Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 312 We Didn't Lose

The countdown is 9 days until the completion of the production of each part of the Houyi.

Zhang Zhai has been in the laboratory on the 20th floor underground for two days. Since some necessary materials and equipment have not been delivered, the operation to modify the nuclear reaction has to be temporarily stopped.

"Bang..." Zhang Zhai turned over from the bed, stepped on the ground with both feet, then went straight to the workbench and sat down again.

"Da da... da..." The Terminator walked in from outside the laboratory with regular steps, carrying Zhang Zhai's breakfast.


"Father, the last batch of materials to be purchased has arrived at Zhaicheng Aerospace Center. Gan Xiaohua has sent someone to hand over them and ask you what to do with them?" A1's voice sounded.

Zhang Zhai took a bite of the egg pancake, then took a sip of the porridge, then raised his head and said with a smile, "Is everything here?

You inform Academician Gan that there is no need to deal with everything, and temporarily pile up the things to the edge of the launch area, and I will arrange someone to deal with them.

Then, you're ordering ten terminators to move stuff into a closed lab. "

"Okay, Father, the message has been conveyed, the order has been conveyed."

Hearing this, Zhang Zhai nodded, and then concentrated on the breakfast in his hand.


Ten minutes later, Zhang Zhai was full, and the Terminator dug open the underground of the sealed laboratory to connect it with the outside world.

Although the nuclear reactor has not been started yet, and there is no nuclear radiation at all, there is no need to make such a big move, but it may not be gone in a while...

Through the underground passage, the materials and equipment needed for the transformation were carried in.

It took about ten minutes, and the things were moved. Four Terminators stayed in the laboratory, and the other six Terminators stayed outside. Liquid sand was injected into the previous passage to seal it.

At this moment, there are six Terminator in total in the lab plus the two Terminator that were there before.

Seven pictures also appeared in front of Zhang Zhai, constructing a multi-perspective laboratory picture for him in his mind.

Zhang Zhai controlled one of the Terminator and looked at the wall of the closed laboratory. The wall was very thick, very thick. The wall made of liquid sand mixed with other anti-radiation materials can maximize the isolation of nuclear radiation and high temperature in case of problems.

"A1, scan the design drawing I drew, be careful, don't scan it wrong, and then split the design drawing to the six Terminator, let them start modifying the nuclear reactor immediately."

"Okay, father."

As soon as A1's voice fell, the six Terminator planes started to move one after another, and began to be busy in the sealed laboratory.

Looking at the picture, Zhang Zhai murmured in a low voice, "It probably won't explode..."

"Father, unless the control rods (cadmium rods) provided by the nuclear industry group are fake, there is no possibility of an explosion." A1 said.

Zhang Di shook his head, "If there are problems with the control rods, then they should be dragged out and killed."

The role of the control rod is to absorb the neutrons needed for fission, thereby directly controlling the fission chain reaction speed.

In the core of a nuclear reactor, the more control rods are inserted, the slower the fission chain reaction will be, and the deeper the control rods are inserted into the core, the slower the fission chain reaction will be. Stopped. (slightly dirty)

Zhang Zhai watched the Terminator busy. The six Terminator were working efficiently with tacit cooperation.

"The transformation of the control system is almost complete."

Zhang Zhai showed a faint smile, "A1, order the three Terminator planes to repeatedly cross-check the modified control system to make sure it's correct."

"Okay, father."

Zhang Zhai nodded. The control system does not allow him to be careless. The main function of this control system is to control the depth and depth of the "control stick", and more insertions and less insertions.

Originally, this part of the control system needs to involve the effect of gravity. In an environment without gravity, the control rod may not be inserted, and the consequences will undoubtedly be disastrous: nuclear explosion, ultra-high nuclear radiation, nuclear leakage caused by high temperature, etc. Wait……

Zhang Zhai stared intently at the seven holographic screens, concentrating on the movements of each Terminator, ensuring that there would be no mistakes or omissions.

