Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 529 Announcement: Mars City and Manned Landing

In an instant, the text of the announcement appeared in front of everyone.

"...A few months ago, Zhaicheng Aerospace set foot on Mars for the first time, and established a permanent base, Yinghuo Base, and began to conduct in-depth exploration and research on Mars.

31 days ago, we launched the ground fire node transmission system construction plan, built ground fire bridges, experimented with barrier-free material transmission between ground fires, and opened the era of ground fire zero distance...

But this is just the beginning.

As Mr. Zhang Zhai once said, it is a long way to step into the starry sky and get out of infancy.

Zhaicheng Space Center will never stop marching towards the starry sky!

…In order to further explore and develop Mars, utilize Mars resources, further realize 'supporting human beings with the whole solar system', assist the realization of the galaxy network node transmission system, and promote the pace of human civilization to the starry sky, Zhaicheng Aerospace will start the construction of Mars city The plan is to build a city on Mars, Yinghuo City, based on the existing location of Yinghuo Base.

At the same time, Zhaicheng Aerospace will simultaneously launch the Mars manned landing plan to conduct experiments and exploration research for future Mars immigration.

Mr. Zhang Zhai will also personally participate in this manned Mars landing plan...

"...The Mars manned landing plan and the Mars city construction plan will be launched simultaneously in ten days!"


The first group of people who quickly browsed through the content of the announcement became excited in an instant.

The content of Zhaicheng Aerospace's announcement quickly spread outwards!

Articles of related news have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, flooding any corner of the Internet.

"Yinghuo City—the first city on Mars!"

"History begins! The birth of a great era!"

"Never stop, conquer Mars!"

"Humans will set foot on Mars for the first time—Zhaicheng Aerospace Manned Fire Landing Plan!"


Accompanied by passionate press releases, Zhai Cheng Aerospace's announcements spread at an extremely fast speed.

Countless people flocked to Zhai City's official website and Xihe's official website, and the news of the manned fire plan and the Mars city construction plan quickly spread to the whole world.

The group of people who were still immersed in the excitement of the completion of the construction of the ground fire node transmission system were even more excited at this moment.

On the Internet and in reality, the topic of discussion instantly changed to the two new plans of Zhaicheng Aerospace.

Countless people were immersed in excitement, discussing excitedly with their friends and relatives.

Xihe's official website forum, the number of online users who had been at its peak recently, climbed again by a large margin after the announcement of Zhaicheng Space Center.

Countless people are excitedly discussing related topics, and countless posts are refreshed and increased at an extremely fast speed.

"I knew it, I knew it! The ground fire node transmission system is just the beginning, but I didn't expect it to come so fast!"

"Manned on fire! This should be the first time in history that humans have set foot on Mars in person."

"Ah, it's a devil. After cultivating immortals for so long, I finally waited until the construction of the ground fire node was completed, and I was ready to take a good rest. But now I am so excited that I can't sleep at all!"


"Mars City, Yinghuo City!! Di Shen cheated!"

"I now have a real feeling that I am in a historic moment... No, I am in a great era, because this era has God Zhai!"

"Yuegong City, Yinghuo City! I have already been to Yuegong City, and when Yinghuo City is established, I will go and see it!"

Following the announcement made by Zhaicheng Aerospace, the whole world is boiling and surging.

For many people, tonight was a sleepless night.


Time passed slowly.

The time for manned landing on fire and the start of the Mars city plan is approaching.

In the Zhai City Space Center, despite the hustle and bustle of the outside world, the space center remained relatively calm.

Each project team is fulfilling its respective tasks, and various plans are also advancing in an orderly manner.

The manufacturing area of ​​Zhaicheng Aerospace Center.

Mr. Chen's sweat kept dripping from his forehead, and he worked with a group of production staff to keep busy.

Outside the manufacturing area, near the elevator entrance, Zhang Zhai, Professor Hu, and Academician Gan were all there.

Looking at the bustling scene in the manufacturing area, the three of them didn't speak much.

In the manufacturing area, with the tacit cooperation of a group of manufacturing personnel and the Terminator, the rapid operation, the prefabricated structure of Yinghuo City was built, and the equipment and devices were continuously manufactured.

"boss Zhang……"

Mr. Chen, who finally had a moment to spare, greeted him.

Zhang Zhai turned his gaze to Mr. Chen, looked at the unconcealable exhaustion on his face, and said with some seriousness: "Mr. Chen, please take a rest. I don't want to visit you in the hospital ward."

Mr. Chen just shook his head when he heard the words, and then avoided the topic.

"Mr. Zhang, the current manufacturing situation is relatively optimistic. According to the current trend, it should be able to be completed before the start of the plan."

Zhang Zhai glanced at Mr. Chen, said nothing more, turned his head to look at the manufacturing area, and asked,

"How much progress is it now?"

"According to the plan, the current progress should be around 90%, and it is expected to be completed within three to four days."

Zhang Zhai nodded when he heard the words, and looked at the large or small prefabricated components in the manufacturing area.

After chatting casually with Mr. Chen for a few more words, Zhang Zhai didn't delay Mr. Chen's time any longer.

After chatting with Professor Hu and Academician Gan about the two plans, Zhang Zhai left the manufacturing area directly.


As time goes by, the preparations for the Mars city construction plan and the Mars manned landing plan are also advancing.

It is the fifth day of the countdown to the official start of the plan.

Six kilometers away from the Zhaicheng Space Center, the starting point of the ground fire node transmission system is located.

Hundreds of large anti-gravity transport vehicles formed a huge torrent of steel, constantly driving towards the dark blue light curtain.

The anti-gravity transport vehicle is equipped with prefabricated components and installation equipment for building Martian cities.

According to the plan, these prefabricated components and devices will be shipped to Mars one after another before the plan is officially implemented.

Outside the warning area of ​​the transmission device, many tourists gathered at the moment.

"...This is the starting point of the Earthfire Node transmission device. As the beginning of the most grand plan of mankind so far, it represents...symbolizes..." A person who looks like a tour guide explained to the people behind him.

But even in the tour group he led, few people heard the speech, and everyone was immersed in this shocking picture.

"...Seeing this scene, I realized what the power of technology is." An old man with gray hair couldn't help but sigh with emotion as he watched the torrent of anti-gravity transport vehicles constantly pouring into the transmission device.

"No, this is the mighty power of Zhaicheng Aerospace." A slightly younger middle-aged man next to him answered.

"That's right." The gray-haired old man nodded with a smile.


The location of the Earth-Moon transmission ground device is only one kilometer away from the starting point of the Earth-Fire node transmission system.

At this moment, transport vehicles full of lunar resources are constantly pouring out of the Earth-Moon transmission device.

After the faint blue light curtain gushed out, the transport vehicles did not drive towards Zhai City as usual,

Instead, it drove towards the starting point of the ground fire node transmission, and continuously merged into the steel torrent in front of the ground fire transmission starting point device.

Outside the warning area,

A group of tourists looked at this picture and were immersed in shock.

Looking up, he looked at this creation of the peak technology of mankind.

"Boom boom boom..."

The deafening sound of footsteps resounded intensively, and all the tourists couldn't help looking for their prestige.

In the distance, thousands of Terminators formed a huge phalanx, wrapped in yellow sand, trampled on the ground, and quickly attacked the origin transmission device.

After a very short time, the terminator phalanx also merged into the torrent in front of the transmission device.

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