Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 396 The moon belongs to Zhai City!

"The trinity earth-moon transmission system, the ground, and the transfer station have all been completed, and only the moon part remains! —— Huaguo News Network!"

"The three major steps have come to the second, and the completion of the Earth-Moon transmission system is only in an instant! - American Independent."

"The three major links of the Earth-Moon transmission system have been successfully completed and the two major links have been successfully completed. The completion of the Earth-Moon transmission system is unstoppable! -Global News."

After the ground part of the Earth-Moon transmission system was started, in just a few minutes, countless related reports emerged on the Internet.


In Zhai City, the originally bustling streets seemed very deserted at the moment, from bustling to few people.

The hundreds of thousands of tourists who came to Zhai City did not go shopping, playing or shopping at this time.

Instead, they gathered in Zhaicheng City Square and Zhaicheng Park. A group of people in twos and threes watched the live broadcast related to the construction of the Earth-Moon transmission system and discussed with each other.

"The ground transmission system and the transfer station have been completed, and the lunar part must be successfully completed." A young student whispered.

"For sure, anyway, I trust God Zhai unconditionally." His classmate next to him said with a hand on his shoulder.

"Doesn't that mean that the Earth-Moon transmission system will be successful soon?" The young student immediately became excited.

His classmate patted him on the shoulder, "Let's wait and see what God Zhai said!"


In the command room of Zhaicheng Aerospace Center, the hustle and bustle of the outside world did not affect the atmosphere in the command room. In the restored quiet command room, all the staff were focusing on performing their duties.

In front of the command room, Zhang Zhai was sitting in front of the workbench recovering his exhausted energy.

"I'm 010. Attention all departments. Fuxi and Yanhuang have arrived in lunar orbit and are about to land on the moon."

"01 understands, start the final self-check before landing!"

"The communication signal is normal, the energy system is normal..."

In the command room, the sound of urgent commands and feedback kept ringing, Yanhuang and Fuxi were about to land on the surface of the moon.

Hearing the urgent voice in his ear, Zhang Zhai still sat on the chair without moving.

The staff in the command room had already landed anti-gravity spacecraft for many times, so Zhang Zhai didn't need to worry too much.

As time passed, Zhang Zhai leaned back on the chair and tried his best to recover his strength. The staff in the command room responsible for the landing of the Yanhuang and Fuxi strictly followed the landing procedures of the spacecraft according to the "Landing Specifications for Anti-Gravity Spaceships".

Ten minutes later.

"The Fuxi landed successfully, and the landing point was correct."

"The Yanhuang landed successfully, and the landing point is correct!"

Two excited voices sounded in the command room through the radio.

Hearing the voice, Zhang Zhai took a deep breath and stood up again from his seat.

"Order, Fuxi, Yanhuang, and Houyi open their cabins, and order four thousand Terminator T1000s on the surface of the moon to immediately start and assemble the ring transmission device." Zhang Zhai stared at the images sent back by the three anti-gravity spacecraft, holding the communicator Shen Sheng said.

After Zhang Zhai's order was issued, it was transmitted to the three anti-gravity spacecraft about 1.5 seconds later.

On the surface of the moon, on the plain where the Moon Palace base is located, three anti-gravity spaceships are parked steadily in the shape of a zigzag, 1 kilometer in front of the Moon Palace base, enclosing a flat ground in the middle.

The moment Zhang Zhai's order was transmitted to the moon, the hatches of the three anti-gravity spacecraft opened simultaneously.

The next moment!

Inside the three anti-gravity spacecraft, a total of 3,000 Terminator rushed out of the anti-gravity spacecraft carrying the materials and equipment carried by the three anti-gravity spacecraft.


The three thousand terminators took the same steps, and through the vibration of the spaceship, some dull sounds were still transmitted back to the earth.

Three thousand Terminator, carrying various parts of the ring transmission device, various equipment, and a medium-sized nuclear reactor, converged on the wide open space surrounded by three anti-gravity spacecraft.

In the next second, three thousand Terminators moved and began to quickly assemble the ring transmission device.

At the same time, in the Moon Palace base not far away, the Terminator robots that received the order also rushed out of the Moon Palace base and rushed towards the anti-gravity spacecraft.


On the edge of the corner of the plain where the Moon Palace Base is located, inside the US Moon Base, ten American astronauts are eating.

Williams picked up the jerky, which had been coated with an edible protective film, and took a hard bite.

"The beef jerky in Huaguo tastes good, and it is indeed a country of gourmet food." Williams said with emotion.

Smith ate the shredded fish-flavored pork that had been soaked in water. Hearing what Williams said, the corners of his mouth twitched, "Delicious, indeed delicious, spending tens of millions of dollars to send food from Huaguo, it's more than delicious, God's food It's not that expensive either!"

"Mr. Smith, who made those bastards in the space agency unreliable, so we were trapped here." Jones looked up after eating twice-cooked pork.

Smith shook his head. Even the person in charge of the Apollo 18 spacecraft, the eldest among the ten, couldn't say anything at the moment.

"Hey, what's that?"

Williams, who was biting the beef jerky, subconsciously turned his head to look at the external observation window of the base, but saw a shocking scene.

The other nine people also turned their heads and looked over when they heard the sound.

"Oh my God, this is what happened!"

"Did aliens be found over there? Why are all those guys coming out!" The beef in Williams' mouth dried up and fell off.

Even with the weak gravity of the moon, the beef jerky will inevitably fall to the ground.

"Williams, pick up the beef jerky, it's worth at least tens of thousands of dollars!" Smith roared with a black face.

"Smith, don't worry about the jerky, look outside, those Terminator are all pouring out, what are they going to do?" Williams said in surprise.

Smith silently picked up the beef jerky, "Earth has already sent a message, and Zhai City is building an Earth-Moon transmission system."

"Earth-moon transmission system, what is that?"

The other nine people withdrew their gazes and stared at Smith.

"Smith, what do you know, why didn't you tell us!" The grumpy Williams exploded immediately.

"Say! Say what! The Earth-Moon transmission system is something that can transmit things from the earth to the moon in a few seconds, do you understand?

As long as the Earth-Moon transmission system is in place, Zhai City will be able to transport Terminator and supplies to the moon continuously. Constantly expand the moon base.

The moon will soon belong to Zhaicheng, and it will belong to Huaguo! do you understand? "Smith also broke out suddenly, roaring at Williams.

Williams was stunned, and everyone was stunned.

"OMG, that's not all our hard work was in vain!" Jones said bitterly.

"No, I can't let the Earth-Moon transmission system be built, I'm going to die with them!" Williams drew out his gun and roared angrily.

"Go, go! See if you can defeat thousands of robots, and see if your pistol can break the shell of the Terminator!" Smith roared angrily.

"Patter..." Williams was silent, and the pistol fell to the ground.

Everyone is silent!


Directly in front of the Moon Palace base, thousands of terminators are constantly busy.

They paved the ground with liquid sand, and at the same time assembled the ring transmission device as a whole.


Four thousand terminators carried the huge ring transmission device, and quickly erected and fixed the ring device in a superimposed manner.

Ground command room.

"Attention all departments, order: activate the receiving end of the lunar transmission device immediately!" Zhang Zhai stared at the picture on the holographic screen, pinched the communicator and said in a deep voice.

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