Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 424 The second phase of the construction of Zhai City is completed


In the corner of the laboratory, as the last inquirer left, it finally gradually became quiet.

In front of the workbench, Zhang Zhai half-closed his eyes and stared at the crumpled manuscript paper held in his right hand, his eyes thoughtful,

"Change the location of Zhai City... fork...control the weather...fork, change the environment of the desert...fork." Zhang Zhai murmured to himself, reaching out and drawing three crosses on the manuscript paper.

These are the three research directions that Zhang Zhai set at will.

"It's not yet time, maybe when the resources and energy are sufficient, we can consider conducting such research." Zhang Zhai whispered to himself, stretched out his hand to write a few more strokes on the manuscript paper,

"Earthquake prediction...fork, large-scale gravity simulation...fork."


In the quiet corner of the laboratory, even the sound of the friction between the pen tip and the paper is very clear.


After finishing the pen, Zhang Zhai held the wrinkled manuscript paper in front of his eyes and glanced at it.

next second.

"Stab... sting, snap!"

Zhang Zhai tore up this page of manuscript paper, crumpled it into a ball and threw it into the trash can.

Next to Zhang Zhai, academician Gan Xiaohua, who had been immersed in the remote experiment, seemed to be awakened by the sudden sound and raised his head.

"Mr. Zhang, you are..."

"It's nothing." Zhang Zhai shook his head and smiled, "It's just a scrap of paper."

Gan Xiaohua raised his head, looked around Zhang Zhai, and smiled, "Mr. Zhang, are they all gone?"

Hearing this, Zhang Zhai's mouth twitched, "Yes, they're all gone."

"Mr. Zhang, your knowledge is really extensive, no matter what type of problem you are facing.

Hey, old man, I would like to experience the feeling of being surrounded by three layers of inquirers, but I am only proficient in one research direction..." Academician Gan Xiaohua pretended to sigh, and said in a teasing tone,

"Hey, it's a pity, I feel like I've spent all my years in vain, even if I want to experience the feeling of being surrounded by people who ask me..."

"Academician Gan, if you keep talking, your salary this month may gradually disappear...they may fall into another dimension because of your words." Zhang Di said calmly.

"Hahaha..." Academician Gan Xiaohua laughed softly upon hearing this.

After a while, Zhang Zhai also laughed.

After the laughter, the topic gradually returned to the right track.

"...Academician Gan, how is the Mars landing plan completed? How is the progress of the renovation of the Yanhuang?" Zhang Zhai asked in a deep voice.

"The transformation of the Yanhuang is currently progressing relatively smoothly. Since the feedback from the manufacturing area, the overall transformation progress has reached 60%, and it is estimated that there are only seven to eight days left before the completion of the overall transformation." The smile on Academician Gan Xiaohua's face has already Convergence, said solemnly.

"Seven to eight days..." Zhang Di repeated in a low voice, his eyes thoughtful.

"Yes, seven to eight days." Gan Xiaohua nodded solemnly, "The Mars landing plan has basically been formulated now, and only a few key points have not been fully determined. Regarding these issues, the opinions of multiple teams are serious. If there are disagreements, and even some teams have completely contradictory plans, you may need to make a decision, Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Zhai nodded when he heard the words, "Tell me, what are the problems, and briefly talk about the opinions of each team by the way."

"The first question is the time." Gan Xiaohua nodded and said, "Professor Hu and his team's opinion is to set the launch time of the anti-gravity spacecraft in the morning. The basic reasons are as follows..."

"On the other hand, Professor Yang and Professor Meng's team is just the opposite. They think that the time should be set in the early morning for the following reasons...

In addition to these two main opinions, some teams have other ideas. "

"The main reason for this situation is that there is basically no limit to the launch window of the anti-gravity spacecraft, and the time range to choose from is too wide.

In the absence of certain conditions, the determination of the exact time of the launch has been at a stalemate. "

Hearing this, Zhang Zhai rubbed his swollen temples and shook his head, "As for the launch time, it's tentatively..."

