Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 379 The transmission device is completed

Outside the designated area in the northeast corner of Zhai City, tens of thousands of people watched, and in the command area, the construction of the transmission device was in full swing.

Zhang Zhai stood quietly in the designated area, looking at the gradually formed six transmission devices.

"A1, switch the first-person view of the Terminator going to Mi, Russia, and Europe to the holographic screen, and show me." Zhang Zhai moved his eyes away from the transmission device under construction, and focused on the holographic screen On, Shen Sheng said.

"Okay, father, the screen has been switched for you."

The moment A1's voice fell, the picture on the holographic screen was immediately divided into three, from left to right were pictures of the United States, Russia, and Europe.

At this moment, the phalanx of anti-gravity transport vehicles that left the national border has been divided into three, and they quickly headed to the three positions of Mi, Russia and Europe.

As time passed, relying on the ultra-high speed of the anti-gravity transport vehicle, the anti-gravity transport vehicle divided into three carried the terminators and arrived in the suburbs of New York State in the United States, the capital of Russia and a certain European country.

The designated area of ​​the intercontinental transmission device in the United States is located in the suburbs of New York State, the United States, close to the urban area.

It was originally a semi-abandoned military base, covered with weeds and piled up with ruins, only a few old buildings remained.

A few days ago, the remaining buildings were bulldozed, the ruins were removed, and the weeds were dealt with, leaving only the bare ground.

At this moment, the Terminator has arrived over the designated area of ​​the United States.

With the movement of the Terminator's first perspective, the picture of the designated construction area of ​​the American transmission device is also presented in front of Zhang Zhai at this moment.

The picture is overlooked from the air and can be seen at a glance.

Thousands of people gathered on the flat ground, and they all looked up at the anti-gravity transport vehicle that appeared above them.

Beside the crowd, various materials, instruments and equipment were piled up.

The phalanx formed by hundreds of large anti-gravity transport vehicles covered the sun, and thousands of people were shrouded in the shadow of the anti-gravity transport vehicles.

The anti-gravity transport vehicle began to descend rapidly, slowly pressing down from the sky like Mount Tai pressing down on the top.

The phalanx of anti-gravity transport vehicles descended at the same time, at a slow speed, but with a majestic momentum, as if the entire sky was crushed.

Such a shocking scene made thousands of people present open their mouths.

"Is this the level of technology in Zhai City? How does it feel that we are not in the same century at all?"

"Can we really catch up with the technological gap opened by Zhang Zhai?"

Looking at the anti-gravity transport vehicle that covered the sky and the sun, the confidence of the American scientists present was shaken, and the pessimists even felt desperate.

Thousands of people present did not make a sound, they just watched the anti-gravity transport vehicle slowly approaching the ground without making any movement.

It was as if there was a heavy stone in their hearts, and as the phalanx of anti-gravity transport vehicles continued to lower its height, it kept pressing down, making them breathless.


Hundreds of anti-gravity transport vehicles suddenly stopped descending and hovered ten meters above the crowd.

The next moment!

"Crash... bang!"

Hundreds of anti-gravity transport vehicles opened the doors at the same time, and the Terminator rushed out of the doors immediately.


More than ten thousand terminators were like ants and locusts, pouring out of the sky and falling on the ground continuously.

Dust splashed from the ground, blocking everyone's sight.

Thousands of people present waved their hands to throw ashes, but at the same time their eyes were firmly locked on the position of the Terminator.

After a few seconds, the floating dust settled again, and the picture in front of them clearly appeared in front of thousands of people.

15,000 Terminator planes gathered into a neat phalanx, standing in the open space in front of thousands of people.

There are more than ten thousand people, boundless and boundless, and more than ten thousand terminators gather together, like a long silver ocean, boundless and shocking.

In the United States, in the construction area of ​​the intercontinental transmission device, the President of the United States looked at this huge "Terminator Legion" with mixed emotions.

He turned his head to look at the scientists of the Science Advisory Group beside him.

The expressions of dozens of American scientists present were either confused, dull, desperate, excited, or depressed...the list goes on.

"Confidence has been shattered..."

"Being in the same era as Zhang Disheng is really exciting and desperate."


Zhai City, the construction area of ​​the intercontinental transmission device.

Zhang Zhai glanced at the holographic screen divided into three parts.

In the three pictures, all terminators have arrived in the designated area and are on standby.

"Order the Terminator at Mi'ouou's position to start building the transmission device immediately according to the design drawings!" Zhang Zhai said in a deep voice, staring at the holographic screen.

Zhang Zhai's order was immediately converted into an electronic signal, which was transmitted to all the terminators in the three positions in an instant.

All the terminators in the three locations of Mioou immediately responded and began to quickly build intercontinental transmission devices on the ground.

Seeing this, Zhang Zhai turned his eyes away from the holographic screen, and looked at the gradually perfected six transmission arches in front of him.

As time passed bit by bit, the outline of the six transmission arches in front of Zhang Zhai has been formed, and the complex instrument structure inside has been continuously enriched.

At this moment, nearly 100,000 people had gathered outside the designated area, but they were still silent. Nearly 100,000 people present were anxiously watching the prototype of the six transmission devices, looking forward to the completion of the intercontinental transmission device.

Time passed, the intercontinental transmission device was continuously improved, and the time for the final completion was gradually approaching. There were nearly 100,000 people present, and countless people were watching in front of the TV.

"Don't looks so high and dangerous..."

"Zhaicheng's intercontinental transmission device must be a success... I'm still counting on overseas purchasing agents to deliver within one day."

Countless people held their sweaty fists and looked forward to it.

Zhang Zhai stood in the designated area and looked at the intercontinental transmission device with a calm expression.

"5 minutes..." Zhang Di half-closed his eyes and said to himself lightly.

The moment Zhang Zhai's voice fell, the 50,000 terminators in the designated area showed new changes in an orderly manner.


Tens of thousands of Terminator fell from the towering transmission arch.

Then, all the Terminators stopped the rest of the action and began to use black metal plates to perform the final process on the six transport devices-shell assembly.

Nearly 100,000 spectators and countless followers of this matter, when they saw this scene, their nerves suddenly tensed up, they held their breath, and stared at the huge transmission device without blinking.

"Two minutes..." Zhang Zhai said in a low voice, looking at the terminators that were constantly spreading upwards with metal shells assembled on the six transmission arches on three sides.

"Sixty seconds..."

The intercontinental transmission device is about to be completed!

"30 seconds……"

"10 seconds……"

Zhang Zhai raised his head and looked at the terminators who had reached the middle of the top of the six transmission arches, with a smile on his face.



All the terminators quickly left the transmission device, and in front of Zhang Zhai, they were neatly arranged in a square formation in the middle of the six transmission arches.

Zhang Zhai glanced at the six transmission arches, and then looked at the holographic screen.

In the three pictures presented on the holographic screen, it happened that the terminators also separated from the transmission device and gathered together neatly again.


Zhang Zhai repeated his words again, then picked up the microphone again and again, looked at the audience outside the designated area, and said in a deep voice: "The intercontinental transmission device is manufactured, and now, start the first test transmission of the intercontinental transmission device!"

Asking for a monthly pass... If the monthly pass can reach 100 tomorrow, I will change it four times tomorrow. If I can get to 150, I will be on the 5th tomorrow... I have been salted for two days, try to explode!

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