Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 327 Overtaken, overtaken!

In the vast universe, full of silence and silence, space is like a pool of black stagnant water without waves.

However, on the earth-moon route nearly 200,000 kilometers away from the earth, the ancient tranquility of space is about to be broken.

Here, we are about to usher in an encounter, an encounter with special meaning.

"This meeting and surpassing in space may mean the alternation between the older generation of astronauts and the newer generation of astronauts, the end of chemical energy rockets and the rise of anti-gravity spacecraft." Academician Gan said with emotion.

"Academician Gan, I found that you have a talent for doing political work." Professor Yang said with a smile.

Academician Gan shook his head, and said with some sighs: "This is the end of an era... This incident means that all the research on chemical rockets will become a bubble at this moment, meaningless... I used to And one of them..."

Academician Gan was a little sad and emotional.

Zhang Zhai turned his head to look at Academician Gan, and said with a smile, "This is not the end of an era, but the beginning of a new era, and we are the ones who will open the door to the new era."

Zhang Zhai's words made Academician Gan less sad.

"Yes, this is the starting point of a new era, the rise of a great era." Academician Gan Xiaohua shook his head, "Old people are always easily swayed by emotions."

Zhang Di looked at Gan Xiaohua and shook his head, then looked at the hologram in front of him, and continued:

"Academician Gan, there is nothing to be sad about. Although the rise of anti-gravity spacecraft represents the end of chemical rockets, it does not mean that research on chemical rockets is meaningless."

"People eat steamed buns and are full by the sixth one. Can you say that the first five are meaningless?"

Gan Xiaohua nodded thoughtfully when he heard the words, and his mood recovered a little again.

Zhang Zhai glanced at Gan Xiaohua, then turned around and continued:

"We have been able to get to this day, thanks to the countless efforts and painstaking efforts of the aerospace predecessors, even the aerospace predecessors of other countries, their credit cannot be obliterated."

"Even for those ancestors of the Apollo 11 program in the United States, I have a lot of respect.

The space data we rely on now and our understanding of the moon are not collected by chemical rockets. "

Zhang Zhai's tone was calm, and academician Gan Xiaohua recovered under Zhang Zhai's comfort.

Gan Xiaohua smiled and asked back: "Old man, I'm being hypocritical, but I still need Mr. Zhang to comfort me."

"The main reason is that I don't have back pain when I stand and talk. After all, I have nothing to do with traditional chemical rockets. What replaces chemical rockets is also my anti-gravity." I'm lonely and sad. It's too late for me to be happy."

"You brat!" Gan Xiaohua couldn't help laughing and cursing when he heard the words, "I'm not afraid of being whipped if I spread this word."

"It's already spread." Zhang Zhai said with a smile as he glanced at the live broadcast room where the barrage was frantically swiping.

This moment.

Zhang Zhai, Gan Xiaohua, Professor Yang, and Professor Hu all stood together, looking at the huge holographic screen in the middle of the command room.

On the holographic screen is the video captured by the Houyi's external camera.

Many people in the command room temporarily stopped their work, stood up, and looked at the picture on the holographic screen. They were waiting to witness the arrival of a special moment.

Time passed by minute by minute, and when the countdown in the live broadcast room reached 3 minutes, new feedback came from Houyi.

"00, feedback from Houyi, Apollo 18 sent a message to confirm our identity."

Hearing the sound, Zhang Zhai took out the communicator, held the communicator, and looked at the picture on the holographic screen.

Zhang Zhai said in a deep voice: "Order Houyi, reply to Apollo 18. The reply is as follows: We are the Houyi spacecraft of Zhaicheng Aerospace Center. It is a pleasure to meet Apollo 18 in this lonely space...Finally, I wish you all Once we reach the moon safely, we will go first, goodbye!"


Houyi, which was 20 kilometers away from the earth, received Zhang Zhai's order and immediately forwarded the information to Apollo 18.

Apollo 18 was not far from Houyi at this time, and when Houyi replied, they received the news immediately.

In the narrow activity space of Apollo 18, ten astronauts from the United States gathered together and watched Houyi's reply.

Seeing the beginning, they breathed a sigh of relief and confirmed that it was not an alien spacecraft.

But the more they looked behind, the uglier their faces became, until at the end, all ten astronauts clenched their fists and their faces turned black.

"Let's go first, goodbye... What an easy sentence, they just confirmed it, can they easily surpass us?" Williams Tekar said through gritted teeth.

"But the Houyi is indeed approaching us quickly...I believe it will pass us in a short time." Jones Ra said in a low voice.

"Sarcasm, naked sarcasm, O God!"

Suddenly, Apollo 18 fell into an eerie silence, and everyone fell silent.

a long time,

Williams suddenly suggested: "Mr. Smith! Let's activate the main rocket! As long as we activate the main rocket, we can get rid of Houyi!"

"No," Doyle Smith is the person in charge of Apollo 18. When he heard this proposal, he resolutely denied it: "Starting the main rocket means that we have lost hope of returning, which means that we cannot return to Earth. It is only enough for us to use for 30 days, within 30 days, the space agency will not be able to send rockets to the moon, take us back!"

"I'm willing to die for America."

"I'm willing too..." Everyone echoed, except Smith.

Smith grimaced, "You want to be heroes, sorry, I don't want to, I'm just an astronaut, I have to complete the tasks assigned to me by the space agency!"


At Zhaicheng Aerospace Center, Zhang Zhai watched the picture on the holographic screen with everyone.

At this time, there was only one minute left before the countdown to the encounter, and the camera on the outside of the Houyi changed its direction, aiming at the other side and aiming at the front.

In the processed video screen, in addition to being able to see the pitch-black curtain at this time, a white spot of light suddenly appeared, which was very faint and tiny.

Slowly, the grain of white light gradually expanded to the size of a grain of rice, and a little outline could be vaguely seen.

The countdown is decreasing bit by bit.

At 30 seconds, Apollo 18 has become the size of a finger cap, and the overall outline is already clearly visible.

At 20 seconds, Apollo 18 was the size of a quail egg.

In 10 seconds, Apollo 18 became the size of a palm, and some details became clear. Moreover, Apollo 18 seemed to be moving down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Huh? Why is Apollo 18 moving down?"

Zhang Zhai glanced at the bullet screen and explained: "Houyi will pass above Apollo, so visually, when Houyi keeps approaching Apollo, Apollo will appear to be moving down."

While Zhang Zhai was speaking, Hou Yi was already completely approaching Apollo 18.

In the processed video image of Apollo 18, it occupies a full third of the screen, and even the texture on it is extremely clear.

Apollo 18! Even with the naked eye, it can already be confirmed that it is Apollo 18!

When the countdown hits zero!

This moment!

Hou Yi has already appeared directly above Apollo 18.

At this moment, Hou Yi was 200 meters directly above Apollo.

In the boundless universe, this distance can be said to be close at hand.

this moment!

All the people watching the live broadcast, everyone in the command room, held their breath, stared at the picture with wide eyes.

It was very quiet in the live broadcast room, and it was also very quiet in the command room.

Houyi and Apollo had this special encounter two hundred meters apart.

But Houyi and Apollo continued to fly in parallel, only for a moment!

After a moment, the Hou Yi moved forward again by a little bit, breaking the stalemate.

In the command room, someone shouted excitedly:

"It's over! It's over!"

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