Although the moon landing at the Zhaicheng Aviation Center has temporarily come to an end, the discussions on the Internet have not subsided for a long time, and even intensified because Apollo 18 is about to land on the surface of the moon.

Xihe Technology official website forum.

"Damn it! The latest news is that NASA's Apollo 18 is about to land on the moon."

"Your news is already behind, and I'm already watching the live broadcast."

"Shouldn't this situation be dealt with coldly now? Live broadcast"

"If you don't broadcast it live and deal with it in a low-key manner, if you don't look cowardly, it will be a joke!"

"USA: I'm actually embarrassed, but I have no choice but to bite the bullet!"

"Hahaha, thinking about that scene makes me want to laugh, no, I have to take a ladder out to see how America's Apollo 18 landed on the moon."


Zhaicheng Space Center, lounge on the top floor.

Zhang Zhai was sitting at the desk, holding a pen, writing and scribbling casually on the manuscript paper.

"The U.S. space agency announced on its official website 30 minutes ago that Apollo 18 will land on the moon and land on the moon in 10 minutes, and will broadcast the entire moon landing process globally." The voice of A1 was heard by Zhang Zhaier edge rings.

Zhang Zhai paused for a while while holding the pen, then smiled and shook his head with a smile.

"Father, do you want to watch the live broadcast of the US moon landing?" A1 said.

"Pa-ta..." Zhang Zhai reached out and threw the pen casually, stretched himself, and said, "It's okay to have a look, then let's have a look."

"Okay, father, I have switched the screen for you."

At the same time as A1's voice fell, the holographic screen instantly popped up from Phantom-1.

On the holographic screen, a related picture is displayed.

Zhang Zhai glanced at the relevant live broadcast on the Internet.

In the screen, a host is narrating with excitement.

"The US space agency Apollo 18 has entered the lunar orbit, the landing module has separated from the command module, and is about to land on the surface of the moon..."

The host said, and the screen switched to the screen shot by Apollo 18 far away on the moon.

The internal picture shows the crowded landing module, 10 astronauts are crowded in the module, their faces are ugly, and the command module is oppressive and quiet.

After nearly five days, Apollo 18 is about to complete this voyage, but none of the 10 astronauts is happy.

"The live broadcast has started, pay attention to speaking according to the lines." Smith reminded in a low voice.

"I understand, Mr. Smith," replied Williams in a low voice, not very interested.


"Fuck, this landing module is not good. It's overcrowded and messy. It doesn't look like a spaceship at all."

"Do you think this is the Houyi? Ordinary spaceships have very strict control over the use of space, and you can't wait to use a square centimeter as a square meter."

"I understand, I understand, but the technology is limited, and the spacecraft can't be made big, unlike Houyi's main and auxiliary cabins, which add up to five, and they can wave freely."

"NASA: Heartbroken."

"FUCK! s**t..."

On the screen, a large wave of barrage suddenly appeared.

On this foreign live broadcast website, the bullet screens that appear the most are all in Chinese.

Looking at these bullet screens, Zhang Di couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

With Houyi in front of it, Apollo 18 will be constantly compared with Houyi.

However, Apollo 18, compared with Houyi from any angle, is far behind and pales in comparison.

In the picture, Apollo 18 is descending rapidly. According to calculations, they will land on the surface of the moon in ten minutes.


Time passed, and Apollo 18 was about to land.

The picture on the holographic screen has been transformed into the external picture of Apollo 18.

The camera equipment fixed outside the landing cabin takes pictures of the lunar surface and finally presents them on the holographic screen.

Zhang Zhai stared at the picture captured by the external camera of Apollo 18, watching quietly.


Zhang Zhai discovered that there was a little special light in the lower right corner of the picture, which did not belong to the special light of the light source of the sun!

"Interesting... A1, zoom in on the lower right corner of the screen." Zhang Zhai stared at the screen and said suddenly.

"Okay, father."

The moment the A1's voice fell, the image on the holographic screen was magnified several times with the lower right corner as the center.

The picture became blurry in an instant, but it also allowed Zhang Zhai to see a little clue.

Zhang Zhai smiled and shook his head:

"Interesting, the country of the United States actually chose to land on the moon here."

"A1, contact Houyi to confirm the location of Apollo 18 in the United States."

"Okay, father."

After a few seconds, the voice of A1 sounded again, "Father, the landing position of Apollo 18 has been determined, which is on the western edge of the lunar plain where the Moon Palace is located. Do you want to watch the images captured by the external instruments of Houyi?"

"The edge of the plain..." Zhang Di nodded, "Cut out the picture."

The moment Zhang Zhai finished speaking, another holographic screen popped up, which was the picture captured by the camera on the outside of the Houyi.

The camera equipment is constantly adjusting its direction, and the picture is constantly changing.

Finally, after a few seconds, the angle of the picture was fixed, and at the same time, the picture began to zoom in and out continuously.

Finally, the blurry silhouette of Apollo 18 appeared in the picture.

At this moment, Apollo 18 is about to land.

In the live broadcast, Apollo 18 has turned on anti-boost to buffer the descent speed.

Seconds later, Apollo 18 landed.

"Bang ~ bang ~"

The Apollo 18 landing module jumped several times in a row, the landing module kept shaking, and the ten astronauts were very embarrassed.

"Ah...Apollo 18 has landed. It's been the last time in the United States..." The host of the live broadcast of the United States' moon landing screamed excitedly, and started to cheer excitedly. However, the reaction of the audience in the live broadcast room was completely opposite, and they didn't buy it at all. !

"Such a small landing module, I feel that it is not one-tenth the size of the main cabin of Houyi."

"Fuck, fuck the shit, Zhai Cheng has already landed on the moon."

"Launched ahead of schedule, but was overtaken halfway. Up to now, the Moon Palace base in Zhai City has been built for almost ten hours."

"To tell you the truth, the United States is very strong if it can land on the moon, but compared with Zhaicheng's Houyi, it's really not interesting."

"It's not that our army doesn't work hard, but the opponent has Gundam!"

"Houyi and Apollo 18 are not products of the same era. Now it is really tragic to compare Apollo 18 with Houyi."


In the picture, ten astronauts began to wear bulky extravehicular spacesuits.

"Apollo 18 has successfully landed on the moon! As the most advanced rocket ship in the world, I have never doubted that Apollo 18 can successfully land on the moon..." Smith read the lines he had prepared long ago.

"Oh... Moon, here I come." Smith made an exaggerated expression.

"Mr. Smith, you know what? I really want to die right now, I feel like a monkey." Williams complained over the radio after putting on his extravehicular walking suit.

"Do you really think Apollo 18 is the most powerful spacecraft in the world?"

"The lines, do you understand the lines?" Jones explained.

"It makes me sick!" Williams said angrily.

"Williams, you'd better be quiet, it's live broadcast now, do we still have tasks to understand?" Smith scolded angrily.

"Shit, shit mission, shit meaning, fuck!" Williams rushed up.

"Shit! What are you going to do?"


At this moment, the people watching the live broadcast were stunned, what did they see.

Two guys in space suits, fighting...

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