Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 390: Transit station launch!

The countdown continued to approach the final moment, and tension permeated the command room.

The atmosphere was dignified, and all the staff members tightened the strings in their heads!

Emotionally tense, all the staff raised their hearts to their throats!

"Count down for 30 minutes to prepare! Activate the energy system on the right, activate the anti-gravity system, and try to start the transfer station as a whole!" Zhang Zhai's sonorous voice echoed in everyone's ears.

The already extremely tense atmosphere became more dignified in an instant.

Everyone is fully focused, not daring to be distracted in the slightest.

"01 understands... 02 understands, 00 authorizes the activation of the right energy system...

09 I understand, confirm to activate the right energy system! "

The sound of urgent instructions and feedback kept ringing in the command room!

Parked inside the transfer station in the launch area, the moment the instruction is received, the nuclear reactor control system on the right starts the nuclear reactor, a neutron triggers a nuclear fission chain reaction, and after a series of actions, electricity is generated!

"09 confirmed to activate the anti-gravity system!"

"The No. 01 anti-gravity device is activated, and the No. 02...04 anti-gravity device is activated!"

"The anti-gravity system confirms that the overall launch was successful!"

In the launch area, accompanied by a command, a squeak sounded, and the huge transfer station was lifted off the ground in an instant by four anti-gravity boxes scattered throughout it.

The huge transfer station was 30cm off the ground, and immediately greeted the exclamation of more than a thousand media reporters outside the launch area!

"omg! Miracle!"


However, the suspension of the transfer station did not last long.

The next second after the transfer station successfully lifted off the ground!

"The anti-gravity system test is complete! The anti-gravity system lifted the transfer station successfully! The energy load is 50%, and the indicators are normal! The energy system is operating normally!"

With the sound of rapid feedback, the transfer station suspended 30cm in the air fell back to the launch area, making a crisp metal collision sound.

"Bang... hum..."

"02 confirms 00 authorizes trial start of the transfer station as a whole!"

"09 confirmed the trial launch of the transfer station!"


With an order, the transfer station that fell back to the metal frame in the launch area changed again.

I saw that the huge transfer station suddenly began to vibrate violently.


The familiar beep sounded, and the sharp sound tormented the eardrums of the people present!

The next moment!

The ear-piercing beeping stopped abruptly and disappeared abruptly, and the ring devices at the top and bottom of the transfer station burst into a bright blue light in an instant!

The blue light was so dazzling that everyone present closed their eyes.

The blue light flickered away, and before anyone could react, it disappeared.

"The trial start of the transmission device is completed, the data indicators are normal, and the transmission system is operating normally."

"The overall test start of the transfer station was successful, and all parts are operating normally!"


"Huh!" Zhang Zhai exhaled, and the curtain came to an end with a burst of nervous feedback and instructions, and the 30-minute countdown preparation work came to an end for the time being!

"Huh..." In the command room, the staff let out a long breath and began to wipe the sweat from their foreheads.

"Huh..." In the launch area, in the live broadcast room, and on the Internet, countless people who followed the tense scene just now let out a sigh of relief!

After everyone took a long breath, they failed to relax. Instead, they became tense again after a short time!

"The countdown is 10 minutes!" Zhang Zhai said in a deep voice.

In the command room, everyone was so nervous that they held their breath, and the sweat dripped down their foreheads.

Zhang Di's gaze swept over the crowd, and he saw that everyone was sitting upright, staring intently, with a smile on Zhang Di's face.


Time is approaching every minute and every second, and the moon in the sky is gradually approaching the sky!

Zhang Zhai turned his head and looked at the bright night sky through the window of the command room.

In the night sky, the bright stars are like shining gems, inlaid in the night sky like a black curtain.

The stars twinkle and move, and this starry night sky is mesmerizing!

Among the stars, a bright moon is slanting, constantly approaching the position of Zhengkong.

The bright moon is bright, and the bright light tells her purity.


The estimated take-off time of the transfer station is 9:00 p.m. at 21:00 Huaguo capital time.

At this moment, the time arrives at 8:55 p.m.!

The last five minutes.

"Five minutes countdown to prepare!"

In the command room, everyone raised their hearts again and again, and the strings in their heads became tighter and tighter!

"Order, 5,000 Terminators to conduct an overall inspection of all parts outside the transfer station!" Zhang Zhai said in a deep voice while pinching the communicator.

"At the same time, start the internal control program of the transfer station, and start the final self-inspection before liftoff."

"01 understand, start the internal control program!"

"02 Confirm the start of internal control procedures!"


After Zhang Zhai's order was issued, the staff of various departments issued the order at the same time.

Outside the launch area, 5,000 Terminator planes moved quickly and rushed straight to the huge transfer station.

Compared with the huge transfer station, 5,000 terminators are like ants!

It's just that these 'ants' are moving rapidly on the surface of the transfer station!

"The control system of the transfer station starts self-inspection!"

"The communication system has been tested and is running normally!"

"The detection of the anti-gravity system is completed and it is operating normally!"

"Gravity simulation system detection..."

"Energy system..."

"Transmission system……"

"Emergency system..."


On the radio in the command room, one after another hurried voices sounded.


"Alert! No. 23471 Terminator found the situation!"

"Alert! No. 21242 Terminator found the situation!"


Two consecutive situation alarms made the atmosphere in the command room tense instantly, and more than a thousand sweats poured out.

"A scratch one millimeter deep and five centimeters long was found in the 023 area outside the transfer station!"

"A fixed screw was found loose in the 021 area outside the transfer station!"


The situation was not as serious as imagined, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Order the Terminator to deal with it!"


After a small episode, the final countdown finally arrived.

"Last-minute preparations for the transfer station's lift-off countdown, attention to all departments! Attention to the last-minute countdown!"


"Bang... bang!"

The audience in the live broadcast room and the media in the launch area all felt nervous and their hearts were about to pop out.

"Ten seconds countdown!" Zhang Zhai held the communicator with a serious expression.






Everyone's eyes widened tightly, and the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but clenched their fists!

Make it or break it!

Whether the transfer station can be lifted off smoothly is related to the ownership of the moon!

This moment will determine the future!




"With my authority, order the transfer station to launch immediately!" Zhang Zhai said loudly, holding the communicator tightly!

"01 understand, activate the bilateral energy system!"

"02 understand, activate the communication and control system!"

"03 understand, activate the anti-gravity system..."

... In the launch area, with the sound of rapid and firm commands, the huge transfer station finally left the ground slowly.


The transfer station rose to a position 10 meters above the ground with acceleration, and the upward trend was suddenly stopped.

"The overall angle of the transfer station is adjusted!"


With an order, the transfer station suspended in the air began to flip.

It starts down at the top and up at the bottom.

When the columnar structure in the middle changes from vertical to horizontal, the flipping is completed.

"Order the transfer station to continue to rise!"

"Target—space! Keep going up!"

With the sound of a hoarse command, the extremely huge transit station accelerated into the sky in the eyes of everyone!

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