Zhaicheng University enrolled a total of 500 students this year, but now there are 300 to 400 media reporters. In addition to the dense crowd outside the venue, it seems that the number of students is really pitifully small.

"Mr. Zhang, Zhaicheng University seems to be a little sparsely populated." Gan Xiaohua appeared behind Zhang Zhai at some point.

"Students are good but not many." Zhang Zhai said with a smile.

"That's true. The student selected according to your requirements can be regarded as a genius after all."

Gan Xiaohua joked: "Of course, no matter how talented you are, there is still a big gap between you and a monster."

Zhang Zhai looked helplessly at Academician Gan Xiaohua, shook his head, and said nothing.

At this time, more and more students gathered in the venue. They stood according to their respective positions, forming a very sparse rectangular square. At the same time, beside each of them stood an educational robot, or Teacher Kong, or Teacher Meng.

Five hundred educational robots correspond exactly to five hundred students.

As time approached, the rectangular matrix composed of educational robots and students continued to fill and improve until the last student filled the last vacant position.


In the student team, some students cast their eyes on Zhang Zhai's position from time to time.

"God Di, that is God Di, I actually saw God Di alive!"

"Di Shen is the principal of Dicheng University. Although he doesn't care about things, he will definitely show up when the opening ceremony is so important!"

"My dad objected to my coming to Zhaicheng University before, saying that the educational mechanism was immature. Now I just want to say that I won't leave even if my leg is broken. Zhaicheng University is so cool."

"Especially the dormitory, I can't even think about it, it's for college students!"

"Yes, yes, yes... and the library, the shape is simply spectacular..."

The students were discussing excitedly, because Zhaicheng University had brought them too many surprises.

Amidst the discussions and expectations of the students, finally, the first opening ceremony of Zhaicheng University officially started.

At the moment when the magnificent music sounded, the audience fell silent for an instant.

At the moment when the magnificent and melodious march echoed in the venue, Zhang Zhai, Zhang Mu, and Academician Gan Xiaohua lined up from the left side and walked up to the rostrum at the same time with steady steps.

On the rostrum, Zhang Zhai is in the middle, Zhang's mother is on the right, and Gan Xiaohua is on the left. The three line up in a row.

All eyes were on the three of them, and 90% of them were looking at Zhang Zhai.

Many media reporters, when they saw Zhang Zhai's appearance, their faces turned red and their eyes became extremely excited.

For them, the opening ceremony is not important, as long as Zhang Zhai can be photographed, it is already big news.

"Zhang Di, it's Zhang Di! Zhang Di really had to attend the opening ceremony of Zhaicheng University. It's been more than a month. I didn't expect that I would still have the opportunity to see Zhang Di in front of the camera!" A reporter looked excited and held the microphone His hands were trembling, and he was incoherent even in the live broadcast.

At this moment, in front of the TV, computer, and holographic screen, countless people are watching the live broadcast of the opening ceremony of Zhaicheng University. They are not paying attention to the opening ceremony of Zhaicheng University, but Zhang Zhai.

"God Zhai, after more than a month, he finally made his public appearance!"

"God Di seems to have lost weight! Woohoo, I've been thinking about it day and night for a month, and I finally saw God Dihai again!"

"Husband, people want you to lose weight..."

"Seeing the news about Di Shen, it's like Chinese New Year! Di Shen is too low-key, and usually doesn't participate in any public activities!"

"Because Zhai Shen is a scientist, of course he has to do serious research!"

In Zhang Zhai's live broadcast room, although the screen of the live broadcast room was still pitch black, at this moment, a large number of people poured in, and they kept frantically swiping barrage in the dark live broadcast room with excitement.

"I can't prove my excitement without swiping the barrage!"

"I'll set off a firecracker first to celebrate!"

"One month, my husband, why are you so heartless, leaving someone alone, alone, guarding an empty room!"

"No news has come out for more than a month, and now I'm really... excited!"


At the opening ceremony of Zhaicheng University, everyone held their breath and looked at the rostrum.

There were only three people on the rostrum, and they were all the leaders of Zhaicheng University.

But no one will underestimate the leadership of these three people, because even Zhang Zhai alone is enough to equal tens of millions of people.

Standing on the rostrum, Zhang Zhai looked at the students in the audience with a delicate mood.

Zhang Zhai motioned to Zhang's mother to let her follow the procedure.

Mother Zhang nodded slightly, then took two steps forward, stood at the speaking seat, and said into the microphone: "Dear students, friends from the media, I am the vice president of Zhaicheng University, Zhuang Jingya, I announce that Zhai The opening ceremony of City University officially begins, first of all, the national flag is raised and the national anthem is played..."

In a solemn and solemn atmosphere, the national anthem was played, the national flag was slowly raised to the top of the flagpole, and the ceremony ended.

"Next, let us invite Academician Gan Xiaohua, Dean of the School of Astronautics of Zhaicheng University, to deliver a speech for the opening ceremony."

Amid the applause, Academician Gan Xiaohua walked towards the speaking seat, but when he passed by Zhang Zhai, the old urchin blinked at Zhang Zhai, which made Zhang Zhai feel a little uncomfortable.

Not long after, sure enough...

"Hello, everyone. I am Gan Xiaohua. I am here to represent the School of Astronautics of Zhaicheng University and welcome all students to join Zhaicheng University, China's aerospace research cause, and Zhaicheng's aerospace research team. Can get good grades on...

That's the end of my statement, thank you all. "

Academician Gan Xiaohua finished his speech in less than two minutes.

At this moment, only ten minutes have passed since the ceremony started. According to the arrangement, the entire ceremony will last for two hours.

For the next hour and fifty minutes, only Zhang Zhai's speech and the exit of the students remained.

Looking at Gan Xiaohua's smiling face, Zhang Zhai couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

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