Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 387 New Era: Influence!

The earth-moon transmission plan was disclosed to the outside world, and in a short while, a stone caused a thousand waves!

The news started from the official website of Xihe and the official website of the Aerospace Center, and quickly spread outward.

Afterwards, a large number of media began to rush to report, and related news sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain.

In a short period of time, the Earth-Moon transmission plan spread to the point where the entire network knew about it.

Immediately afterwards, foreign media began to report on the matter, and relevant news began to spread around the world, making it known to the whole world.

It was night, and Huaguo News Daily broadcasted the matter again:

"Zhaicheng Xihe Technology and Zhaicheng Aerospace announced the latest plan-the Earth-Moon Transmission Plan.

According to the information on the official website of Zhaicheng Aerospace Center, the Earth-Moon transmission plan was drafted by Zhang Zhai, a famous scientist, and completed by Academician Gan Xiaohua, a former academician of the Academy of Sciences, famous scientists, Professor Hu Runze, and Professor Yang Guowei...

The main content of the earth-moon transmission plan is: to set up a transmission system between the earth and the moon, so that the items on the earth can reach the moon in an instant, and at the same time, the resources on the moon can be transported back to the earth in an instant...

The Earth-Moon transmission plan is expected to set up eight interstellar transmission gates to form a round-trip Earth-Moon transmission system.

…Once the earth-moon transmission system is completed, the world political pattern…the world energy pattern…”

The rebroadcast of the daily news broadcast added fuel to the already high enthusiasm.

No matter men, women, old or young, this message cannot be ignored.

Anyone with a bit of intelligence knows what the Earth-Moon transmission plan means.

It means that once it succeeds, all the resources of a planet will be taken into the pocket of human beings, which will bring about earth-shaking changes in the whole world!

No one is not deeply shocked, no one is not extremely excited.

Tieba forums, Xihe official website, domestic and foreign, wherever there are people, there are people discussing.

"God Zhai's idea is simply breaking through the sky, what the fuck, earth-moon teleportation, I can't fucking even think about it."

"Grand plan! It makes my scalp tingle! The idea of ​​the earth-moon transmission plan is simply too bold and exaggerated!"

"I originally thought that the intercontinental transmission plan was exaggerated enough, but I still underestimated Di Shen's idea! Fucking peat, earth-moon transmission!"

"Once the Earth-Moon transmission plan is successful, there will be no problem with the maximum distance between the Earth and the Moon, and the Moon will be able to be transformed by humans."


Countless shocked people vent their shock and excitement on the Internet.

But there are still quite a few people who express their concerns while being shocked.

"The moon, the resources of a planet. Once the earth-moon transmission plan is successful, the resources of a planet will fall into the hands of Hua Guo and Zhai Cheng. Thinking about how many interests are involved, I actually shudder."

"...For a 100% profit, capital dares to trample on all human laws; with a 300% profit, it dares to commit any crime, even risking death by hanging.

The benefits brought by one planet are enough to break out a world war. "

"I'm a little flustered. Seeing that human beings are about to step out of the earth and conquer the moon,

But this will not be the most brilliant time of human civilization, it will also be the end of human civilization. "

Excitement, excitement, fear, uneasiness, countless people have countless emotions, but they are all concerned about the Earth-Moon transmission plan.

There is no doubt that the earth-moon transmission plan, whether successful or not, will change the world!


The rain is about to come and the wind is all over the building!

The undercurrent is surging, the wind is surging, and the five days are gradually approaching.

Three days after the Earth-Moon transmission plan was announced!

Zhaicheng Aerospace Center, a large conference room on the first floor.

"Mr. Zhang, the transfer station transmission system, energy system, control system, gravity simulation system, anti-gravity system, and emergency response system have all been manufactured." Chen Zhenguo stood up from the left side of the conference table and reported loudly.

"In addition, all parts of the two anti-gravity spacecraft, Fuxi and Yanhuang, have been manufactured. Fuxi and Yanhuang have been transported to the designated launch area, and the final assembly has begun. The assembly is expected to be completed in three hours!"


Zhang Zhai stood directly in front of the conference table, looking at everyone sitting at the conference table.

The first person on the left is Academician Gan, and the first person on the right is Professor Hu.

There are a total of 100 scientists on site, and they are the heads of all research teams at the Zhaicheng Aerospace Center.

Zhang Zhai's eyes started from the left, looking over one by one.

Everyone looked solemn, sitting upright and looking at Zhang Zhai's gaze.

After Zhang Zhai glanced over the last person, he straightened his eyes and looked at everyone.

"Everyone!" Zhang Zhai said in a serious voice, "A new era is coming!"

The expressions of all the scientists became more serious!

"The door of this era will be opened by us! I don't know whether this era is good or bad, but we must take this step and enter this era!"

"Civilization develops, if you don't advance, you will retreat!"

"Some people say that the completion of the earth-moon transmission system will bring glory to mankind, and it will also bring destruction to mankind."

"However, I don't think so. The development of human civilization has always been about overcoming obstacles and sailing against the current!"

"Human civilization will not flourish and decline, but will only move from one glory to another.

The most brilliant human civilization will always be in the future. "

"If we're chained, we're going to be truly ruined by recession."

... "From the beginning to the end, we have only one goal, one ideal: to step out of the earth and conquer the starry universe!"

As Zhang Zhai's voice continued to fall, the faces of hundreds of scientists in the conference room began to turn red with excitement.

"A new era is about to start because of you, and a new history is about to be written because of you!"


Zhang Zhai narrated impassionedly, and every sentence fell heavily on the hearts of everyone.

Hundreds of scientists are getting more and more excited, they are making history!

After Zhang Zhai's last sentence fell, he did not continue, but looked at everyone present again.

One by one, look carefully!

Finally, Zhang Zhai took a deep breath and announced loudly.

"I declare! From now on, the earth-moon transmission plan will be officially launched! At the same time! The second step of the moon landing plan will be launched - to expand the existing moon palace base and properly develop lunar resources!"

"Papa... clatter"

In the conference room, the excited crowd applauded vigorously!

"The meeting is over!"



In Zhaicheng Space Center, the launch area in front of the rocket building expanded again.

At this moment, the ground in the launch area is covered with metal frames of various structures.

On the frame, two huge anti-gravity spacecraft, Fuxi and Yanhuang, which are comparable to Houyi, are undergoing final assembly.


The sound of metal clashing from time to time was so crisp that it spread far away.

Zhang Zhai and Academician Gan stood outside the launch area, watching the scene.

Zhang Zhai looked calm, as if he was thinking about something.

Academician Gan looked at Zhang Zhai thoughtfully.


As time passed, the overall assembly of Fuxi and Yanhuang was completed.

Finally, with only hundreds of people paying attention, the Fuxi and Yanhuang took off silently.

They carried a total of 2,000 Terminator T1000s and some materials, and will arrive on the surface of the moon in two days.

Zhang Zhai looked up and watched Fuxi and Yanhuang slowly lift off into the sky and gradually disappear, but his eyes were out of focus.

Since Zhaicheng Aerospace Center announced the Earth-Moon transmission plan, no one has contacted Zhang Zhai.

It's weird, unusual, even spooky.

"Huh..." Zhang Zhai exhaled, and looked away from the sky,


"Father, Chief Xie requests access to the holographic call."

Hearing the sound, Zhang Zhai had a bright smile on his face.



A minute later, the short call ended in a hurry.

Chief Xie only said one sentence from the beginning to the end: "Xiao Zhai, the country fully supports you!"

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