Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 384: Machines and Humans

Inside Ziguang Pavilion.

"The 16th discussion meeting on the replacement of repetitive labor by intelligent robots has begun!" the elder stood up and announced.

"The replacement of repetitive labor by machines is an inevitable result of the development of science and technology and the improvement of productivity. There is no need to discuss this issue anymore."

"Secondly, with the development of modern society, the demand for manual workers is decreasing, while the demand for mental workers is increasing.

Freeing manual workers from repetitive labor and transforming them into mental workers can improve social productivity. "

"It is a general trend for machines to replace human labor, and even intelligent robots are in this general trend.

So I think it is imperative for intelligent machines to replace repetitive labor! "

"I agree that although there will be some problems in a short period of time when intelligent robots replace repetitive labor, people cannot be suffocated to death by urine. It is impossible to make a big deal out of small things."

"Okay, let's start voting." The elder nodded.

"If you agree that intelligent robots can replace manual repetitive labor, please raise your hand."

"Seven votes in favor, zero abstentions, and zero votes against, good, I announce that the resolution to replace repetitive labor with intelligent robots is passed!"


"We have previously confirmed the need for machines to replace repetitive labor, and now we continue to discuss the details and consider practical issues."

"Let me go first. It is inevitable that machines will replace human beings. There is no doubt about it, but there are also some practical problems that need to be solved:

First, how the displaced workers are arranged.

Unlike in the past, intelligent robots can work in a wide range of jobs. Except for some specific positions, only management, arts and entertainment, and scientific research jobs will not be replaced.

Most labor-intensive industries, manufacturing companies, real estate companies and even service industries can be replaced, which will definitely cause a large number of workers to be laid off.

The number of these workers is huge, how to arrange them, and what method to use? "An elder stood up and explained.

"Secondly, the number of laid-off workers is huge, and if they are not properly resettled, it will inevitably cause social turmoil." The elder next to him nodded, "The laid-off workers will be unable to survive because of the loss of work income, and it will cause serious panic to the entire society."


"In comparison, I have two suggestions: the state will compensate the laid-off workers who have lost their source of income so that they can survive. At the same time, provide opportunities for re-employment and learning, and train laid-off young people in the direction of art, entertainment, scientific research, and management. , to prevent these people from doing nothing and causing social unrest.”

"Mr. Zhang Zhai's high welfare plus transformation policy?"

"Yes, considering Zhang Zhai's opinion, the high welfare policy can maintain the basic survival of the laid-off workers, and the transformation can avoid the waste of labor force, and can also give the laid-off workers the opportunity to live a better life."

"Moreover, wool comes from sheep, and robots replace humans, which can increase productivity, and the benefits generated by improving productivity can be used to maintain high welfare policies."

"Then this transformation is not the transformation of laid-off workers, but the transformation of the whole society."

"The whole society is withdrawn to management, scientific research, art and entertainment, so that science and art will develop most rapidly, and spiritual civilization and material civilization will achieve extreme prosperity."

"Furthermore, according to Zhang Di's words, an extremely large number of scientists is needed to maintain a human civilization that has left the indigenous planet."

"If this is the case, the education system and the scientific research system must also be reformed, and the entertainment and arts must be rectified and regulated..."

"In this case, the movement will be too great, and the whole society will be subverted."

"The movement is a bit big, so I suggest taking it step by step. According to the think tank's suggestion, the entire plan can be extended to 50 years, so that the whole society can slowly adapt to this change and avoid huge social turmoil.

And we've also been able to integrate the entire program with the space program and roll it out gradually. "

"It should be safe. This is a transformation that can affect Huaguo for hundreds of years and thousands of years. I suggest that a small-scale pilot can be carried out, and then slowly expand from a small scale."

"Pilot... I agree with this!"

"Let's vote with a show of hands whether to carry out a small-scale trial of high welfare policy plus transformation."


"Zero abstentions, zero against, seven in favor."

"Okay, unanimous vote."

"Now, the scope of the pilot program..."

"How about state-owned enterprises?"

"A pilot state-owned enterprise?"

"Private enterprises and private enterprises are not suitable as pilots. It is most appropriate to start reform pilots from state-owned enterprises."



"Show your hands and vote."

"No abstentions, no opposition, unanimous approval."


"I declare that the sixteenth discussion meeting on the replacement of repetitive labor by intelligent robots is over.

The meeting made the following resolutions:

First, confirm the basic decision to replace repetitive labor with intelligent robots.

Second, after the replacement of repetitive labor by intelligent robots, the social turmoil that will be caused will be solved by high welfare and re-learning transformation measures.

Third, the meeting proposed and passed some state-owned enterprises as a pilot program for replacing repetitive labor with intelligent robots.

Fourth, put forward the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" to use fifty years to complete the transformation of the entire society in ten steps. "


In the Ziguang Pavilion of the capital, decisions concerning the entire human civilization are being made, but the outside world is still ignorant of it.


Zhaicheng University, the campus is quiet and peaceful, and the hustle and bustle of the outside world has not disturbed the atmosphere of the campus.

It is the afternoon at this moment, and it is the time for the students of Zhaicheng University to discuss freely in the classroom.

In a large classroom, dozens of students are divided into a dozen groups, and fierce debates are constantly erupting.

"Fart, the replacement of human labor by machines is an inevitable result. Humans created machines to replace human beings to do complicated labor!" A student blushed and argued.

"I deny that machines replace labor. I am discussing with you how to solve the wave of layoffs caused by machines and what impact it will have on society!" Another student also blushed.

"I think this problem is actually very simple. It's just covering the face with points. Just take it slowly. As long as you allow enough time, it will be spread out all at once. There is no problem that can't be solved." Another student shook his head.

"That's right, even if you are laid off, as long as you don't lay off millions or tens of millions at a time, take your time and solve it bit by bit, there will be no turmoil."


"Because you care about this, you should care about the announcement of the results next time."

"Yes, the monthly exam results."


"Damn it, everyone, hurry up and watch, the monthly exam results have been announced."

A voice sounded, and the heated debate in the classroom disappeared instantly. Everyone took out their mobile phones or holographic devices and entered the official website of Zhaicheng University to check the results of this monthly exam.

"Hu Xiaoming actually got the first place in the exam? Wasn't he still the last one last month?"

"Zhao Xiaofang turned out to be second to last, he must have been number one last month.

"You're so surprised, the difference between the first place and the last place is only 36 points in one month. Is it difficult to go from the bottom one to the top one?"


On the 14th floor of Zhaicheng Aerospace Center, Zhang Zhai walked around the manufacturing area and was about to go to the laboratory.


"Father, Chief Xie requests access to the holographic phone."

"Come in."


Five minutes later.

"Fifty-year plan? Pilot by state-owned enterprises? Sell intelligent robots to state-owned enterprises?"

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