Zhang Zhai's voice has not yet fallen...


Another voice in his ear interrupted him.

"Father, according to the feedback from the Terminator responsible for the implementation of the second phase of Zhai City, just now, the second phase of Zhai City's construction has been completely completed." A1's voice sounded hurriedly.

Hearing the sound, Zhang Zhai swallowed back half of the words he hadn't uttered yet.

"The second phase of Zhai City's construction plan has been completed?" Zhang Zhai repeated in a low voice.

"Yes, father, hundreds of thousands of Terminator were under construction day and night, and it took one month and five days to successfully complete all the buildings in the Zhai City Phase II planning drawings..."

Listening to the voice, Zhang Di shook his head.

Suddenly, he was in a trance...

About half a year ago, a young man stood in the desert with only gravel and yellow sand, and arrogantly expressed his lofty ambitions. He wanted to build a tall building in the desert, on the Gobi Desert, and build a future in this barren land by himself. City.

About a month ago, when the initial stage of Zhai City's construction plan was completed, the boy's bold ambitions had basically been realized.

At this moment, the construction plan of the second phase of Zhai City has been completed, and the area of ​​Zhai City has expanded several times again. The city area of ​​thousands of square kilometers is already comparable to that of a metropolis like Shanghai, and the former is even more prosperous than the latter.

And the wireless power covering the entire city, the intelligent robots that can be seen everywhere, the anti-gravity cars that shuttle in the sky, the holographic technology that is used everywhere, and the virtual reality technology are erected on both sides of the city, leading to the moon and the earth respectively. The transmission system at the other end, all of which make Zhai Cheng worthy of the word "future".

Perhaps for a moment, perhaps for an instant, Zhang Zhai recovered from his trance with a bright smile on his face.

"Huh..." With a smile on his face, Zhang Zhai took a deep breath,

"A1, order the Xihe Technology Manufacturing Factory to produce a batch of Terminator and Xiaoli robots according to the original plan and put them into the new construction area, so that all the new construction areas can be put into operation as soon as possible." Zhang Zhai quickly issued the order.

"Okay, father."

"At the same time, according to the previous plan for the third ring area of ​​Zhai City, A1, you make a design drawing, split the blueprint to the Terminator who will implement the construction plan of Zhai City, and order the Terminator to continue to implement the third phase of Zhai City..."

Zhang Zhai's voice has not yet settled down...


A1's voice sounded, interrupting Zhang Di's words again.

"Father, Chief Xie requested access to the holographic call, do you agree?"

Zhang Di laughed and shook his head when he heard the sound, what a coincidence.

After signaling with Gan Xiaohua, Zhang Zhai got up and walked out of the laboratory.

Outside the laboratory, at the end of the corridor.

"Come in..." Zhang Zhai whispered while standing at the window.

In the next second, Chief Xie's holographic image gradually appeared in front of Zhang Zhai.

"Mr. Xie, are you here to apologize again this time?" Zhang Zhai said with a smile.

"Can't you think of something good, you brat?" Chief Xie pointed at Zhang Zhai and scolded with a smile,

"I'm here to send money to you brat this time, is that how you treat your God of Wealth?" Chief Xie teased.

Zhang Zhai smiled and didn't take this at all, "Please contact Xihe Technology for business matters. If there is nothing else, I will hang up."

"You brat..." Chief Xie pointed at Zhang Zhai and said angrily, "The higher-ups plan to purchase another batch of intelligent robots."

"Mr. Xie, if you have anything to say, you can just talk about it. There is no need to go around the corner." The smile on Zhang Zhai's face gradually softened, "The price of the smart robot has been negotiated long ago. I don't believe that the purchase problem still requires Mr. Xie to give me a special answer." Call up."

"You brat...why don't you play your cards according to the routine." Chief Xie pointed at Zhang Zhai and scolded with a smile.

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