Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 506 The first node in space

The ground command room and the Moon Palace branch.

As the node transmission device was thrown out, feedback sounds and command sounds began to sound more intensively one after another.

"Immediately close the external hatch of the auxiliary compartment 01, and order the Suiren to re-accelerate immediately and leave the predetermined area."

"Understood, execution has begun."


The Suiren, located in the channel between the earth and the moon, received the order at the moment.

The external hatch of the auxiliary cabin was then closed, and the spacecraft immediately began to accelerate to the limit, galloping away from the predetermined area.

Thousands of Terminator planes in the auxiliary cabin also returned to the main cabin to stand by.

"Begin to confirm the location of the thrown node device and wake up."

"The location of the node transmission device has been determined, and the node transmission device wakes up successfully!"

Accompanied by the sound of commands and feedback, the node transmission device that was thrown out of the spaceship and was galloping forward with inertia instantly started.

In the node transmission device, the small fusion device was awakened, and a majestic energy burst out immediately.

The internal anti-gravity system was then awakened and began to function, and the node transmission device that was constantly flying forward stopped moving immediately under the action of the anti-gravity system.

"Start node transmission system position adjustment."

The command sounded, and the node transmission device that had just stopped moving changed its direction under the action of the anti-gravity system, and began to accelerate towards another location.

"The position of the node transmission system has been adjusted."

The node transmission device arrived at the designated area, but it did not stop moving, but began to move at a constant speed with the rotation of the earth and Mars, maintaining its relative position.

Moon Palace Division.

Zhang Di looked at the constantly changing data on the holographic screen, picked up the communicator,

"Start the node transmission device transmission system!"

In an instant, the command sound is transmitted to the ground and the location of the node transmission device through the quantum communication equipment at the same time.

I saw that in the space, the slowly running node transmission device suddenly flashed a faint blue light.

In the next moment, two dark blue light curtains appeared at both ends of the double ring node transmission device.

In the universe, the surrounding darkness seems to be dispelled at this moment, and the light belonging to human civilization is lit up again!


Ground Command Room, Moon Palace Branch.

On the front holographic screen, the image transmitted by the camera equipment on the node transmission device is displayed.

When the faint blue light curtain lit up in the universe, the command room on the ground and the Moon Palace branch began to resound with suppressed cheers.

Looking at the excited expressions of everyone, Zhang Zhai also had a smile on his face.

However, this is not the time to celebrate.

Zhang Zhai picked up the communicator again and said in a deep voice,

"Order Suiren to accelerate to the limit speed, follow the established course, and head towards Mars!"

"The ground command room understands, and the Moon Palace Branch understands."


In space, Suiren, which had just left the predetermined area, began to accelerate at the limit speed, and at the same time drew a curved curve in space to re-correct the course.

"Mach 28.6... Mach 35.4..."

The Suiren's sailing speed increased extremely, and it sailed technically along the established course of Earth Fire in the direction of Mars.


"The speed of Suiren has reached the limit speed of Mach 44.5, and it has begun to maintain the limit speed and sail stably."

The moment the sound sounded, suppressed cheers broke out in the command room on the ground and the Moon Palace branch.

A group of researchers clapped excitedly, hugged each other, or cheered happily.

The successful deployment of the first space node marks the phased success of the first mission of Suiren, which means that the construction plan of the ground fire node transmission system is on the right track!

As long as the first node in space is built, the subsequent transmission nodes will only need to go back and forth!

"I announce that the Suiren has successfully set sail, and the first phase of the ground fire node transmission system construction plan has been successfully completed."

The sound fell, and the cheers in the entire conference room and the command room on the ground became more and more boiling!

At the back of the command room on the ground, a group of media reporters blushed with excitement, shouting excitedly at their respective cameras,

"...The Suiren is on the right track, and the first space node of the ground fire node transmission system has been constructed and arranged. This is a historic moment! This is the beginning of a new era!" A reporter hoarse voice, expression Excited.

"Using the solar system to support human beings will start from this moment! This is the first key node in space built by the Earth Fire Bridge, and it is also an important node in the node transmission system of the galaxy network!"

"...Here is the live broadcast of the construction plan of the ground fire node transmission system brought to you by the news channel. Just now, we witnessed the completion of the first space node. This is the phased success of the first mission of Suiren! "

A group of media reported excitedly, causing the cheers and boiling sound from the command room on the ground to spread outward.

Countless spectators who were paying attention to the construction plan of the Zhaicheng Aerospace Ground Fire Line couldn't help standing up and cheering at this moment.

At this moment, it seems that the whole world is boiling!

On the Internet, relevant news reports poured out in an instant.

"Using the entire solar system to support human beings starts here!"

"From this moment on, there is a faint blue star in the starry sky!"

"Zhaicheng aerospace ground fire node transmission system has achieved phased success!"

The entire Internet is full of waves created by the Zhai City Space Center.

On the Xihe forum, people with tens of millions of memories gathered here to vent their emotions.

All kinds of posts related to it have grown explosively and are refreshed at a very high speed.

"God Di! God Di... God God!"

"Now there is a feeling, my heart is surging, I can't restrain myself!"

"I just want to say one thing, Dicheng Space Center is cheating, and I, Di Shen, am a god!"


Moon Palace Branch, in the general meeting room.

Standing in front of the meeting room, Zhang Zhai watched the crowd cheering and jumping for joy, with a smile on his face.

"Academician Gan, you have worked hard, Chief Engineer Yu, you have worked hard." Zhang Zhai turned around and said solemnly to the two people beside him.

"It's my honor." Mr. Yu said excitedly.

Academician Gan also shook his head with a smile.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Academician Gan couldn't help feeling a little emotional, "Being able to personally participate in such a grand plan and watch it complete in person will make people die without regret."

As he spoke, Academician Gan seemed to recall what Zhang Zhai had said before, and added,

"Of course, I'm just talking about it. I was born in such a magnificent era of interstellar voyages. I can't bear to die if I can witness human beings stepping out of the earth step by step and heading towards the starry sky."

the voice fell,

The three couldn't help laughing.


Time passed slowly, and although the researchers were still very excited, the cheers gradually subsided.

On the front side of the meeting room, Zhang Zhai looked at the excited crowd, and at the Suiren that was still shuttling through the universe at high speed on the holographic screen.

Zhang Zhai slowly picked up the communicator.

"The first launch of Suiren has been successful, and the construction of the ground-fire node transmission system has also achieved phased success. We have paid countless sweat and efforts for this success at this moment.

But that's just the beginning. "

"The destination of Suiren's first voyage is still far away, and the node transmission system is just the beginning.

We will keep going! "

"...I hope that after more than forty days, we can stand here and celebrate the completion of the Earthfire node transmission system!"

"Attention all departments, continue to maintain the data monitoring and verification of Suiren, and continue to implement the ground fire node transmission system construction plan!\

,""Target Mars, keep going!"

"The ground command room understands!"

"The Moon Palace Branch understands."

The enthusiastic feedback sounded.

Zhang Zhai looked at the people in the conference room with a smile on his face.

"Besides, start personnel rotation." Zhang Zhai paused, with a wider smile on his face,

"The rotated personnel immediately go to rest, and at the same time...celebrate!"


Boiling cheers sounded again.

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