Even though Zhang Zhai was confident, he did not dare to ignore the possible disastrous consequences and relax too much.


Time passed gradually, and in the sealed laboratory, the voice transmitted through the voice communication channel resounded in Zhang Zhai's ears.

"Ping pong... dong dong... 呵... Zi..."

The various construction sounds of the Terminator could be heard endlessly, but it didn't affect Zhang Zhai's staring at the holographic screen in the slightest.

Time passed little by little, from morning to noon.

Zhang Zhai held the lunch and the spoon, no matter what the dish was, he stuffed it into his mouth with the meal, even so, he never moved his eyes from the holographic screen.

Time rotated again, finally from noon to afternoon, and then to evening.

"Wow..." The Terminator opened the door of the laboratory and walked in with Zhang Zhai's dinner.

At the same time, the first-person view of the six Terminator in front of Zhang Zhai just stopped, and the six Terminator stopped at the same time, standing in the corner of the closed laboratory.

All their perspectives were focused on the middle of the closed laboratory, where the nuclear reactor had been reassembled.

Finally, after 10 hours, the nuclear reactor was finally restored from a pile of scattered parts to a complete reactor again, and the relevant transformation was successfully completed.

At this moment, the size of the nuclear reactor in the middle of the sealed laboratory has shrunk a lot compared to before.

If it was a bus before, it is the size of a minibus now.

Zhang Zhai looked back at the Terminator who was carrying the dinner, and then locked his eyes on the holographic screen again.

Zhang Zhai looked at the complete reactor with a smile on his face, "A1, order the Terminator to check the nuclear reactor again to make sure it is correct."

"Okay, father."

At the same time as A1 answered, Zhang Zhai reached out and took his dinner.

"Braised beef with tomatoes... Well, it tastes good." Zhang Zhai stared at the holographic screen while eating dinner.

Ten minutes later, the hungry Zhang Zhai ate his dinner, and the Terminator checked for the last time and got the result.

"Father, all indicators of the nuclear reactor have been tested normally and have perfectly met the design requirements."

As soon as A1's voice fell, Zhang Di couldn't hold back the smile on the corner of his mouth anymore. He just sprinkled the manuscript paper at hand, stood up, and walked straight out of the laboratory.


Zhaicheng Aerospace Center, negative 15th floor.

"Mr. Zhang?" Gan Xiaohua looked at Zhang Zhai, a little surprised, but he thought it over in an instant, and suddenly said, "Mr. Zhang, the nuclear reactor has been successfully remodeled?"

"Fortunately, life is not disgraceful," Zhang Di smiled lightly.

Gan Xiaohua looked Zhang Zhai up and down. From the head to the feet, and from the feet to the head, he kept shaking his head and said, "A monster... It's only been two days... It's a monster..."

Zhang Zhai shook his head with black hair, and said, "Academician Gan, let's go, it's time to meet Mr. Chen."

Gan Xiaohua was stunned for a moment, then nodded solemnly, "It's time to tell him the good news."

Zhaicheng Aerospace Center, the manufacturing area on the 12th floor, even though it is eight o'clock in the evening, close to nine o'clock, but here, the lights are still brightly lit, and the atmosphere is still in full swing.

In the office, when Zhang Zhai told the good news to Chen Zhenguo, the person in charge of the manufacturing process, he was stunned, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses, and asked excitedly: "Mr. Zhang, are you telling the truth? "

"Of course, the problem with the nuclear reactor has been resolved. Don't worry, the launch of the Houyi will not be delayed for other reasons. It will be up to you next."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang, thank you, Mr. Zhang!" With Zhang Zhai's reaffirmation, Chen Zhenguo said ecstatically, "Mr. Zhang, don't worry, I guarantee that the Houyi will never lose its chain in our hands!"

"That's good." Zhang Zhai said with a light smile, "You don't need to thank me, as I said, we haven't lost yet, and Huaguo can't lose either."

Control stick: Duixin, if you don't let me insert it, you will explode!

Dui Xin: I...

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