Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 297 Lecture: Dreams and Martyrs

The school motto of Zhaicheng University has been inscribed on the library of Zhaicheng University at this moment.

Every student and tourist who enters Zhaicheng University can see the school motto full of passion and even madness:

"As a student of Zhaicheng:

Need to constantly go beyond, go beyond yourself! Beyond the times!

Be a pioneer! Be a pioneer! Be a martyr for the truth! "

Zhang Zhai stood on the rostrum at this time, expressing one thing very clearly.

That is, Zhaicheng University has never thought of cultivating ordinary talents!

No other talent needs to devote so many resources.

What Zhaicheng University wants is to be a pioneer who can support Zhang Zhai's aerospace dream, Huaguo's aerospace dream, and human spaceflight dream, an unshakable supporter, and a genius who can surpass the times.

According to the training system of Zhaicheng University, the school has two years, and the space center has two years. As a result, most of these talents will eventually become the fresh blood of Zhaicheng Space Center.

After repeating this, even if Zhang Zhai doesn't care about space affairs, the Zhai City Aerospace Center can develop rapidly.


On the rostrum, Zhang Zhai smiled lightly, looking at the students in the audience.

He could clearly see that the eyes of each of them were full of fiery fighting spirit, and they clenched their fists.

"It seems that the time is only halfway through. In order to avoid disrupting the ceremony process, students, please allow me to say a few words." Zhang Zhai smiled lightly,

"If any classmate thinks I'm long-winded, you can cover your ears. I will never blame you, but I will remember you firmly."

Zhang Zhai's relaxed tone made the atmosphere of the whole venue much more relaxed, and most of the students smiled knowingly.

Zhang Zhai smiled, and then his smile gradually subsided, and he continued in a different tone: "Just now, I have finished talking about the rules that students hate very much. A cliché...dreams."

"Students from all over the world, with different goals, have applied for the School of Astronautics of Zhaicheng University.

Either because of me, Zhang Zhai, or because of Zhaicheng Aerospace's brand, I think that studying at Zhaicheng University is very honorable and has a good future, or even simply because Zhaicheng University is free of tuition and miscellaneous fees..."

"But!" Zhang Zhai's expression changed, his face was a bit serious,

"I think, no matter what the main purpose of the students is, there are still dreams about the universe, the starry sky, the stars and the ocean!"

"Students, I have the same dreams and goals as you do!"

"When I looked up at the starry sky since I was a child, the pure curiosity about the starry sky!

After that, the obsession with breaking out of the cradle of the earth.

Until now, I still can't forget the universe and starry sky!

From the beginning to now, from the first time I looked up at the starry sky, my eyes have never moved away from the starry sky! "

"Thousands or tens of thousands of years ago, a lightning strike struck a dry branch, which symbolized that the flame of civilization would not be ignited from the dead branch. Human civilization was born by coincidence. So far, human beings have passed the stage of drinking blood. Civilization is truly born.

Hundreds of years ago, the industrial revolution appeared, electricity was mastered by human beings, and human civilization once again developed by leaps and bounds.

Since the 21st century, artificial intelligence, clean energy, robotics, quantum information technology, virtual reality technology, and aerospace technology have all developed rapidly.

Today, human civilization has come to a time when it has to change again! "

"The earth is the cradle of human civilization, but human civilization has grown up, and the cradle will only become a shackle and shackle. Human beings must bravely step out of the warm cradle and endure the real wind and rain before they can truly grow!

Human civilization is like an egg that is being hatched, and it is time to peck open the egg shell and really go out! If you are greedy for the warmth in the eggshell, you will eventually suffocate in the eggshell!

The development of civilization is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat!

If we can't step out of the cradle of the earth, then this cradle will become the hand that strangles the lifeblood of human civilization, and it will become a hemp rope around human necks. It only needs to move this cradle lightly, and human civilization will be easily strangled.

Light energy alone can stop the development of human civilization, not to mention others.

Therefore, human civilization must not be willing to live in a corner. If there is no change at this time, otherwise all human beings will disappear into the cosmic jungle! "

What Zhang Zhai said was all from the bottom of his heart. As he spoke, his voice gradually became higher, gradually changing from flat to cadenced, from calm to impassioned.

Zhang Zhai's voice echoed throughout the venue, and even throughout Zhaicheng University,

Everyone present was full of excitement, and the five hundred freshmen were all flushed at this moment, feeling their blood boiling.

They felt infinite power from Zhang Zhai's words. Zhang Zhai's bold words and lofty ambitions at this time constantly stimulated their hearts. The seed buried in their hearts called Starry Universe was sprouting and growing at an extremely fast speed. Grow, and one day, those seedlings will become towering trees!

"Human civilization is very fragile, so fragile that even a small change on the earth will destroy the entire human civilization in the dust of history, even in the universe, not even a single wave can be shocked!

However, human civilization is very tenacious. From ancient times to the present, countless disasters have not been able to submerge human civilization in dust.

Tian Xingjian, a gentleman strives for self-improvement! "

Zhang Zhai took a deep breath and suddenly raised his voice. Facing the microphone, his voice was hoarse, roaring like a roar:

"Humans never flinch, humans never admit defeat!

With the development of human civilization to this day, countless human ancestors have worked hard and gone through hardships!

Countless human pioneers have used their wisdom and sweat to promote the development of human beings. They are all pioneers of human civilization!

Human civilization is an impassioned history of blood and tears! It is an indomitable battle song!

Now, at this moment! Human civilization once again needs indomitable pioneers and brave pioneers. We need these pioneers to use their wisdom and sweat to open the door to the universe and take the first step out of the cradle!

Not for anyone, but for everyone, for the entire human civilization! "

Zhang Di cast his eyes on these five hundred students, and swept them one by one. When they met Zhang Di's gaze, everyone held their breath and looked at Zhang Di firmly.

"Now! I put my hope on you students! I hope that you students can become pioneers, open a door to the universe for mankind, and take the first step outside the cradle!

Perhaps this door to the universe cannot be opened despite your best efforts. Perhaps the moment you step out of the cradle, you realize that the outside of the cradle is icy cold!

But I hope that you can remember your original dream! Work hard towards this goal!

tell me! Can I pin this hope on you! "

The voice fell, and the scene fell into a deathly silence.

but! Only two seconds later, the same voice roared from the mouths of five hundred students, and the voices gathered together, deafening!


All the students, even the media reporters who were affected by the atmosphere, and the crowd blushed and shouted with the loudest voice.

"That's good!" Zhang Zhai shouted loudly, "All the students of Zhaicheng, read to me, the motto of Zhaicheng University!"

Zhang Zhai's voice was hoarse, and he had already roared to the point of breaking.

"As a student of Zhaicheng University!"


" a student of Zhaicheng University"


"Need to constantly go beyond! Go beyond yourself! Go beyond the times!"


"...Need to constantly go beyond! Go beyond yourself! Go beyond the times!"


"Be a pioneer, be a pioneer! Be a martyr for the truth"


"...Be a pioneer, be a trailblazer! Be a martyr for the truth!"

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