Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 392 Transfer Station: Start!

Relying on the anti-gravity system, the transfer station is heading towards the moon at a speed of Mach 8.9 per second.

The relative position of the moon is not fixed. As an earth satellite, it revolves around the earth in about 30 days.

It takes 24 hours for the transfer station to reach the designated position. In just 24 hours, the position of the moon will be deflected by 12°, and the command position of the transfer station (the middle position of the earth and the moon) will also deviate by 12°

12° is not a huge number in mathematics, but in the boundless universe, the difference is a thousand miles away, and 12° may be the gap between the moon and Mars.

The internal control system of the transfer station will continue to make minor adjustments based on the estimated designated position after 24 hours, while constantly avoiding meteorites and space junk in the universe.

Earth, in the command room on the first floor of the rocket building of Zhaicheng Aerospace Center, the feedback sound is still ringing.

The data collected by the transfer station control system is continuously fed back and summarized to the command room.

"The transit station successfully evaded meteorite No. xy2313, and the lane change data is as follows..."

"The load of the energy system is 50%, the indicator data is normal, and the energy system is operating normally."

"The sailing speed is Mach 8.9, and the anti-gravity system is operating normally."


It has been 10 hours since the transfer station took off. This period of time is extremely boring, and the pictures sent back by the external camera equipment of the transfer station are also very monotonous.

In Zhang Zhai's live broadcast room, there are nearly 100 million viewers gathered at this moment, and various languages ​​are mixed in the frantically refreshed barrage.

"It's kind of boring. This monotonous picture makes me drowsy!"

"I've been up all night, it's already dawn, I'm so sleepy!"

"There is no change in the navigation at the transit station, so there is no other reaction?"


Zhang Zhai just took a look at the live broadcast room, and he smiled, "No reaction is the best reaction, which means the sailing is smooth and there are no problems."

As soon as Zhang Zhai finished speaking, suddenly!

Dazzling red lights flashed at the four corners of the command room.

"Alarm, alert! The energy system of the transfer station has reached 80% operating load, the indicators are abnormal, and the energy system is operating abnormally!"

Zhang Zhai was able to get off the ground and stood up in an instant.

"Attention all departments, activate the emergency plan, and activate the emergency treatment system of the transfer station." Zhang Zhai said in a deep voice while holding the communicator without panicking.

"01 understands, activate the emergency plan!"

"02 understand, activate the transfer station emergency treatment system..."

Accompanied by the rapid siren, everyone in the command room tensed up instantly.

And the audience in the live broadcast room, who were talking about being boring just now, their eyes widened at this moment, and they didn't dare to blink.

As a series of instructions in the command room were quickly transmitted to the transfer station far away in space through electronic signals.

After the transfer station receives the instruction, the interior of its columnar structure changes immediately.

The interior of the columnar structure, which serves as a channel connecting the two ends of the transmission device, is itself hollow.

In this channel, five Terminator T1000s are parked as part of the emergency response system.

The moment the order was transmitted to the transfer station, five Terminator T1000s moved simultaneously.

They quickly went to the energy systems on the left and right sides, namely the two nuclear reactors, for inspection.

On Earth, in the command room of Zhaicheng Space Center.

More than a thousand staff are nervously waiting for the feedback of the inspection results of the five Terminator T1000s.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the space transfer station was still moving forward at the highest speed.

ten minutes later!

"The emergency response system has checked and dealt with the problem, and the check and dealt data has been fed back to the command room."

"The load of the energy system is 50%, the indicators are normal, and the energy system returns to normal."


Everyone in the command room breathed a sigh of relief, and in the live broadcast room, people on the Internet also breathed a sigh of relief.

"I was so scared to death, I almost thought I was going to end up like this!"

"Where is the man who said to respond, come out, and I will give you a red buff!"


Zhang Di looked at the barrage, shook his head and smiled.

After a small episode, the transfer station continued to move towards the designated location.


Hundreds of media outside the launch area have entered the command room at this moment.

In the back row of the command room, hundreds of media outlets set up cameras and took pictures of the scene in the command room.

Even though more than ten hours have passed, these reporters are still extremely excited, even more excited than the staff of Zhaicheng Space Center.


Huaguo Capital Military Region.

Chief Xie sat at his desk, dealing with affairs, and looked at the picture on the holographic screen next to him from time to time.

The screen showed that it was Zhang Zhai's live broadcast room.

"Hey, this brat, it's really worrying. It's so sudden that people are caught off guard, and now I have to wipe this brat's ass." Chief Xie looked at the picture on the holographic screen and shook his head.

"However, a resource on the moon, just wipe your ass."

Chief Xie suddenly laughed.


"Come in."

"Chief, this is the master plan for this blue ocean exercise!"


Time passed gradually, staying up from night to day, and staying up from day to night.

The rotation personnel in the command room of Zhaicheng Aerospace Center changed several batches, and Zhang Zhai's eyes were also a little red.

Finally, the time is approaching 24 hours.

When the expected 24 hours came to the last hour, the media in the command room began to cheer up, and the number of online users in Zhang Zhai's live broadcast room also began to increase steadily.

"Attention all departments. It is estimated that the transfer station will arrive at the designated location in ten minutes." Zhang Zhai said in a deep voice while pinching the communicator, and then glanced at the live broadcast room. The number of online live broadcast room just exceeded 100 million people.

As Zhang Di's voice fell, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room became tense.

The spirits of all the staff began to tense, and they were highly concentrated.

"Count down for five minutes, order the anti-gravity system to start decelerating! At the same time, order the transfer station to start self-inspection!"

"01 understands, confirm to order the anti-gravity system to start decelerating!"

"The self-inspection of the transfer station has started, the energy system load is 40%, the indicators are normal, and the energy system is operating normally."

"The communication signal is normal, and the communication system is operating normally."


"Continued deceleration at transfer station...Mach 8...Mach 6...Mach 4..."


"One minute countdown!"

"The transit speed is Mach 1..."

"Count down ten seconds."



"The transfer station arrived at the designated location, confirmed the location of the earth and the moon, and made precise adjustments—the adjustment is complete."

"Order, the transfer station will start to orbit the earth at a predetermined speed." Zhang Zhai quickly issued an order.

The transfer station needs to always stay in the middle of the line between the earth and the moon, so the transfer station must revolve around the earth like the moon to maintain its position.

"The transfer station has reached the expected speed and has begun to orbit the earth at a constant speed."

In the boundless space, right in the middle of the earth and the moon, a huge man-made object began to revolve around the earth at a constant speed.

The speed is fast, but relatively slow, silent, silent, the transfer station maintains the same relative position.

In the command room of Zhaicheng Aerospace Center.

Zhang Zhai looked at the pictures captured by the camera equipment outside the transfer station, with a smile on his face.

In the side screen of the earth, the earth is inlaid on the dark curtain like a blue gem, and the blue earth is full of vitality!

In the picture on the side of the moon, the moon is like a huge jade plate hanging in space. There seem to be all kinds of ravines in the jade plate, which looks intoxicating and obsessive.

The transfer station is located between the two, and the surface quietly emits light.

"Command! Start the transmission system of the transfer station and the gravity simulation system!" Zhang Zhai said in a deep voice, staring at the picture.

The next moment!

In the dull and dark universe, it seemed as if a blue light flashed!

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