Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 408 Upgrading Wisdom Points

The expansion plan of the Moon Palace base has come to an end, but its impact is far from disappearing.

The completion of the Earth-Moon transmission system was accompanied by the expansion of the Moon Palace base. The heat of the two events superimposed in a short period of time, and the related discussions in the society on the Internet continued for a long time. Transmission system, Zhaicheng Space Center and Zhang Zhai.

Two days have passed, Zhaicheng Space Center, who took a short rest, embarked on a new journey again.

On the second floor, in the remote control lunar surface laboratory, more than a hundred scientific researchers are concentrating on the tiny changes in the holographic screen in front of them, conducting various complicated researches.

In the corner of the laboratory, Zhang Zhai sat in front of the workbench and remotely controlled the robot far away on the moon to carry out experiments on the moon.

"03212, drop the No. 023 liquid reagent into the petri dish, and detect its changes in the microscopic state..."

Zhang Zhai stared at the holographic screen and said very intently.

"...Mr. Zhang, three hours ago, the ground transported 10,000 Terminator planes to the Moon Palace base again through the Earth-Moon transmission system, reaching the maximum capacity of the Moon Palace base..." Academician Gan, who was sitting in front of the workbench on the left of Zhang Zhai While doing the experiment, he said to Zhang Zhai.

"Now, the Moon Palace Base is basically operating at full capacity, and the smart metal material smelter has begun to use the resources of the moon's metal ore for deep smelting, purification and processing... The smart chemical factory will also use the resources owned by the moon to start producing some products... The construction of the No. 1 ecological simulation experiment circle is also underway... The large-scale lunar exploratory experiments that have not been completed before are also being accelerated."

"...The leaders of each team are also constantly writing and revising the lunar city construction plan based on various research results...It is estimated that we will be able to start the construction plan of the lunar city in one to two months!" Gan Xiaohua said, a little excited excited.

Zhang Zhai nodded upon hearing the words, still staring at the holographic screen without moving away, and said in a low voice: "Now the focus of Zhaicheng Aerospace Center is to solve a problem - how to transform the Moon Palace base into a lunar city.

This is also the wish of me and most people in Zhaicheng Space Center. However, pay attention to the combination of work and rest..."

As Zhang Di said, he raised his head and looked at the busy researchers around him.

"One soldier is crazy, and there will be a nest of crazy people." Gan Xiaohua said with a smile when he heard the words, "This is because the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked."

"Mr. Zhang, if you can combine work and rest, these guys will naturally stop."

Zhang Zhai shook his head with a smile, did not continue this topic, and asked instead,

"Academician Gan, how long do you estimate it will take for the Moon Palace Base to be self-sufficient and at the same time be able to give back to the earth?"

"Under the premise of meeting the relevant plans, it will take at least half a month before there will be a surplus of resources." Academician Gan Xiaohua replied after hearing this after a little thought.

"How long will it take for the moon-to-ground part of the Earth-Moon transmission system to be built?" Zhang Zhai turned his head to look at Academician Gan Xiaohua,

"I don't want to wait until the Moon Palace base is able to transport resources to Earth, and I need to use the spacecraft to transport them back bit by bit."

Gan Xiaohua became serious when he heard the words, and replied solemnly: "According to the progress of the manufacturing area, it will take about seven to eight days to start the construction of the moon-to-ground part. Within ten days, the moon-to-ground part of the ground-moon transmission system will be completed." able to complete."

Hearing this, Zhang Zhai nodded with a smile, "That's good."


In the laboratory, a group of scientific researchers were busy with various experiments. In the corner, Zhang Zhai and Gan Xiaohua communicated in low voices from time to time.

"With regard to the transformation of the Moon Palace base into a lunar city, some preliminary plans have been made. The plans can be roughly divided into three categories..."

"The plans are good and very creative, but there are many loopholes and lack of rigor..." Zhang Zhai was doing experiments, listening to Academician Gan Xiaohua, and giving some suggestions from time to time.


Time passed gradually, from early morning to late night, and from late night to late night.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Zhang Zhai raised his head and looked around the laboratory. There were no researchers missing in the laboratory.

"Ten minutes, suspend the experiments in your hands, and give me a rest immediately." Zhang Zhai took out the communicator and tuned to the radio channel, and said in a deep voice, "If it exceeds ten minutes, it will be enforced directly."

The silence in the laboratory was broken. Even though they were reluctant to part with each other, the researchers slowly left the laboratory.

On the left side of Zhang Zhai, Academician Gan Xiaohua, who had just escaped from the experimental state, watched this scene with a smile.


Zhaicheng Space Center, lounge on the top floor.

"Prick... prick... pat." Zhang Zhai tore up two pages of waste paper, crumpled it up and threw it into the trash can.

"Ecological simulation... life support system, increased gravity, it's really difficult." Zhang Zhai whispered to himself.

"It's a pity, these things are necessary to expand the Moon Palace base into a lunar city."

Zhang Zhai put down the pen and paper, rubbed his temples, looked up at the night sky outside the window, and the lounge returned to silence.

The night sky outside the window was dark, there were no stars or bright moon tonight, only the cool night wind kept blowing on Zhang Zhai's face.

The refreshing night breeze gradually calmed down Zhang Zhai's impetuous mood.

Zhang Di's eyes were thoughtful, staring out the window for a long time.


"It's's about time."


"Host: Zhang Di

Wisdom: 220 (230)

Popularity: 510, 673, 151

Unlockable technologies:

Next stage unlockable technology: quantum communication

Technology mastered: interactive holographic images. , artificial intelligence, new energy storage, three new materials, anti-gravity box, quantum supercomputer, short-distance space transmission technology. "

"More than 500 million popularity, not bad, should be enough." Zhang Zhai whispered to himself with a smile on his face.

"The last upgrade was completed, with a balance of 200 million popularity. Up to now, we have experienced the experiment of short-distance space transmission technology, the glacier drainage plan, the construction of the intercontinental transmission system, the completion of the earth-moon transmission system, and the expansion of the Moon Palace base... so There are many things, and the popularity has only increased by more than 300 million points." Zhang Zhai shook his head,

"It seems that the further back the acquisition of popularity, the more difficult it is."

"However... after accumulating popularity for so long, it's almost time to upgrade."

"Quantum communication... Interesting." Zhang Zhai smiled, his eyes fixed on the system interface.

Looking at the value behind the wisdom value and popularity, Zhang Zhai stretched out his hand and tapped the + symbol five times without hesitation.


"Intelligence value +1, popularity -40 million."

"Intelligence value +1, popularity -..."

"Intelligence value +1, popularity..."

"Wisdom value..."

"Wisdom value..."


"I don't know, what is the black technology that can be unlocked in the next stage..." Zhang Zhai felt a little hopeful in his heart.

The moment Zhang Zhai spoke, a sense of coolness rose from his feet to his brain in an instant, and a strong sense of comfort arose spontaneously.

At this moment, it seems that the fog in the head that hinders thinking has disappeared, and the whole person has reached a state of extreme sobriety, and countless thoughts emerge every moment.

Looking around with both eyes, the whole world is unprecedentedly real.


Zhang Zhai let out a sigh of relief.

"Five o'clock is the limit..."

After speaking, Zhang Zhai lay down on the bed next to him and fell asleep.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Zhai fell asleep.

This night, his active thinking made him have seven or eight dreams overnight.

The next day, early morning.

Still in front of the window desk, Zhang Zhai opened the system interface again against the rising sun.

"Wisdom +1... Popularity -..."

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