Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 576 Taiyin City

"Mr. Zhang, are you going to personally participate in the manned landing on Venus this time?" Professor Hu looked at Zhang Zhai and asked.

Hearing this, Zhang Zhai stood up and walked to the window.

"Participate." Zhang Zhai looked at the sunset that was gradually sinking into the horizon, and replied affirmatively,

"Like the previous two manned landing plans, I will personally participate."

"Professor Hu, just think I'm going to take the opportunity to be lazy." Zhang Zhai looked away, turned around and said with a smile.

Professor Hu nodded when he heard the words, but didn't say anything to refute.

"It seems that, Professor Hu, you don't plan to object to my personal landing on Venus this time." Zhang Zhai said with a smile.

"I want to dissuade you, Mr. Zhang, but the experience of the previous two times tells me that I can't dissuade you." Professor Hu also smiled, "And, as Mr. Zhang said before, this kind of first landing plan is very important for Zhang. In general, you have some experience."

"Mars has gone before, and Venus is closer. I really can't think of a better reason to dissuade and oppose it."

"It seems that Professor Hu is on my side this time." Zhang Zhai smiled.

"No, everyone is on your side, Mr. Zhang. It was in the past, it is now, and it will be the same in the future." Professor Hu solemnly said,

"Although we are concerned about your safety, we will not hinder you.

After all, you are Di God, the Di God of all of us. "

Hearing the sound, the smile on Zhang Zhai's face gradually faded,

Looking at Professor Hu, after a slight pause, he said solemnly:



Time passed, and after discussing the manned landing on Venus, Professor Hu also stepped out of the meeting room.

The general conference room was suddenly quiet.

After scanning the meeting room, Zhang Zhai went to the window again and looked out the window.

At this moment, the setting sun has disappeared into the horizon, only the afterglow still reflects the sky.

Just to the west, over the last rays of the setting sun, a bright star was emerging.

In ancient times, it was called "Chang Geng" when it appeared in the evening, and it was called Qiming when it appeared in the morning.

Looking at the star, Zhang Zhai showed a smile on his face.

Withdrawing his gaze, Zhang Zhai walked straight to the meeting room.


It's night, Zhai City Space Center, the lounge on the top floor.

Zhang Zhai half leaned on the back of the chair, in front of him were the holographic images of Academician Gan and Chief Engineer Yu.

"...a new batch of people who have been recruited from the ground to the Moon Palace City is already in place, and the eighth batch of Yinghuo immigrants are already in preparation." Academician Gan briefly explained the situation of Yinghuo immigrants to Zhang Zhai.

Zhang Zhai nodded upon hearing this, then turned his head to look at the holographic image of Chief Engineer Yu.

"Chief engineer Yu, how is the progress of the pre-production tasks in the Qiming City construction plan?"

"...The manufacturing of the prefabricated components required for the construction of Qiming City is progressing relatively smoothly, and there are no insurmountable problems for the time being.

According to the comparison of construction plans, the total progress of the manufacturing tasks of prefabricated components and related equipment and instruments is about 30%.

Based on the current trends in the manufacturing areas of Moon Palace City and Yinghuo City, it should be able to be completed before the scheduled implementation time of the plan. "

In Moon Palace City, even though it was almost late at night, Chief Engineer Yu was still in the manufacturing area.

"Thank you, Mr. Yu."

Chief Engineer Yu shook his head when he heard the words, "It's not hard work, and completing the manufacturing task within the expected time is itself the responsibility of the manufacturing area."

Hearing this, Zhang Di didn't say anything more.

After chatting with Chief Engineer Yu and Academician Gan about related matters, the holographic call ended.


Time passed quickly.

Day by day, the voyage of the Suiren continued, and the construction of the ground metal transmission line was gradually advancing.

The preliminary preparations for the construction plan of Qiming City are also in progress.

In the comprehensive meeting room, with the participation of Zhang Zhai, the manned landing plan on Venus and the construction plan of the second lunar city are also being continuously improved.

The entire Zhaicheng Aerospace Center is nervously and methodically advancing various plans.

The completion of the construction of the land metal transmission line and the start of the construction of Qiming City have gradually entered the countdown stage.


It is the sixth day of the countdown to the expected completion of the construction of the ground-gold transmission line.

In the manufacturing area of ​​Yinghuo City and Moon Palace City, with the efforts of a group of manufacturers and terminators, the manufacturing progress of Qiming City's prefabricated components has advanced to 40%.

With the participation of Zhang Zhai, the construction plan of the second lunar city and the perfection of the Venus manned landing plan have advanced a lot further


It is the fifth day of the countdown to the expected completion of the construction of the ground-gold transmission line.

As time approached, the construction of the ground-metal transmission line was over halfway, and more than a hundred node transmission devices were connected to form a 'line' between the ground-metal, and this 'line' was still extending forward.

In the manufacturing area of ​​Yinghuo City and Moon Palace City.

A group of manufacturing personnel and a large number of terminators are constantly busy.

With the tacit cooperation of the manufacturing personnel and the Terminator, large or small prefabricated components and devices were born in the manufacturing area.

With the stacking of prefabricated components, the preparatory work for Qiming City is gradually approaching completion.


The fourth day of the countdown, the third day...


There are only two days left before the estimated completion time of the construction of the ground metal transmission line.

Zhaicheng Aerospace Center, comprehensive conference room on the fourth floor.

"Who has any disagreement on the final issue of the Venus manned landing plan?" Professor Hu's hoarse voice sounded.

After the voice fell, the meeting room fell into a brief silence, and no one stood up to question and refute.

Zhang Zhai glanced at the tired-looking team leaders in the conference room, stood up,

"Since you have no other comments, I declare that the Venus manned landing plan has been completed."

When the voice sounded, smiles appeared on the faces of all the people in charge, and soft cheers resounded in the conference room.

Looking at the crowd, Zhang Di also had a smile on his face.

After several days of continuous discussion and research, the perfection of the Venus manned landing plan was finally declared complete.

According to the plan, this manned landing on Venus will no longer be carried out at the same time as the Qiming City construction plan.

Instead, it will start after the construction of Qiming City is completed.

At that time, Zhang Zhai will personally participate in the manned landing on Venus as before, and take the new anti-gravity spacecraft that is still under construction to the Venus Venus City.

"Professor Hu, hand over the Venus manned landing plan to each team, start the preparatory work, and notify the manufacturing area at the same time, temporarily shift the focus to the construction of the new anti-gravity spacecraft, and complete the construction of the current anti-gravity spacecraft as soon as possible .” Zhang Zhai turned his head, looked at Professor Hu and said.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang." Professor Hu nodded in response.

Zhang Zhai nodded, turned his head to look at the people in the meeting room,

"This is the end of today's research and discussion, and tomorrow we will continue the improvement of the second lunar city construction plan."

Hearing the sound, a group of team leaders, who were still in high spirits but could not hide their tired faces, began to leave the conference room in twos and threes.

On the side, Professor Hu didn't get up in a hurry, while looking at the person in charge who left one after another, he smiled and said to Zhang Zhai,

"Mr. Zhang, regarding the completion of the construction plan for the second lunar city, it seems that we haven't named it yet."

"Professor Hu, do you have any comments?" Zhang Zhai looked away, looked at Professor Hu, smiled and asked,

"Mr. Zhang, you can name it." Professor Hu shook his head.

Looking at Professor Hu, Zhang Zhai didn't say anything more.

Wei Wei thought for a while and said,

"Let's call it Taiyin City."

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