Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 361 Houyi lands on Earth

In the boundless space, the Houyi, which has just left the orbit of the moon, shuttles through the space at the highest speed per hour.

The space is quiet and silent, and the Hou Yi also passed by silently.


"Papa... clatter..."

In the command room, the applause was thunderous and deafening!

Everyone stared at the holographic screen and applauded vigorously.

On the holographic screen, the picture captured by the camera equipment in the main cabin of the Houyi is similar to a static picture. In addition to the original control equipment in the cabin, there are also some trivial items piled up. In front of this pile of items, there are five Terminator .

On the screen captured by the external camera equipment of Houyi, the moon is rapidly shrinking, and Houyi is moving away from the moon and approaching the earth at an extreme speed.


At the Zhai City Aviation Center, Zhang Zhai listened to the deafening applause, looked at the excited expressions of the crowd, and smiled, "It's not time to celebrate yet! Attention all departments, stay vigilant!"

"01 received, 01 understood."

"02 Received, 02..."


As the continuous feedback sounded, the applause gradually subsided, and the command room returned to a calm and tense state.

Zhang Di glanced at the holographic screen, and then looked away.

"Mr. Zhang, it still takes about 34 hours for Houyi to return to Earth.

This return flight is considered to be half the experience, and I am not as nervous as before. With a few of us taking turns watching, it is more than enough. If you need a break, Mr. Zhang, take a break. "

Zhang Zhai nodded, "Take turns."

"Academician Gan, you and Professor Hu should go to rest now, and we will rotate after 15 hours."

Gan Xiaohua nodded with a smile and did not refuse.


As time passed, Zhang Zhai sat in front of the workbench, checking some data with ease.

"Father, a minute ago, NASA announced that Apollo 18 will also take off and return to Earth today."

"What's the reason?" Zhang Zhai glanced at the holographic screen and asked casually.

"The official claim is that it is going according to the original plan. The actual problem is that the US moon base has an energy and resource crisis and has to return to Earth."

Zhang Zhai nodded and was about to say something.

"God Zhai, can I ask you a question?" A voice came from a distance.

Zhang Zhai turned his head and saw that the reporter from Tiaomao News was stopped ten meters away by the Terminator, and he was yelling at Zhang Zhai.

"Ask." Zhang Di shook his head, "But you only have three minutes."

"Thank you, God Zhai..." The reporter from Dou Mao News was so excited that he couldn't speak coherently, and he didn't know where to put his hands.

"If you have any questions, please ask." Zhang Zhai waved his hand.

The reporter from Funny Mao News turned his head and found that in the distance, the rest of the reporters were ready to move. Dang even quickly asked, "God Zhai, what is the main purpose of the return mission of the Houyi?"

"Houyi's return has only two main purposes, to transport back lunar resources and some experimental results from the lunar base, and to prepare for the second moon landing at the same time."

"God Zhai, why did Houyi and Apollo 18 choose to return today at the same time?"

"If I told you it was a coincidence, you would doubt it, but it is."

"Some people say that due to the pressure of public opinion, the US space agency has to advance the return date of Apollo 18 to today. What do you think about this, God Zhai?"

"Sorry, it's only been three minutes." Zhang Zhai shook his head and said.

"God Di... God God..." The reporter wanted to try harder, but her entanglement and struggle directly triggered the Terminator's protection mechanism. The reporter was picked up by the Terminator and quickly thrown out. Zhaicheng Space Center.

Seeing the fate of the funny cat reporter, the other media reporters became silent for a moment, not daring to go beyond the reporter area.



Zhang Zhai took the page and checked the data. There are countless data running in the mind.

"I am 00, the data is confirmed to be correct." Zhang Zhai picked up the communicator and said in a deep voice, "Continue to pay attention to the data changes."

"01 received, 01 understood,"

"02 Received, 02..."


Time gradually passed, from ten o'clock at noon to noon, and then from noon to afternoon.

As the hours passed, the originally shocking holographic picture became more and more boring.

Even if the camera equipment on the outside of Houyi is turned back and forth, it can only capture two lonely planets in the dark space like a curtain.

As time goes by, the moon in the picture has become smaller and smaller, and the whole picture can already be glimpsed in the picture, while the earth is getting bigger and clearer.

"Hoo... Pat!" In front of the workbench, Zhang Zhai heaved a sigh of relief, and threw the pen that had run out of ink into the trash can at will.

"Father, the latest news is that repeated attempts to ignite the return capsule of Apollo 18 in the United States have failed, and the Apollo 18 return plan has been temporarily shelved." The holographic projection of Phantom-1 popped up, and the holographic projection of A1 appeared.

"Oh? Ignition failed to take off?" Zhang Zhai shook his head with a smile, "Interesting."

"Yes, at 5:32:48 pm capital time, at 5:32 a.m. US time, the US lunar landing and return module began to try to return, but the ignition failed. After that, after four consecutive attempts, it still failed."

Apollo 18, powered by chemical energy, failed to ignite in the lunar environment, which is a high probability event.

Zhang Zhai was not too surprised, just nodded.


half an hour later.

"Father, the latest news is that the US space agency held a press conference and announced that 10 American astronauts were trapped on the moon. At the same time, I hope that China can provide humanitarian assistance."

"However, the Huaguo Space Center rejected the US space agency's request on the grounds that Chang'e-6 does not have a life-support environment, a life-support system, and cannot carry humans."


Hearing these news, Zhang Zhai couldn't help smiling, then shook his head and said, "A1, don't continue to pay attention to this kind of news."

"Okay, father."


Time passed continuously, and when the time reached 1:30 in the morning, Gan Xiaohua and Professor Hu took over Zhang Zhai's work and took turns to take Zhang Zhai to rest.

Zhang Zhai still just pulled two stools from the command room and put them together, then fell into a drowsy sleep.


I don't know how long it took, but when Zhang Zhai opened his eyes again, he found himself in the lounge, and outside the window, the sun was in the west.

"Mr. Zhang, Houyi is about to enter Earth orbit!"

Zhang Zhai was awakened by Gan Xiaohua's words, and immediately got up from the bed, put on his clothes indiscriminately, and rushed to the command room.


"Houyi has a 30-minute countdown to landing, and Houyi will start self-check before landing." Zhang Zhai said in a deep voice while holding the communicator.

"The power system has been tested and is running normally."

"The energy system is operating normally, the communication system is normal, the telemetry signal is normal, and the structure is not damaged..."

"The intelligent control system is operating normally, the above feedback results are valid, and the intelligent control system has started a full range of self-inspection..."


"The countdown to landing is 10 minutes! Houyi is about to enter the atmosphere! Slow down, start to slow down, and avoid excessive friction with the atmosphere!" Zhang Zhai ordered loudly while holding the communicator.

"01 understand..."

"02 understands, 02 confirms the deceleration order."



"Keep slowing down! Keep slowing down!" Zhang Di said in a deep voice.

Following Zhang Zhai's order, Houyi's speed began to drop sharply, from Mach 8.9 to Mach 1.

"The countdown to landing is 3 minutes, and the landing site is reconfirmed."

"The landing site has been confirmed... Landing at the Zhaicheng space launch area."

"02 Confirmation of the landing site..."


"Countdown to landing, 1 minute!"

At this moment, Zhang Zhai turned his head and looked out the window, just in time to see a spot of light rushing towards the Zhai City Space Center, getting closer and clearer.

"Countdown to landing, 10 seconds!"

At this moment, all the people in non-essential positions rushed out of the laboratory and stood around the landing field, looking forward to the landing of Houyi.

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